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Re: OFF TOPIC: Re: Greetings from London .Internet cafe. Bonds. Bills

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Tim I'll go one step further, who were the smartest majority in your school
class rooms all your life(women, females). Guys you might hate that but you
know its a fact since the first grade on through college this was true for
me. Just look at Tim he's the one looking after the little one, now that's
the work of a genius working behind the scenes there. Teasing Tim,
maybe......  hahaha, no wonder they out live men by an average of three
years. I live in a neighborhood that has a lot of old people and you know
who's left, well it's not the husband they all buried him years ago.

P.S. As far as Katherine's looks I bet you a dollar to a dime she is


 Timothy Morge wrote:
>Just a quick note before I go help feed the new baby...
>If you've been around the MERC or the CBOT, you know that there are some
>stunningingly attractive and intelligent female traders in this business. I
>won't names, but two high profile females come to mind: One is a partial
>of the Chicago White Sox and another is part-owner of Lind-Waldock. I can
>remember when both stood in the pits and traded currencies--there were always
>those rumours of the two of them getting black eyes from all the elbows
>in the pits, but somehow, they both seemed to do just fine for themselves.
>And those of us that have worked at large institutions know that females
are at
>least as intelligent and talented as we males [at least, that's my
opinion]. The
>last trading desk I ran had just about a fifty percent split. And the best
>trader I taught was a woman--she may have had the best all around talent for
>trading I ever saw. Needless to say, she was quite attractive, as well as
>skilled; she's married now with three children and still trades for a living.
>Woman are at least as talented as men as traders--perhaps they just forego
>public boasting?
>Oh well...back to the little guy.
>Tim Morge
>FelixTY wrote:
>> Katherina,
>>        Gee! Am really curious, can you send a picture of yours?
Privately or
>> Publicly?
>> I have never seen any pretty market traders yet!! All the good traders I
>> have met are
>> kind of rough looking guys, Haha!
>> Let's take a breather , Guys and Gal !!,
>>                Felix
>> katherina macgowan wrote:
>> > I apologise to list and especially Bill for unintentionally causing such
>> > a fuss.
>> >
>> > Ive got nothing to do with DBC or Bill for that matter. Just very
>> > satified with what I got  and learned  in 3 days and wanted to make sure
>> > Bill continues to contribute to list without being hassled as he was a
>> > couple of weeks back by trader Jack etc which offended me as does any
>> > rudeness to anyone.
>> > Some people were questioning wether Bill was the real thing. I found out
>> > he is the real thing.  Sorry my intentions were misconstrued .
>> >
>> > Re. Hotmail.Im from Australia and  and everyone that travels has
>> > hotmail.Now at  an internet cafe in london and over 20 sudents and
>> > travellers in this room  are all using hotmail. I would not be able to
>> > access my e-mail here if I didnt have hotmail.Its been great. Made one
>> > especially for omega list as it had paralysed my ibm.net acount  which I
>> > dont bother using anymore.
>> >
>> > Re: My last post , To be helpful ,I thought I should leave another
>> > contact as I knew I wasnt going to get back regularly for rest of week
>> > if people responded . I didnt know Bills e-mail of top of my head so put
>> > the DBCeuro route to Bill instead. I should have realised what an uproar
>> > that would cause.  Sorry about it.
>> >
>> > Katherina.
>> >
>> > --------------------------------------)
>> >
>> > >
>> > >