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[amibroker] Re: Study Charting dare I say bugs...

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While I know that not many dlls have been published, It doesnt 
necessarily mean that very few dlls are actually written. I have 
written hundreds of dlls myself, though I have hardly published any. 
I think a few others might be in the same situation. AFL has been 
developed to such an extent that the needs to write plugins have 
receded somewhat, that itself is not an inditement of the failure of 
the plugin strategy, but really evidence of the success and 
popularity of AFL. However, there are many things that can only be 
done in dlls and some are better done in dlls than AFL. 

Obviously, No one would be able to write any dlls if not for your 
vision in make the interface available. The problem of not many 
published dlls is not an indication of non-success of dlls, but more 
to do with lack of incentives and presence of barriers to share 
written dlls. Because AFL dlls are so easy to write, I have written 
many just for my own needs which I believe are quite individual and 
probably wont be wanted by the majority of users. There are still 
many that I would think would be of interests to others. But I feel 
that there are barriers and/or lack of incentives that are the cause 
of me not publishing more dlls. The most obvious one is the lack of 
packaging, specifically the lack of integration between a dll 
function and an associated chm help file. There is no formal ability 
to tag on a chm file so that help for a particular dll function can 
be accessed easily, much like native functions. Of course one can de-
compile a chm file and re-compile it again with customised help for 
his own use. But I can hardly use that if I want to publish it. While 
native functions have links to an AFL on-line reference to show how 
it is used, and further links to the on line library to show examples 
with facilities for feedback/comments and discussions. There is no 
such facilitation on line for that to happen for dlls. The 3rd party 
areas contains one link to download, and that is it, and I dont even 
know how to upload anything into that area. 

I'm sure if there are improvements in these area. The 
industralisation of third party dlls will become far more popular, 
and there will be more published.

--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Tomasz Janeczko" <groups@xxx> 
> Hello,
> Yes I have read beyond that point, and I have read about plugins 
for "drawing tools". Generally I would agree. But not without doubts.
> Unfortunatelly, while non-GUI stuff (like AFL, data plugins, 
optimization plugins) can easily be interfaced via few functions,
> the GUI stuff is usually more tricky to "standarise". But generally 
having plugins for everything is nice idea.
> On the other hand, despite the fact that AFL plugin interface 
exists from 2001 (7 years now), a very few 3rd party plugins were
> written, even considering the fact that they are easiest to write. 
so I am not so sure if 3rd party "drawing tools" would be developed 
at all.
> Best regards,
> Tomasz Janeczko
> amibroker.com
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Paul Ho 
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>   Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:41 AM
>   Subject: RE: [amibroker] Re: Study Charting dare I say bugs...
>   Tomasz,
>   You are pretty good to pounce on semantics. But i didnt say AB 
was a one man band
>   I said Tomasz, you are a one man band. And I'm pretty convinced 
that I'm right by the way you replied to this post. Anyway, did you 
read what I say beyond that? Plugins are implemented in AB but only 
in AFL. I said other parts of AB will benefit greatly in that 
approach, in particular the hand drawing capabililties. Just to use 
the muic analogy a bit more because I play a bit myself. I think part 
of AB industralisation is more than composing music, it is conducting 
an orchastra to play the piece that you compose (AB) well.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     From: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tomasz Janeczko
>     Sent: Saturday, 21 June 2008 7:16 PM
>     To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>     Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: Study Charting dare I say bugs...
>     Hello,
>     For correctness sake: AB is NOT one man band.
>     There is Marcin doing 99% of support tasks. Plus I do outsource
>     bookkeeping and some other "side" tasks.
>     What is one-man is AmiBroker core development.
>     And it will stay that way for various reasons, with main reason
>     being that adding 2 more developers for core development
>     would SLOW DOWN the development and the quality 
>     would go down hill, no matter how good these developers are.
>     These are facts of life. I was working in various developer 
>     in the past starting from 3 people ending at 40 developers
>     and adding developers only adds problems. The only 
>     way to work in a team in efficient way is to have *separate* 
>     to develop (they can communicate between each other).
>     Sligthly less efficient (but still OK) is to have plugin 
>     with well defined interface. The plugin approach is already 
implemented in AB.
>     Programming is NOT equivalent to homebuilding.
>     Programming is rather like composing music. At least for me.
>     Did you see lots of music written by more than one composer?
>     (even if many people appear on the "credits", usually the core 
idea is the work
>     of one man).
