----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:12
Subject: Splicing two ticker symbols
Hello All -
When a fund uindergoes a name change and your
service provider doesn't handle a backfill/splice
it forces me to do this on my own and I
would like to know if anyone has done this work around since
I need the array for my signal work.
The MERGE(under Symbol) function does
not seem to work for me - could be because the two arrays are of
lengths. I'm not saying it doesn't work but
not with two funds of different lengths.
Here's gory details a mutual fund called
FUSMX changed name in Jan 2005 and became now MMCFX
One fund ends on Jan 14 the other starts on Jan
18 in my data providers database. I won't say who that
is. Don't worry about the gap.
So I want to splice the two array fragments as
follows - FUSMX starts 12/28/95 and end on 1/14/2005.
The replacement starts 1/18/2005 and runs to
current date. (as I'm writing this I realize this could
be worked with AFL potentially needing FOR loops
in Amibroker..I don't think you can create a new synbol
but a composite would do ok)
Seems like the MERGE function under Symbols tab
would do this. Or on the wish list a SPLICE with
the ability to name a new alias.
As I write this I think SPLICING it once would be
a permanent solutions since with every update I'd
get a new array thought the DLL that would
trucate the existing one. Have to do it every day.
Please let me know if you've worked this out.