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Re: [amibroker] Re:OT Hard drive backup

  • To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [amibroker] Re: Successive Approximation in fall
  • From: "goldwing01" <GOLDWINkkkkMSNkkkM>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 19:20:48 -0800

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Mr. Valley nice coding, may I wish I could even start a code and 
finish it so first of all `my hat off to you sir'. Now my thought is 
DIMITRIS code works very well I have used it for about 6 or 7 months 
as a comparison to other trends it works fine and I like it, now you 
have a similar code, I was just wondering how you would test each one 
for best results or at lease close to tradable like code.
by the way thanks for sharing.

t=20;// the initial fast period
Plot(x,"",1,8);// fast trend detector
tA=50;// slow period
Plot(xA,"",7,8);// slow trend detector
Plot(50*Cond1,"",5,2);// the start of the fast uptrend
Plot(50*Cond2,"",4,2);// the end of the fast uptrend
k1=BarsSince(Cond1);// uptrend bar counter
k2=BarsSince(Cond2);// downtrend bar counter
t1=IIf(k2>k1,t+k1,t+k2);// the variable period
x1=DEMA(StochD(40),t1);// the variable trend detector

--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Mr Valley" <valleymj@xxxx> wrote:
> DT,
> OBTW, Any Pythagorean  thoughts on a 6 or 7 or more, decimal 
> approximation of TAN(Close) == 0; for say an, RSI > 50 ;
> Or whatever other successful method you may choose (poetic license 
> :>)
> You now, therefore Top == Top;
> Any genius-like  thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> I'm struggling with a moving target here, on the UP side during the 
day ...
> I like the buy side, but the sell side moves (Looking at 78Min  on 
> and futures), but looks nice on EOD as well, including ^N225 EOD 
(Yuki, your
> thoughts?)  and ^RUA, (Fred, your thoughts?)  and those QQQ'ers out 
> Oh well, close enough for, whatchamacallit work.
> When combined with Steve's StochRSI, it seems to be another 
> of the StochRSI, but looked at from a different angle... so to 
> It's Close, but Any thoughts appreciated... (Pal, does it work on 
> is is humbly, back to the artistic pad...)  :>)
> MV
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////INDICATOR #1 
> ///////// Paste Each in SEPARATE IB Windows /////////////////////
> /* MV Test v1*/
> /////////////////////////////// Pivots section
> /* Pivots Automatically */
> /* ***********************************/
> //Code to automatically identify pivots
> /*********************************** */
> // -- what will be our lookback range for the hh and ll?
> nBars = Param("Number of bars", 12, 5, 40);
> // -- Title.
> //Title = Name() + " (" + StrLeft(FullName(), 15) + ") O: " + Open 
+ ", H: "
> + High + ", L: " + Low + ", C: " + Close;
> // -- Plot basic candle chart
> //PlotOHLC(Open, High, Low, Close, "BIdx = " + BarIndex() + "\n" 
+ "O = " +
> O + "\n"+"H = "+ H + "\n"+"L = " + L + "\n"+"C ",colorBlack, 
> //GraphXSpace=15;
> // -- Create 0-initialized arrays the size of barcount
> aHPivs = H - H;
> aLPivs = L - L;
> // -- More for future use, not necessary for basic plotting
> aHPivHighs = H - H;
> aLPivLows = L - L;
> aHPivIdxs = H - H;
> aLPivIdxs = L - L;
> nHPivs = 0;
> nLPivs = 0;
> lastHPIdx = 0;
> lastLPIdx = 0;
> lastHPH = 0;
> lastLPL = 0;
> curPivBarIdx = 0;
> // -- looking back from the current bar, how many bars
> // back were the hhv and llv values of the previous
> // n bars, etc.?