>     Best regards,
>     Tomasz Janeczko
>     amibroker.com
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: "brian_z111" <brian_z111@xxx>
>     To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>     Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:56 AM
>     Subject: [amibroker] Re: Study Charting dare I say bugs...
>     > Paul,
>     > 
>     > Thanks for your thoughtful comments.
>     > 
>     >> I also assumed that many of those who wanted/relied 
>     >> on AB's drawing capabilities might also have deserted us 
>     > 
>     > Dennis, Joseph, Murthyuresh and Bill are still here.
>     > They strike me as being people with a good knowledge of AB 
and also 
>     > not the types to make frivilous complaints.
>     > 
>     >> Believe me, the law 
>     >> of diminishing return applies far more rigourously in human 
>     >> CPUs.
>     > 
>     > 
>     > I have to agree that this is a factor but born business 
people thrive 
>     > on that challenge.
>     > 
>     > Small business challenges are the same all around the 
developed world.
>     > 
>     > Example:
>     > 
>     > Friends of my wife - husband and wife 6 figure+ PA turnover 
>     > year - earthmoving and construction.
>     > 
>     > He was on mobile and got calls all day, every day and night 
of the 
>     > week.
>     > He was a one man 'operating' band - she 'did the books' and 
was the 
>     > hidden business brains.
>     > 
>     > I told him "if you are available 24/7 they will call you 
24/7, if you 
>     > are available 9 to 5 they will call you 9 to 5 and you will 
still do 
>     > exactly the same amount of business".
>     > 
>     > Also - the decision to change from a 'one man band' operation 
>     > a 'business model' is very hard for anyone and excruciating 
for some.
>     > 
>     > I told him "you have to learn to trust people and delegate 
and then 
>     > you can get some fishing time".
>     > 
>     > Today his mobile is private and only for family use.
>     > He has a business (sort of) manager and an office (sort of) 
>     > 
>     > I told him "Now you have to give your 'manager' his own 
project to 
>     > run from start to finish and give him a % of the profit.
>     > If he is successful then give him the next project as well 
and take 
>     > your first holiday in 10 years" (his wife always listens 
>     > 
>     > Then I said "It doesn't matter what you do the staff will 
never do it 
>     > exactly as you will do it yourself and they will never be 
quite as 
>     > good at it as you are".
>     > 
>     > He turned to me and said "Yes, but they are good enough".
>     > 
>     > His business has doubled in the last 3 years.
>     > 
>     > His wife is a very good student.
>     > 
>     > brian_z
>     > 
>     > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Paul Ho" <paultsho@> wrote:
>     >>
>     >> Being a patron of AB for more than 4 years. I would say that 
AB is 
>     >> very much an AFL centric product. The changes in the AFL 
engine and 
>     >> its capabilities has been nothing short of phenomenal. In 
>     >> the hand drawing features of AB has hardly changed in the 
last 4 
>     >> years, and probably not much has changed for much longer 
than that. 
>     >> Although not publicly stated, I presumed that it is the 
>     >> that Tomasz wants to go, and this specialization has been 
>     >> successful. I can also assumed that many of those who 
>     >> on AB's drawing capabilities might also have deserted us 
already. I 
>     >> have known some of the problems Dennis has mentioned long 
time ago, 
>     >> but somehow I have never bothered even to mentioned them, 
>     >> because I developed myself more on AFL as a trading and 
>     >> tool, and hardly use the drawing tools these day. 
>     >> 
>     >> Tomasz is a one man band. So I can apprecriate and am very 
>     > with 
>     >> the product direction he has taken. I dont think Brian's 
>     >> of hiring a few more programmers is the answer. Believe me, 
the law 
>     >> of diminishing return applies far more rigourously in human 
>     >> CPUs. What I would like to see is that Tomasz opens up the 
>     >> drawing capability to third party contribution throuh the 
use of 
>     >> plugins, much like the AFL and data plugins. Once done, I'm 
>     > that 
>     >> people will roll their own drawing tools. Of course, 
existing bugs 
>     >> will still need to be fixed.
>     >> 
>     >> --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "brian_z111" <brian_z111@> 
>     >> >
>     >> > > And no, I can not hire 2 more programmers because then I 
>     >> need 
>     >> > >to rise the cost of the program 3 times
>     >> > > and then everyone would scream that it is too expensive 
>     > will 
>     >> > >walk away. Then it would mean the end of product.
