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Re: Portana Portfolio Analyzer

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At 05:26 PM 3/10/98 -0500, William Brower wrote:

>At 07:55 AM 3/10/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>"Portana Portfolio Analyzer" was an Omega add-on that claimed to track 
>>a trader's portfolio and to allow a trader to test trading systems 
>>across multiple tradeables. 
>I use Portana for simple portfolio simulations.  Its advantage is its speed
>and low cost.  Remember, it is still a DOS product.  I reviewed the product
>a long time ago in TS Express and still find it to be a valuable tool.

Another portfolio analyser product is "PortfolioPro 1.1" from Aztec Trading
Research Inc. viewable at:  http://members.aol.com/shalfpenny/index.htm   .
It's reasonably priced, $249. You can download a demo off the Aztec website.  

An example report generated by Aztec's PortfolioPro v1.1 on a portfolio of
TS based mechanical trading models follows below. PortfolioPro v1.1 is a
handy tool for analysing a portfolio's performance. 


*** PortfolioPro v1.1 (c)1996 - Aztec Trading Research Inc.       Page 1  ***
*** Date : 11-29-1997   Time : 12:28      Test Period : 750619 to 971128  ***
*** All figures shown with $100.00 deducted for commission/slippage       ***
                              A L L   T R A D E S

Total Net Profit     $    1051875.00      Percent Break-even             0.1%
Gross Profit         $    1652875.00      Gross Loss             $ -601000.00

Total # Of Trades             730         Percent Profitable            50.7%
Number Winning Trades         370         Number Losing Trades         360

Largest Winning Trade  $    29681.25      Largest Losing Trade  $    -6450.00
Average Winning Trade  $     4467.23      Average Losing Trade  $    -1669.44
Ratio Avg Win/Avg Loss          2.68      Avg Trade(Win & Loss) $     1440.92

Max Consec. Winning Trades     12         Max Consec. Losing Trades        11
Max Consec. Winning Days        9         Max Consec. Losing Days           9
Avg # Bars In Winners          71.0       Avg # Bars In Losers           18.6

Profit Factor                   2.75      Max #Conts/Shrs Held              1
Max Drawdn $     -27812.50 on 950901      Longest Flat Time      45 on 840725

Absolute Net Profit  $    3255668.75      Absolute Percent Profitable   95.1%
Absolute Avg Trade   $       4459.82

Maximum Adverse Excurs $    -3762.50      Maximum Give-Back     $    13225.00
Average Adverse Excurs $     -718.04      Average Give-Back     $     3216.47
                                          Average % Give-Back           41.9%

Reconciliation of TradeStation vs. Portfolio Pro on WCT DIV Trades			
TradeStation total results			
	WCT-BP		193,437.50
	WCT-DM		107,025.00
	WCT-JY		132,525.00
	WCT-SF	        137,575.00
	DIV-BP		158,650.00
	DIV-JY		148,300.00
	DIV-SF		146,575.00
	Sub-total	1,024,087.50
Open trade equity	28,487.50
	TS Total	1,052,575.00
Portfolio Pro results	1,051,875.00
$100/trade costs	      700.00    
        PortPro Total   1,052,575.00

Michael Paauwe