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RE: [amibroker] Re:"ba-buy"

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>Please, Please
continue to contribute. I have been a long time fan of yours from the Metastock
lists. I couldn&#8217;t believe my eyes when I saw you posting over here. There
are many talented and helpful people here. Unlike the Metastock lists where
most people want to complain about a crappy product with bad support, thereis
a lot of exchanging of valuable ideas and information here. Your ideas willbe a
tremendous help. I&#8217;m also sure you skill with Metastock will come in
handy when all those &#8220;This is how I did it in MS, how do I do it in AB&#8221;
questions come up. I have learned more here in several months of lurking than
the 2 years on the MS lists.


Allan Wade 
Phoenix, AZ 
Email: <a



-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Close
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002
2:10 PM
To: amibroker@xxxxx
Subject: RE: [amibroker]


This usually happens on most forums that
I attend....one person does not "like" something about something that
is said and says so, usually in an authoritative tone (it is usually the forum
administrator - go to the TC2000 forum for good examples).  Then what
happens is this: what Steve has said here....in order to not offend or
"bother" someone, he will refrain from posting.


I for one would encourage you, Steve, to
keep posting.  Your skill and experience is worth a lot to some folks --
but not to all folks.  That is ok. As long as you -- or I -- feel
"free" to post casual or detailed posts, then those who are
interested can read and benefit.  Those who are not interested can
politely ask questions or hit the DELETE key.


Dimitris is another great and important
contributor, from whom I learn a lot.  My hope would be that each be
tolerant of posts that do not meet exactly one's EXACT expectations.  Be
flexible. Ask questions.  Make suggestions in tones that respect the
other's right to post. Finally, if none of these work, hit Delete.


In my view (and hope), the objectives of
this board should be to help each participant learn things that can benefithim
or her...whether that is detailed and explanatory or general and casual.


Hoping to hear more from each of you...




PS:  I personally do not like the
bright background colors and found the background format button on my Outlook
menu- something I have not looked at before.  Thus a new learning.




>-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Karnish
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002
4:23 PM
To: amibroker@xxxxx
Subject: Re: [amibroker]



Maybe while I'm learning AB, I will refrain from postingto
this forum.  I"ve been an active forum member of both Realtradersand
MetaStock forums for the last seven years.  During that time, I've posted
an abundance of indicators and system approaches.  Everyone on those lists
are familiar with my momentum oscillator approaches. The Guppy site has some of
my work (and I believe Tomasz has some on the AB site).. Also, I have publicly
posted buy and sell recommendations, nightly, for the past three years (free
for the taking).


When an occurrence takes place that is "out of the
ordinary" (once every three years), I like to share it with other
traders.  Plain and simple (no other reasons or motives).  If I have
to statistically defend a casual observation...it's not worth the my time to
post.  I've managed money for over twenty five years and I've
always used a well-documented approach.  The other forums responded
with ohter credible individuals adding other casual observations.  


I apologize if I've offended you or others.  I'll
just "chill out" until I convert everything over to AB
realtime.  In the meantime, E-signal delivered their new version
today..  And by the way, Dimitris, could you "lose" the magenta
background...it offends my eyes


Take care,




----- Original Message ----- 

size=2 face=Arial> <a
href="" title="TSOKAKIS@xxxx">Dimitris Tsokakis

To:<font size=2
face=Arial> <a
href="" title="amibroker@xxxxx">amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sent:<font size=2
face=Arial> Wednesday,April
24, 2002 1:23 PM

Subject:<font size=2
face=Arial> [amibroker]



Please make your life [and research] easier and help common

Instead of reporting "haven't seen this many buy signals in a
year" [wich is not

quantitatively clear and may be repeated many times], you could give us
a count

of Buy/Sell as a daily function versus time.

Select your group or watch list and run for All quotations the simple
but basic code


>Buy<font size=2
size=2 face=Verdana>);//your
buy condition here


face="Times New Roman">());//your sell condition here


face="Times New Roman">);




face="Times New Roman">);




face="Times New Roman">);


In your ind. builder paste the same code and see [and show to us
perhaps] the respective gif

You will have a more clear picture of massive buys/sells and make a
first steady step to

investigate some possible reasons [seasonality, causality etc]

It does not teaches anything the "Buy MSFT" or "Sell
MSFT"and, as for myself, I do not like it.

Do not be affraid, the level of this site is quite advanced, people
here will understand your

theory even if it is complicated of sophisticated or [why not] genious.

Counting is the first step of statistics and, thanks to Amibroker, we
can count anything easily

with the unique and superb AddToComposite() function.

It is the primitive step of objectivity, and I suppose you agree.

I will appreciate your next "AddToComposite" Step.

Dimitris Tsokakis

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