>     >> > 
>     >> > Since Dennis's intent is to invite constructive comment 
and since 
>     >> the 
>     >> > forum does act as an informal customer feedback center:
>     >> > 
>     >> > the content of your reply relates to a lot of personal and 
>     > business 
>     >> > decisions - not sure if you are inviting comment on those 
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > As a customer:
>     >> > 
>     >> > I am not certain that I am a price buyer (once again this 
>     >> to 
>     >> > business theory and application), probably not.
>     >> > 
>     >> > The price is nice but is it the reason I buy AB?
>     >> > 
>     >> > In the first place I made a choice to make trading my home 
>     >> > business (I could have chosen something else), so that 
makes me a 
>     >> > business customer I guess (albeit a small-time one).
>     >> > 
>     >> > You can't trade professionally with anything less than 
>     > $100K.
>     >> > If I invested that amount with an Aussie fund I would pay 
>     > 2% 
>     >> > expenses, so 2K PA is a reasonable operating cost.
>     >> > 
>     >> > When I first started my costs were high (books, training 
>     >> etc) 
>     >> > but now I can operate around those figures (I do my own 
tax and 
>     >> only 
>     >> > need software/data/computer/internet - but I would have 
>     >> > computer/internet anyway - I don't need specialist 
computers for 
>     >> > trading).
>     >> > 
>     >> > Of course that is only if we don't consider brokerage as a 
>     > business 
>     >> > cost - if I daytrade 100k what is my annual brokerage 
bill? - 
>     >> > mentally I lump this in with gross edge - commissions == 
net edge 
>     >> but 
>     >> > in business terms it is on the books as operating costs.
>     >> > Software/data costs are a tiny fraction of annual 
>     >> > 
>     >> > Anyone who has operated a business, in one of the major 
>     >> of 
>     >> > the world, will know that trading costs are laughable 
compared to 
>     >> the 
>     >> > costs of running other businesses - most businesses in 
>     >> run 
>     >> > on very low net returns compared to the capital invested 
in the 
>     >> > business.
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > Also when I bought AB I was not a naive trader.
>     >> > I knew what I was doing and had owned two other software 
>     >> > prior to AB.
>     >> > 
>     >> > On that basis I would say I am a specialist customer 
>     > that 
>     >> is 
>     >> > AB's niche in the market).
>     >> > 
>     >> > Specialists want the software to do the things they want 
it to do 
>     >> > (pretty hard since we all want different things).
>     >> > 
>     >> > Adding all of that up I vote for:
>     >> > 
>     >> > please hire another programmer, give people more of what 
>     > want 
>     >> > (give the optimizers their dual core stuff, give the 
>     >> their 
>     >> > snap and draw or whatever, give the Aussies their 
YahooFdata etc, 
>     >> > etc) and put the price up - maybe even add some features
>     >> > to the UKB :-)
>     >> > 
>     >> > Metastock is the point of comparison for AB - it is approx 
>     > PA 
>     >> > for EOD and from $1000 for Pro - so AB can stand that 
price (of 
>     >> > course they have 'lease' MS for a monthly fee which allows 
us to 
>     >> > pretend we are not paying $1000 a year and so that makes 
it feel 
>     >> > nicer).
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > Re price buying:
>     >> > 
>     >> > If I buy a cheap car I get less features.
>     >> > If I pay more I get more features and better appointments.
>     >> > If I buy the cheap car I still expect the (lesser) 
features to 
>     > work.
>     >> > If they don't I won't buy it again at any price.
>     >> > 
>     >> > (if an existing feature doesn't work this has a far more 
>     >> > effect on customers than not having the feature they want 
in the 
>     >> > first place? - psychologists claim that one negative 
>     > far 
>     >> > outweigns many positive experiences - also it is human 
nature to 
>     >> buy 
>     >> > the cheaper model and then complain because it doesn't 
have the 
>     >> > features they didn't pay for - that will never change).
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > Re: walking away
>     >> > 
>     >> > When it comes time for you to buy a new car what do you do 
>     >> > 
>     >> > Are you going to stick to a brand, out of loyalty, if a 
>     >> > model has better reliability, features and appointments at 
>     > same 
>     >> > price?
>     >> > 
>     >> > How about availability, delivery and service?
>     >> > 
>     >> > What motivates you to buy a product and then rebuy it over 
>     > over?
>     >> > 
>     >> > Also you will find your needs change with time - as the 
kids grow 
>     >> the 
>     >> > house and the cars get bigger and after they go you and 
your wife 
>     >> can 
>     >> > have an office each (they used to be the kids rooms).
>     >> > 
>     >> > So, perhaps people will walk away if their needs change 
and/or AB 
>     >> is 
>     >> > no loner meeting their needs.
>     >> > 
>     >> > - better ask your wife, about the car, before you buy 
though - 
>     > it 
>     >> > always pays to get a second opinion ;-)
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > Re: what do customers want?
>     >> > 
>     >> > We want it all - don't you?
>     >> > 
>     >> > That will never change either.
>     >> > 
>     >> > The more that companies meet those 'impossible' needs the 
>     >> > customers they get.
>     >> > 
>     >> > For example - who goes to Starbucks to pick up a coffee, 
>     > goes 
>     >> to 
>     >> > Wendys to pick up a donut and takes them to the burger 
shop to 
>     > put 
>     >> > them together for a nice breakfast if they can get a nice 
>     >> > coffee and donut at Maccas (plus a free paper to read as 
>     >> > 
>     >> > - better get a second opinion from the kids on that one 
too ;-)
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > Hope my perspective offered some helpful feedback.
>     >> > 
>     >> > Regards,
>     >> > 
>     >> > brian_z
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > 
>     >> > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Tomasz Janeczko" 
>     >> > wrote:
>     >> > >
>     >> > > Hello,
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > You people don't seem to realise that I am THE ONLY 
>     >> > works on AmiBroker code.
>     >> > > The day has only 24 hours and one person has only two 
>     >> > > Now if even few people ouf of 8000 users submit "ideas" 
>     > everyday, 
>     >> > no matter what I do I can not implement
>     >> > > them IMMEDIATELLY.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > And no, I can not hire 2 more programmers because then I 
>     >> need 
>     >> > to rise the cost of the program 3 times
>     >> > > and then everyone would scream that it is too expensive 
>     > will 
>     >> > walk away. Then it would mean the end of product.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > So, considering that I am the ONLY DEVELOPER of 
AmiBroker and 
>     >> wrote 
>     >> > everything from scratch with my own hands, I can say that:
>     >> > > a) I am doing more than anyone in this business to make 
>     > customers 
>     >> > happy
>     >> > > b) I am implementing MORE features/user requests/ideas 
>     >> anyone 
>     >> > else in this business
>     >> > > c) I am going an extra mile with responding PERSONALLY 
on the 
>     >> > public mailing list to many of your posts.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > I can not do MORE than I am doing now. It is physically 
>     >> impossible 
>     >> > for anyone.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > So, if I tell you that I am going to check things, I 
will do 
>     >> that, 
>     >> > but this is all subject to TIME and PHYSICAL ABILITY 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > Pushing the string does not help at all. It makes things 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > Best regards,
>     >> > > Tomasz Janeczko
>     >> > > amibroker.com
>     >> > > ----- Original Message ----- 
>     >> > > From: wavemechanic 
>     >> > > To: AmiBroker, User 
>     >> > > Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 2:47 PM
>     >> > > Subject: Re: [amibroker] Study Charting dare I say 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > Dennis:
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > I completely agree with your overall assessment and know 
>     >> at 
>     >> > least several users also completely or partially agree but 
may or 
>     >> may 
>     >> > not respond - so you are not alone. Much has been said 
>     > the 
>     >> > years on the Yahoo board/AB website/support mail about 
>     >> > bugs, "clunkiness", and desired/necessary features. 
Because of 
>     > the 
>     >> > type of problems that you mentioned (I am also indicator 
>     >> > oriented), I use the EOD version of AB and then only 
at "half 
>     >> > throttle" because my applications and programming needs 
are not 
>     > as 
>     >> > extensive as that of a number of other AB users. Like you, 
I use 
>     >> > broker supplied and personal software for RT streaming and 
>     > charting 
>     >> > studies (no "shoe" fits all). These issues, however, are 
>     >> > restricted to AB as evidenced by a recent review on 
another board 
>     >> > where the user compared AB/Metastock/Tradestation/Blocks 
>     > ended 
>     >> up 
>     >> > (as I understand) with a Blocks package that includes 
>     >> > charting/streaming data/EOD data/backtesting/useful 
>     >> > features - so things are evolving.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > Bill
>     >> > > ----- Original Message ----- 
>     >> > > From: Dennis Brown 
>     >> > > To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>     >> > > Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 12:12 AM
>     >> > > Subject: [amibroker] Study Charting dare I say bugs...
