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Omega Research - Response to the Year 2000 Issue

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Dear Omega Research Customers;

All of us at Omega Research realize that the Year 2000 compliance issue
is a cause of concern for many of our customers.  We also realize that
the release of our 5.0 products is of concern to many customers as well.
As a company, Omega Research is committed to our customers.  It is our
intention to be responsive to our customers which we believe will be
evident in the upcoming release of our 5.0 programs and in the provision
of making our current shipping versions of TradeStation, OptionStation
and SuperCharts year 2000 compliant. 

We understand the main issue of not having the current shipping versions
of TradeStation, OptionStation and SuperCharts  year 2000 compliant at
this time for real time and delayed data users is that all contracts
which have an expiration date after the year 1999 expire after running
the Morning Update.  This of course applies to our customers who trade
Futures and Options.  However, this is not the case for those customers
who trade Stocks, Indexes or Mutual Funds as those symbols do not

The way to avoid this problem is to disable the Morning Update.
Attached at the bottom of this email you will find instructions
regarding disabling the Morning Update and why you do not need to be
concerned if you disable the Morning Update.  Again, disabling the
Morning Update is only necessary for those customers who are trading
Future and Option contracts which expire after the year 1999.  Those
customers who are trading Stocks, Indexes or Mutual Funds should
continue to run the Morning Update as usual.

As a company we want to make the best decisions possible.  Prioritizing
our customer's concerns is key in making the best decisions.  Timing the
release of our new version of programs and providing year 2000
functionality to our current shipping versions of TradeStation,
OptionStation and SuperCharts is one of those key decisions we had to
make.  Based upon the workaround which prevents Future and Option
contracts from expiring, and the fact that our current shipping versions
will remain operational for the next 17 months and the fact that our new
versions are nearing release, we have made the decision to release the
5.0 programs first and then provide year 2000 functionality to our
current shipping versions of TradeStation, OptionStation and

Be assured that we at Omega Research will provide a free Version 4.0
update posted on our web site that will make the current shipping
versions of TradeStation, OptionStation(versions 1.2)  and SuperCharts
year 2000 compatible.  Once the fully released versions of our 5.0
programs are shipping, we will provide a timeline for the Year 2000


Dennis Boyle
Omega Research, Inc.
Customer Support Manager

This applies to real-time and delayed Futures and Options Traders only.

The information below explains the procedures accomplished by the
Morning Update. You will not encounter any problems if you decide not to
run a Morning Update. 

We apologize if the Server manual gives the impression that it is unsafe
to disable this feature. Although the Morning Update provides a less
time consuming way to perform routine maintenance automatically, these
procedures can be done manually. Performing these procedures manually
can be helpful if the Morning Update interferes with the collection of
data. The procedures are as follows:

- Deleting Log File Information

The log files record information displayed in the System Status, Morning
Update and Daily Data Collection windows. These files are "cleaned" by
deleting any information older than 5 days. (5 is the default number of
days specified. This may be changed by the user.) 

These files may be deleted manually or by adding a line to your
AUTOEXEC.BAT. They will be rebuilt upon opening the server. 

These log files are located in:


The files are:

OSERVER.LOG for the System Status Log window
MORNING.LOG for the Morning Update Log window
DAILY.LOG for the Daily Data Log window

To delete the files manually:

1.	Use the Start - Find - Files or Folders menu sequence to access
the Find: All Files dialog.
2.	Enter the name of the file, OSERVER.LOG, MORNING.LOG or
DAILY.LOG into the Named edit box.
3.	Click OK. The file will be listed and highlighted.
4.	Use the File - Delete menu sequence to delete the file.

If you would like to have these files deleted automatically when you
reboot your computer you can add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. Please note that the lines are written specifically for the data
provider you use. The 1st line is for BMI users, the 2nd for DBC SIGNAL
and the 3rd for S&P COMSTOCK.


- Deleting Old Data 

Another maintenance procedure handled during the Morning Update is the
removal of data older than the number of days you specified to save. To
delete data use the File - Delete menu sequence from the Omega Server to
specify the date range for the symbols you want to delete.  We recommend
you do this periodically.  

- Data File and Symbol Portfolio Backup

Backing up the Symbol Portfolio and the tick data file is another
procedure performed during the Morning Update. Whatever method you use
for your regular backups, such as tape backup, zip drive or removable
hard drive, will also backup your tick data file and portfolio list. 

- Symbol Portfolio Maintenance

The Morning Update adds new future symbols, renames expired future and
option symbols with an archive name and deletes expired future and
option symbols. To do this manually, use the steps listed below.

1.	To delete a symbol from the Symbol Portfolio, highlight the
symbol and hit the Delete button. Please note that when you delete a
symbol from the portfolio you also delete the data for that symbol.

2.	To add the next contract month for a future symbol, highlight
the current contract and click the Next Month button. 

3.	To rename a symbol, highlight the symbol and click Rename. 

I hope this provides the necessary information to make an informed
decision in this matter and allows you to feel more comfortable in
disabling the Morning Update.

Our Customer Support Center is available to serve you.  If you have any
questions or need assistance with any of the above, please contact us.

Melody A. Blais
Omega Research, Inc.
Customer Support Supervisor