> aHHVBars = HHVBars(H, nBars);
> aLLVBars = LLVBars(L, nBars);
> aHHV = HHV(H, nBars);
> aLLV = LLV(L, nBars);
> // -- Would like to set this up so pivots are calculated back from
> // last visible bar to make it easy to "go back" and see the pivots
> // this code would find. However, the first instance of
> // _Trace output will show a value of 0
> aVisBars = Status("barvisible");
> nLastVisBar = LastValue(Highest(IIf(aVisBars, BarIndex(), 0)));
> _TRACE("Last visible bar: " + nLastVisBar);
> // -- Initialize value of curTrend
> curBar = (BarCount-1);
> curTrend = "";
> if (aLLVBars[curBar] <
> aHHVBars[curBar]) {
> curTrend = "D";
> }
> else {
> curTrend = "U";
> }
> // -- Loop through bars. Search for
> // entirely array-based approach
> // in future version
> //for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
> for (i=0; i<255 AND BarCount > 255; i++) {
> curBar = (BarCount - 1) - i;
> // -- Have we identified a pivot? If trend is down...
> if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) {
> // ... and had been up, this is a trend change
> if (curTrend == "U") {
> curTrend = "D";
> // -- Capture pivot information
> curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
> aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
> aLPivLows[nLPivs] = L[curPivBarIdx];
> aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
> nLPivs++;
> }
> // -- or current trend is up
> } else {
> if (curTrend == "D") {
> curTrend = "U";
> curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
> aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
> aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = H[curPivBarIdx];
> aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
> nHPivs++;
> }
> // -- If curTrend is up...else...
> }
> // -- loop through bars
> }
> // -- Basic attempt to add a pivot this logic may have missed
> // -- OK, now I want to look at last two pivots. If the most
> // recent low pivot is after the last high, I could
> // still have a high pivot that I didn't catch
> // -- Start at last bar
> curBar = (BarCount-1);
> candIdx = 0;
> candPrc = 0;
> lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0];
> lastLPL = aLPivLows[0];
> lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0];
> lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0];
> if (lastLPIdx > lastHPIdx) {
> // -- Bar and price info for candidate pivot
> candIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
> candPrc = aHHV[curBar];
> if (
> lastHPH < candPrc AND
> candIdx > lastLPIdx AND
> candIdx < curBar) {
> // -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot...
> aHPivs[candIdx] = 1;
> // ...and then rearrange elements in the
> // pivot information arrays
> for (j=0; j<nHPivs; j++) {
> aHPivHighs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs-
> (j+1)];
> aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-(j+1)];
> }
> aHPivHighs[0] = candPrc ;
> aHPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;
> nHPivs++;
> }
> } else {
> // -- Bar and price info for candidate pivot
> candIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
> candPrc = aLLV[curBar];
> if (
> lastLPL > candPrc AND
> candIdx > lastHPIdx AND
> candIdx < curBar) {
> // -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot...
> aLPivs[candIdx] = 1;
> // ...and then rearrange elements in the
> // pivot information arrays
> for (j=0; j<nLPivs; j++) {
> aLPivLows[nLPivs-j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs-(j+1)];
> aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-(j+1)];
> }
> aLPivLows[0] = candPrc;
> aLPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;
> nLPivs++;
> }
> }
> // -- Dump inventory of high pivots for debugging
> /*
> for (k=0; k<nHPivs; k++) {
> _TRACE("High pivot no. " + k
> + " at barindex: " + aHPivIdxs[k] + ", "
> + WriteVal(ValueWhen(BarIndex()==aHPivIdxs[k],
> DateTime(), 1), formatDateTime)
> + ", " + aHPivHighs[k]);
> }
> */
> // -- OK, let's plot the pivots using arrows
