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From: Equis Support <support@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "'greene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <greene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Attn:  Bill Forman/Can You Shed Some Light on This?
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I'm glad no problems <g>.  Regarding Omega and Equis International.
Apparently, we have offered them our library in exchange for their data
API.  We haven't received an agreement for them to send us theirs yet so
ours hasn't been sent to them yet.  I thought that had already been

They reversed engineered our format in the past.  They will have a
difficult time doing that now so they asked for our library.  We agreed
if they would give us theirs.  Apparently, negotiations are ongoing
regarding that aspect of the deal.

I suspect it will be worked out.  I would not worry much until at least

Bill Forman
Customer Support Manager
Equis International
A Reuters Company
Please include previous email answers and questions in your response. 

Equis and MetaStock and MetaStock Professional are registered trademarks
of Equis International.  Achelis Binary Wave, The DownLoader, Expert
Advisor, OptionScope, Quotecenter, and Smart Charts are trademarks of
Equis International.

-----Original Message-----
From: greene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:greene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, March 05, 1999 12:47 PM
To: support@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Attn: Bill Forman/Can You Shed Some Light on This?

Hi Bill - Long time no see (guess that's because I haven't
had any problems <smile>).  Anyway - there are a fair number
of Equis/Omega Research product users on the Omega mail list
(a list run by Omega users - not Omega).  We are all trying
to get our systems Y2K ready.  And we're trying to figure
out what is going on with Equis and Omega re compatibility
of TradeStation 2000i and the new Y2K Metastock format.  I
am getting different stories from both companies - and I'd
like to find out exactly what's going on.

Note that I am not trying to find out who is at fault here -
I'm only trying to find out whether Omega products will work
with Equis products in the future.  If they won't work
together - then those of us who have used both products in
the past will have to choose between one or the other (and
possibly replace the program that's being thrown in the

I am forwarding a copy of the correspondence I've had with
Omega - and I look forward to your response (or a response
from someone who knows about this).  Thanks.  Robyn Greene