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> Unbelievable...

Why? Enough people on this list have had similar experiences. Just because you
believe in Omega/Cruz to the point of worshiping them,  doesn't mean that some of
us have had a different experience. I didn't realize that only your
opinion/experiences were valid.

> What was the "first solution provider for Omega TradeStation" involved in your
> text, what was the name of the product and why did you discontinue it ?

First let me reiterate; I was an investor not a programmer/developer in the
company and we were one of the first of about three or four working on
systems/indicators at the time. The company was called Intelligent Market
Analytics, not that it has any relevance to the unkept promises and deceit by Cruz
and Company. I've read enough of your posts to know that as the "Official Omega
Lackey" you want to know specifics so you can come to their defense. So l will
give you one in hopes to shut you up (fat chance I know).

When we were developing our systems and indicators, Cruz  had promised us that he
would not to "divulge or use" any of our work, finished or in progress, and told
us to fax him directly with our problems/questions with "Easy Language". In return
he promised  to call us back the following day with the answers himself. When he
failed to keep those promises,  our release date began to slip dramatically.
Finally, he allowed us to call Sam Tennis directly for help (I think Sam was
involved with the development of Easy Language at the time). Damn nice fellow; I
have a lot of respect for Sam as an individual and his programming abilities.

At the time Omega did not have a particular function/indicator. Too many years
have passed but if my memory serves me correctly it was the Swing hi/lo and our
company had spent the time to develop one. Yes, Sam gave advice and helped us
along. However, not more than several weeks later in a beta version of the next
release of Trade Station shows up and bingo! There is our Swing hi/lo are right
there. Of course when questioned, Cruz denied having copied, stolen, ripped off
our work, and claimed that it was just coincidental. It wasn't until then we
realized what he must have been doing with our development work and why he wanted
it faxed directly to him. Anything that was not truly proprietary (i.e. a system
or study) was fair game for copying.

Now before you get all high and mighty Pierre and start defending, (1) you were
not there and heard the telephone conversations or promises with Cruz and (2) yes
eventually someone else would have come along and coded the same thing, but "at
the time" we could not help but believe that Omega/Cruz would take an idea, copy
it and called it their own. This is just one many examples as to why I neither
trust nor believe Bill Cruz.

> Seems that your Solution Provider status was not a success, when reading between
> the lines.
> Could you elaborate ?

It's none of your damn business! Besides, from what I've read in  the past, you
like to pick a sores and I'm not going to give you another one to pick at.

While I have no ax to grind with you personally, I have read your posts over the
years in defense of Omega which is fine by me. That's what free speech is all
about. However, Omega/Cruz does not treat everyone like they treat you. You my
friend are one of the privileged few ("few" being the operative word).

  • References: