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[amibroker] Re: institutional ownership?

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Hello Joe,

Thanks for your post.

Keep an eye on the New Fundamental thread as well.
I have added some comments on AAII over there also.
I am doing some homework on historical fundamental data and will 
post results there.

I am looking out for historicals on institutional ownership and will 
let the group now if I find a source.

I am intersted to find out what data fields are included on the AAII 
If there is any chance you can get a copy of a list from the Stock  
Investor Pro help file or export all fields to Xcel or ASCII (SIP 
supports this) please post to the Fundamental Data file folder at 
this website.

Yahoofinance reports the change in institutional ownership on a 
daily basis (refer to my post on Yahoo data at the New Fundamental 
Data thread).


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Joe Landry" <jelandry@xxx> wrote:
> Don Lindberg - 
> FROM THE AAII Web site. http://www.aaii.com/store/sipro/
> With our Stock Investor Pro, timely data is combined with in-depth 
data (over 2,000 data fields per company) to help you keep abreast 
of the market. The monthly updates and weekly on-line downloads keep 
you well prepared to act-act in time to make that critical 
difference between matching or beating the market averages. 
> *At month's end (via first-class mail) new SI Pro data CDs are 
rushed to your home (or place of business)-a helpful benefit for 
serious investors and Members who are building their own version of 
an AAII Stock Screen
> Data with Stock Investor Pro includes:
>   a.. Quarterly earnings estimates 
>   b.. Eight quarters and seven years of cash flow statements, 
income statements and 
>   c.. Balance sheets 
>   d.. Relative price strengths for 4, 13, 26 and 52 weeks 
>   e.. Percentile rankings, ratios, P/Es and growth rates 
>   f.. Ten full years of monthly price data 
>   g.. Over 2,000 data fields per company 
>   h.. Plus passing companies and corresponding data from over 50 
AAII Stock Screens 
> From JOE - 
> Best I can tell AAII's Stock Investor Pro has historical data on 
institutional ownership as well as historical data on many other 
> metrics.   I fired up my old copy and it looks like it's got 10 
years worth of data although some screens display 7 years.
>  At the time of my subscription which ended March 04, it provided 
a CD every month with full system loads and updated data, i.e. the 
quarterly reported data, like EPS rolls forward over a 10 year 
window.  Looking internally at some of the data it may be as much as 
10 years on some fields. 
> It's a very comprehensive screening package, where the database 
could be updated weekly over the internet, and a new CD arrived 
every month. 
> It's a Visual Foxpro application, although from the view editor 
and screen editor toolbar I thought it was either SQL server or 
> At one time on the AAII forum an individual was trying to buy 
several years worth of the SIPro CDs.  AAII will not sell
> you CDs from their archives.  I tried and was turned down.  I 
don't know what the user agreement says on the topic of using the 
> for another package, say AB, probably ok for personal use, and not 
for commercial gain.   I would assume you could import Foxpro data 
to SQL Server.  
> Tomasz in a following note says we'll have a SQL server DLL before 
> This might be the best buy at $200 a year for AAII members.  
> Best regards
> Joe 
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Steve Kuball 
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>   Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 12:18 AM
>   Subject: [amibroker] institutional ownership?
>   I was wondering if you have gotten any response on your question?
>   It is also something I have been watching but through a 
different medium called star trader. Would you please inform me of 
any information you get on institutional ownership?
>   Steve Kuball
>   stevekub101161@xxx
>   Don Lindberg <dlindber@xxx> wrote:
>     Is there a way to get this data on a historical basis. I want 
to build 
>     an indicator based on the %Owned by Institutions that would 
>     ownership at any choosen point in time. Is this possible, or 
am I 
>     limited to current day?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Sneak preview the all-new Yahoo.com. It's not radically 
different. Just radically better.