> PlotShapes( IIf(aHPivs==1, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone), colorRed, 
> Offset=-15);
> PlotShapes(IIf(aLPivs==1, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone), colorGreen, 0, 
> Offset=-15);
> ////////////////////////////// end Pivots Section
> TestValue = L;
> Param1 = Param( "Param1", .2, 0.00, 1.00, .001 );
> xx= Param1 ;
> TV1 = H *xx;
> TV2 = L *-1*(xx);
> TV3 = TV1 - TV2;
> TV4 = TestValue - TV3;
> TV5 = MA(TV4,7)/.6;
> TV6 = ((H+C)/2) - TV3;
> TV7 = MA(TV6,7)/.6;
> TV8 = (TV5 + TV7)/2;
> Len4 = Param( "Len4", 89, 0, 1000, .001 );
> MAC = MA(C,Len4 );
> //Plot (Close,"Close",1,128);
> //Plot(TV4,"TV4",6,4);
> Plot(TV5,"TV5",5,4);
> Plot(TV7,"TV7",4,4);
> Plot(Avg,"Avg",colorYellow,4);
> Plot(TV8,"TV8",2,4);
> Plot(MAC,"MA Close(89)",6,styleDots);
> Plot(Close, EncodeColor(colorWhite) +"Close " ,1,128);
> GraphXSpace =4;
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////IN
> #1 END
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////IN
> #2 BEGIN
> /*MACD Custom V3 */
> /* MACD TRIX v1 */
> Var1 = Param( "Test1", 30, 0, 900, .001 );
> Var2 = Param( "Test2", 10, 0, 900, .001 );
> Var3 = Param( "Test3", 8, 0, 900, .001 );
> //MACD
> X = Avg; //OBV();
> ms = Var1 ;
> mf = Var2;
> mg =Var3 ;
> myMACD = DEMA(X,mf) - DEMA(X,ms);
> mySignal = DEMA(myMACD,mg);
> Plot(myMACD,"myMACD v1",colorBlue,styleLine);
> Plot(mySignal,"mySig",colorRed,styleLine);
> //////
> Buynow = myMACD > mySignal;
> SellNow = myMACD <mySignal;
> Plot(15, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane 
width */"My
> MACD",IIf( BuyNow, colorGreen, IIf( SellNow, colorRed, 7 )), /* 
> color*/styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100);
> GraphXSpace =4;
> ////////////////////////////////////////////// INDICATOR # 2 END
> ////////////////////////////////////////////// INDICATOR #3 BEGIN
> /* Cubic Polyoimial Envelopes */
> /* Author Mr Valley (c)2003 */
> time = 89;
> startlevel =DEMA(Ref(Avg,-2.0),4);
> midlevel = DEMA(C,2);
> endlevel = DEMA(Ref(H,-2.0),7);
> k = startlevel + endlevel - (midlevel * 2);
> r = startlevel;
> s = (endlevel - startlevel - (2 * k)) / time;
> t = (2 * k) / (time * time);
> bigr = r;
> bigs = s + t;
> bigt = 2 * t;
> for(int( i=0); i<time;i++);
> {
> bigr = bigr + bigs;
> bigs = bigs + bigt;
> }
> Plot(bigr,"bigr",5,4);
> Plot(bigs+L,"bigs",4,4);
> Plot(Close,"C",1,4);
> Buynow = C>bigr;
> SellNow =bigr> C;
> Plot(10, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane 
> */"",IIf( BuyNow, colorGreen, IIf( SellNow, colorRed, 7 )), /* 
> color*/styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100);
> Plot(Close ,"Close" + EncodeColor( colorWhite ) ,2, styleNoLine |
> styleNoRescale );
> GraphXSpace = 4;
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// INDICATOR #3 
> Ok, awaiting feedback...
> Mr ValleC
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Mr Valley [mailto:valleymj@x...]
>   Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:26 PM
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   Subject: RE: [AmiBroker] Re: Successive Approximation in fall
>   Dimitris,
>   Thank you.
>   The depth of your AmiBroker skill is amazing.
>   Mr. Valley
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: DIMITRIS TSOKAKIS [mailto:TSOKAKIS@x...]
>     Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:32 AM
>     To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>     Subject: [amibroker] Re: Successive Approximation in fall
>     This limitation is due to the endless loop detection threshold 
>     comments below] in your preferences. In my amibroker it was 
>     so if the steps of the loop are >100,000 it is "endless".
>     Dimitris Tsokakis
>     --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Mr Valley" <valleymj@xxxx> 
>     > Why does one get an error message if you change precision to 
>     > Is this a limitation within AB?  Shouldn't one be able to set 
it to
>     any
>     > number?