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > Friends,
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > AmiBroker is a wonderful program for many things. In 
>     > I 
>     >> > use only 
>     >> > > a fraction of its total capability for my trading style. 
>     >> > trade only 
>     >> > > single ticker (futures) real time and write whole 
>     >> > systems just 
>     >> > > in AFL in indicator mode. This is actually more like the 
>     >> > traditional 
>     >> > > chart trading that is offered by many brokers.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > I would expect that AB, which supports all these 
>     > as 
>     >> a 
>     >> > very 
>     >> > > basic operating mode would be at least as good as other 
>     >> > charting 
>     >> > > programs.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > However, even though the fundamental operations are 
>     >> (and 
>     >> > I think 
>     >> > > potentially better), the interface (either design or 
>     >> > implementation 
>     >> > > bugs --I don't know which) has made it hard for me to 
>     >> this 
>     >> > product 
>     >> > > for drawing even basic lines on the charts while 
>     > In 
>     >> > fact, I 
>     >> > > need a second chart from my broker's application open to 
>     > the 
>     >> > same 
>     >> > > ticker just so I can draw lines where I want them even 
>     > though 
>     >> > AB would 
>     >> > > be superior at this if it were not for the bugs. This 
>     >> been 
>     >> > going 
>     >> > > on with me for over a year now and it is costing me.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > I have other trading friends that I have recommended try 
>     >> in 
>     >> > the 
>     >> > > last week, and I am embarrassed to think what they will 
>     >> to 
>     >> > me when 
>     >> > > they figure out that these basic features don't work 
>     >> properly. 
>     >> > I have 
>     >> > > actually refrained from recommending AB to them for 
quite a 
>     >> > while -- 
>     >> > > hoping these things would be fixed first.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > I don't know how many other traders are frustrated by 
>     >> same 
>     >> > bugs, 
>     >> > > but if you are, please join the conversation so that 
>     >> > knows that 
>     >> > > this is important to you also and perhaps we can get 
>     >> > higher 
>     >> > > priority on getting the study charting to work properly.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > Here is a short list of my frustrating bugs --there are 
>     >> others 
>     >> > on the 
>     >> > > suggestions and bug lists, but I am only pointing out 
>     >> ones 
>     >> > that 
>     >> > > cost profits by either making it very slow to do a 
>     >> > operation 
>     >> > > that makes one lose the trade opportunity, or creates 
>     >> > frustration and 
>     >> > > emotion which takes one out of the trading "Zone", or 
>     >> the 
>     >> > line 
>     >> > > drawn correctly to become inaccurate causing one to miss 
>     > the 
>     >> > trigger 
>     >> > > point for a trade. If I have missed any that you feel 
>     >> > costing you 
>     >> > > profits (not the nice to have pretty things) than please 
>     > add 
>     >> > them to 
>     >> > > the conversation.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > #726. Handles from a selected study line are not 
>     > respected. 
>     >> > Often 
>     >> > > several lines are anchored or pass through the same 
>     >> > points. 
>     >> > > Price levels, Trend lines, Forks, Fibs, etc., often use 
>     >> > common pivot 
>     >> > > point. However, as a trade progresses, new pivots become 
>     >> more 
>     >> > > important and the lines need to be adjusted in real 
>     > It 
>     >> > is easy 
>     >> > > to select a study just by clicking on it in a spot where 
>     >> is 
>     >> > unique, 
>     >> > > and the handles will appear along the line. However, 
>     > unlike 
>     >> > any other 
>     >> > > charting program I have ever used, clicking and dragging 
>     >> > the 
>     >> > > visible handle will not usually work properly if any 
>     >> > study 
>     >> > > crosses very close to that handle. The problem is that 
>     >> will 
>     >> > grab 
>     >> > > the earliest drawn study and not the selected one --it 
>     >> un-
>     >> > select 
>     >> > > the one you selected and select the oldest one and drag 
>     >> > instead. 
>     >> > > After playing around for a few valuable seconds trying 
>     >> grab 
>     >> > the 
>     >> > > right line, I end up having to move the whole line away 
>     > from 
>     >> > its 
>     >> > > current location and reposition all its handles. Very 
>     >> > frustrating and 
>     >> > > takes the time and concentration away from the trading 
>     > action.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > #728. Horizontal price levels do not stay horizontal. 
