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[amibroker] Re: institutional ownership?

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Thanks in advance for addressing the needs of historical fundamental 
data users and providing SQL access as promised at the feedback 


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Tomasz Janeczko" <groups@xxx> 
> Hello,
> Yahoo offers current values only for fundamentals.
> If you want history, you would need to build it by yourself.
> This should be pretty easy using exploration, CSV output and 
external SQL database.
> The plugin for external SQL databases will be released soon so the 
last missing piece of puzzle
> will be available.
> Best regards,
> Tomasz Janeczko
> amibroker.com
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Steve Kuball 
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>   Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:18 AM
>   Subject: [amibroker] institutional ownership?
>   I was wondering if you have gotten any response on your question?
>   It is also something I have been watching but through a 
different medium called star trader. Would you please inform me of 
any information you get on institutional ownership?
>   Steve Kuball
>   stevekub101161@xxx
>   Don Lindberg <dlindber@xxx> wrote:
>     Is there a way to get this data on a historical basis. I want 
to build 
>     an indicator based on the %Owned by Institutions that would 
>     ownership at any choosen point in time. Is this possible, or 
am I 
>     limited to current day?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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