>     > Mr. Valley
>     >   -----Original Message-----
>     >   From: DIMITRIS TSOKAKIS [mailto:TSOKAKIS@x...]
>     >   Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:57 AM
>     >   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>     >   Subject: [amibroker] Re: Successive Approximation in afl
>     >
>     >
>     >   Herman,
>     >   We may have another approach through while() statement.
>     >   [For the simplicity, the //next decimals are in a loop 
form ]
>     >
>     >   //Sqrt(X) approximation
>     >   X=2;Precision=7;
>     >   a=1;b=2;
>     >   st0=0.1;//the initial step
>     >   z=0;
>     >   //1st decimal
>     >   i=a;
>     >   while(i^2<X)
>     >   {
>     >   z=i;
>     >   i=i+st0;
>     >   }
>     >   //next decimals
>     >   for(n=1;n<Precision;n++)
>     >   {
>     >   st0=0.1*st0;
>     >   i=z;
>     >   while(i^2<x)
>     >   {
>     >   z=i;
>     >   i=i+st0;
>     >   }
>     >   }
>     >   Title="Sqrt("+WriteVal(X,1.0)+")="+WriteVal(z,1+0.1*n);
>     >
>     >   When we have the Sqrt(2)=1.41, the next loop will search 
>     >   1.412, 1.413, 1.414, 1.415 and will stop there, since 1.415 
>     >   false output.
>     >   In this way, the 3rd loop needs 5 steps instead of 10. Since
>     decimals
>     >   will be equally disributed below and above 5 [I hope you 
>     always
>     >   search an 1.99999 !!] we gain many steps.
>     >   Without this, one should begin from 1 and search every 
0.00001 up
>     to
>     >   1.41421.
>     >   This is done by the full code
>     >
>     >   //Sqrt(X) full approximation
>     >   X=2;Precision=5;
>     >   a=1;b=2;
>     >   st0=10^(-Precision);//the initial step
>     >   z=0;
>     >   //decimals
>     >   i=a;
>     >   while(i^2<X)
>     >   {
>     >   z=i;
>     >   i=i+st0;
>     >   }
>     >   Title="Sqrt("+WriteVal(X,1.0)+")="+WriteVal
>     >
>     >   and it is not the best choice !!
>     >
>     >   A simple criterion to see the difference, is your endless 
>     >   detection threshold.
>     >   If it is set, for example, to 100000 iterations, the first 
>     >   will permit Precision=7 whereas the 2nd[full] method will 
not go
>     more
>     >   than Precision=5.
>     >
>     >   The steps of the 1st method depend on the result : You will 
not be
>     >   that lucky with Sqrt(3.56). It is 1.886796, all the decimal 
>     >   are >5 and the steps per digit will be 9+9+7+8+10+7
>     respectively !!
>     >   It is much better to search Sqrt(2.2811), it is 1.510331 
and will
>     >   take 6+2+1+4+4+2 steps per digit.
>     >   You may also put a small counter to count the total steps 
of the
>     >   approximation, it is interesting.
>     >   Dimitris Tsokakis
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Herman vandenBergen"
>     <psytek@xxxx>
>     >   wrote:
>     >   > Thank you DT, as usual your reply is not only informative 
>     >   entertaining
>     >   > :-) an 8x improvement in speed would be just fine. If my 
>     >   solution is
>     >   > general I will post it.
>     >   >
>     >   > I think I received enough ideas to try a few things, 
solving a
>     small
>     >   > challenge with your owninput is half the fun and a better 
way to
>     >   learn.
>     >   >
>     >   > Thanks everybody and have a great day!
>     >   > herman
>     >   >   -----Original Message-----
>     >   >   From: DIMITRIS TSOKAKIS [mailto:TSOKAKIS@x...]
>     >   >   Sent: January 29, 2004 2:16 AM
>     >   >   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>     >   >   Subject: [amibroker] Re: Successive Approximation in afl
>     >   >
>     >   >
>     >   >   Herman,
>     >   >   my method is a bit different.