>     >> > horizontal 
>     >> > > lines (price levels) do not snap to a bar with the 
>     >> mode 
>     >> > on. 
>     >> > > They just are placed at the cursor level. However, if 
>     >> > click on 
>     >> > > the line, it jumps to an angled line that snaps to the 
>     > on 
>     >> > the left 
>     >> > > side of the screen. Its operation is just bizarre and 
>     > causes 
>     >> > errors 
>     >> > > in placement of the price level after the fact. 
>     > Completely 
>     >> > > unacceptable behavior for trading.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > #890. Study handles change when off screen. Lets say you 
>     >> have 
>     >> > the 
>     >> > > magnet on and are zoomed out and draw a trend line 
>     >> two 
>     >> > peaks. 
>     >> > > Next you zoom in on the trading action so that only the 
>     > right 
>     >> > hand 
>     >> > > handle is visible on the chart. Now say the prices have 
>     >> > advanced to a 
>     >> > > new peak and you need to adjust the right handle to the 
>     >> > peak (this 
>     >> > > is a very common occurrence). Most of the time, that 
>     > handle 
>     >> > that is 
>     >> > > off screen jumps to a new bar position and is no longer 
>     >> the 
>     >> > peak 
>     >> > > you selected. Of course that changes the slope of the 
>     > trend 
>     >> > line to 
>     >> > > the wrong one, but you never know it when trading and 
>     > end 
>     >> > up 
>     >> > > placing bad breakout trades because the line is in the 
>     > wrong 
>     >> > place 
>     >> > > now. Completely unacceptable behavior for trading.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > #990. Drag shadow is on the wrong bar. When dragging a 
>     >> study, 
>     >> > there 
>     >> > > is a thin "shadow" line that shows which bar you have 
>     > dragged 
>     >> > the 
>     >> > > handles to. However, when the mouse is released, the 
>     >> > gets moved 
>     >> > > to a different bar than the one indicated by the shadow. 
>     >> This 
>     >> > wastes 
>     >> > > valuable time with two or three attempts to figure out 
>     > which 
>     >> > wrong bar 
>     >> > > to put the shadow on to get the study to go where you 
>     >> it. 
>     >> > This 
>     >> > > is an annoyance.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > And here is one more that I just found today. If I draw 
>     >> trend 
>     >> > lines 
>     >> > > on a one minute bar snapped to peaks, then switch to a 5 
>     >> minute 
>     >> > view, 
>     >> > > the trend lines are shown on the wrong 5 minute bars. 
>     >> > heaven help 
>     >> > > me if I select the line in that view, because it will 
>     > to 
>     >> > these 
>     >> > > wrong bars.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > There you have my short list. Please speak up if these 
>     >> issues 
>     >> > affect 
>     >> > > you.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > Best regards,
>     >> > > Dennis
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > ------------------------------------
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > Please note that this group is for discussion between 
>     >> > only.
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > To get support from AmiBroker please send an e-mail 
>     > directly 
>     >> to 
>     >> > > SUPPORT {at} amibroker.com
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > For NEW RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENTS and other news always 
>     >> > DEVLOG:
>     >> > > http://www.amibroker.com/devlog/
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > For other support material please check also:
>     >> > > http://www.amibroker.com/support.html
>     >> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > ---------------------------------------------------------
>     > --
>     >> --
>     >> > --------
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > 
>     >> > > No virus found in this incoming message.
>     >> > > Checked by AVG. 
>     >> > > Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1510 - 
>     >> Date: 
>     >> > 6/19/2008 3:21 PM
>     >> > >
>     >> >
>     >>
>     > 
>     > 
>     > 
>     > ------------------------------------
>     > 
>     > Please note that this group is for discussion between users 
>     > 
>     > To get support from AmiBroker please send an e-mail directly 
>     > SUPPORT {at} amibroker.com
>     > 
>     > For NEW RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENTS and other news always check 
>     > http://www.amibroker.com/devlog/
>     > 
>     > For other support material please check also:
>     > http://www.amibroker.com/support.html
>     > Yahoo! Groups Links
>     > 
>     > 
>     >


Please note that this group is for discussion between users only.

To get support from AmiBroker please send an e-mail directly to 
SUPPORT {at} amibroker.com

For NEW RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENTS and other news always check DEVLOG:

For other support material please check also:
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