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Dans un courrier daté du 10/02/99 23:05:13 Heure d11iver Pari13 Madrid,
parks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
>  Like a lot of people in the various news groups I belong to, I cringe at
> idea  of having to upgrade to TS2000. Years ago I was an investor in a
> that was  one of the first solution providers for Omega Tradestation (Sam
Tennis was 
> an  Omega employee and most systems were written for MetaStock).  Bill Cruz
> an  arrogant, lying SOB back then and hasn't changed since then and I
> give  him the sweat off of my cajones.


What was the "first solution provider for Omega TradeStation" involved in your
text, what was the name of the product and why did you discontinue it ?

(re snip)

 However when one considers the choices 
> available  for an affordable, proven   "middle of the road" software
solution, the 
> pickings  are slim. The new guys coming on line with new affordable
solutions will 
> need a  couple of years to iron out the bugs and gain customer confidence
> biggest  obstacle for them to overcome).

Maybe more.

 (snip again)
>  I believe one of the reasons Omega is where they are today, is because they
> were  the first with a real time Windows program that provided a means to
>  systems/indicators while MetaStock was still DOS. They were at the right 
> place at  the right time when M/S did not listen to it's customers and M/S
went from 
> being  #1 to #??? The day will come when Omega no longer enjoys it's top
> and  there will be a new #1. There are many of us who can't wait until that
>  arrives and Omega's arrogant attitude comes back to bite them in the ass.

Most of this is right.
You cannot make any reproach to Bil Cruz and his company to have produced the
first open platform with a true programming language.
At this time you were happy of that.
Time elapsed since these days, but facts remain.

Seems that your Solution Provider status was not a success, when reading
between the lines.
Could you elaborate ?


Pierre Orphelin

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