>     >   >   I begin with the 1st digit accuracy [10 steps maximum, 
1.0 to
>     1.9]
>     >   >   and localize
>     >   >   1.4<sqrt(2)<1.5
>     >   >   Then, for the 2nd digit, 10 steps [maximum] again to 
>     >   >   1.41<sqrt(2)<1.42
>     >   >   and so on.
>     >   >   In the average, I need 5 steps per digit and, for a 3-
>     >   >   accuracy it will take about
>     >   >   5*5*5=125 steps instead of the normal 1000.
>     >   >   Archimedes, the copyright of the method, was not 
working with
>     >   >   decimals.
>     >   >   For some reason [not explained anywhere],  his first 
>     was
>     >   the
>     >   >   sevenths of the unity 1/7, 2/7, 3/7 etc .
>     >   >   So, in his famous "Measurement of a Circle", he proves 
>     >   >   3+1/7>pi>3+10/71
>     >   >   As you see, he slightly increases the denominator [he 
does not
>     >   >   increase the numerator].
>     >   >   There are some obscure statements, he never explained, 
>     >   example,
>     >   >   how did he came to the [useful approximation]
>     >   >   265/153<sqrt(3)<1351/780 [!!!].
>     >   >   but, we can not always have what we want...
>     >   >   Dimitris Tsokakis
>     >   >   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Herman vandenBergen"
>     >   <psytek@xxxx>
>     >   >   wrote:
>     >   >   > thanks DT, I have to study your code but I think you 
>     the
>     >   >   general idea.
>     >   >   > I have an impossible formula to transform (it 
contains HHV
>     and
>     >   LLVs,
>     >   >   > stochastic mutation) and want to find the x that 
would give
>     me
>     >   the
>     >   >   given y.
>     >   >   > Right now I linearly increment x untill I hit my y-
>     >   this is
>     >   >   awfully
>     >   >   > slow.
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   > like y = function(x); // y ranges 0-100 and I want 2 
>     >   places
>     >   >   for x
>     >   >   > that gives me a given y
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   > I thought cutting the range in half, see whether it is
>     greater
>     >   or
>     >   >   less, cut
>     >   >   > the result in half again, etc. I am not a math guy 
but I
>     have
>     >   used
>     >   >   > AD-converters that worked like that and what we can 
do in
>     >   hardware
>     >   >   we can do
>     >   >   > in software :-)
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   > thanks for the starter DT,
>     >   >   > herman
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >  -----Original Message-----
>     >   >   > From: DIMITRIS TSOKAKIS [mailto:TSOKAKIS@x...]
>     >   >   > Sent: January 28, 2004 9:18 PM
>     >   >   > To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>     >   >   > Subject: [amibroker] Re: Successive Approximation in 
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >   Herman,
>     >   >   >   You mean a procedure like this
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >   a=1;b=2;z=0;
>     >   >   >   st0=0.1;st1=0.01;st2=0.01;
>     >   >   >   //1st decimal
>     >   >   >   for(i=a;i<b;i=i+st0)
>     >   >   >   {
>     >   >   >   if(i^2<2 AND (i+st0)^2>2)
>     >   >   >   z=i;
>     >   >   >   }
>     >   >   >   //2nd decimal
>     >   >   >   for(i=z;i<z+st0;i=i+st1)
>     >   >   >   {
>     >   >   >   if(i^2<2 AND (i+st1)^2>2)
>     >   >   >   z=i;
>     >   >   >   }
>     >   >   >   //...etc
>     >   >   >   Plot(z,"sqrt(2)",1,1);
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >   to find sqrt(2) without using all the values from 1 
to 2 ?
>     >   >   >   Dimitris Tsokakis
>     >   >   >   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Herman 
>     >   >   <psytek@xxxx>
>     >   >   >   wrote:
>     >   >   >   > Hello,
>     >   >   >   >
>     >   >   >   > has anybody come accross a successive 
>     routine
>     >   in
>     >   >   afl?
>     >   >   >   Or
>     >   >   >   > perhaps js?
>     >   >   >   >
>     >   >   >   > thanks,
>     >   >   >   > herman
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >
>     >   >   >
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