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Re: [amibroker] Re: data import

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Definitively YES !!
Criticism is a very easy art.
I am also a Metastock user and if AB need still 
some improvement, the comparison is for far in favour of AB.
AB need to improve its accessibility but what is 
great with AB is the reactivity of Tomasz.
You can ask improvements to Equis but theynever 
Once more Tomasz Congratulations!!!
Bernard Bourée<A 
----- Original Message ----- 
Tomasz Janeczko 

To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 2:13 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: data 
Hello,Thank you David for your comments and 
defending me :-)I hope there are some other guys who like using AmiBroker 
sothey are willing to live with some quirks until I fix the 
problem(s).Best regards,Tomasz 
Janeczko===============AmiBroker - the comprehensive share 
Original Message ----- From: <box25@xxxx>To: 
<amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 5:28 
AMSubject: [amibroker] Re: data importTrader,On one 
hand, I understand your frustration.  Heck, we've all been there 
before.  But it seems every single one of your posts to this group is 
a complaint, and every single message runs down Amibroker relative to 
other programs.  Here's my solution.  If Metastock and 
Tradestation are so much better, THAN JUST USE THEM!  Wait, 
wait, I know what you're going to say.  You feel your gripes are 
justified because you are too busy actually trading to want to mess around 
with an interface that doesn't do what you need it to.  Fine, then 
use a program that doesn't have those problems.  There are certain 
features of Amibroker that make the technical analysis process easier 
(like the speed of AFL, exploration, etc.).  But then, with those 
advantages there are obviously tradeoffs, which means that some things 
take a little time or are a little complicated.  Especially given 
that you are trying to do all this so you can get free data from 
Yahoo.  TJ, I am not trying to speak for you - you certainlyhave 
things well under control.  I just don't understand why someone seems 
to delight in running this product down in a public forum and complaining 
about how difficult it is to use as compared to other products in the 
marketplace.  And while I know that TJ doesn't mind the comparison to 
software which costs many times as much, it just doesn't make any 
sense to me.  Sincerely,David 
Beaudoin   --- In amibroker@xxxx, traders10@xxxx 
wrote:> TJ this note is part humor, part angst.> > How to 
waste an afternoon> By Trader> > I wanted to evaluate how 
well AB can work for plotting some market > statistics, especiallythe 
McClellan Oscillator.  Lets see, I need > some advance decline 
data in AB.don't have it right now.> > Well, it should be easy 
to use AmiQuote to pull some data down from > Yahoo.> > 
Oh, yeah, I need to unzip that new version of AQ,  OK...  Better 
> check the readme file to see if it changed a lot...looks OK for 
what > I want to do.> > Lets see, I'll need the Yahoo 
symbols for A/D data so I can D/L with > AQ.> > Go 
the Yahoo Web site, poke around for awhile, can't find any symbols 
> for adv or dec data, only today's numbers.  Check some 
more....looks > like Yahoo does not have any symbols or historical 
data for adv/dec.> > No Problem....I have the data in two  
different programs on my > workstation, I'll use that.> > 
Lets see, I do MetaStock exports from QP2 all the time. That should > 
be easy.> > Make a small list with a few indices and adv/dec 
data.export to MS > format...no problem.> > Ok, Import 
that data into AB.    Whoa, what is this?  AB is > 
complaining about the QP2 symbols for NYSE advances !NY-A and the > 
others as well.  Hmmmm, different data vendors use all sort of weird 
> symbols for market statistic data, surely TJ took that into > 
consideration....Hmmmm, maybe not...> > OK, all I want to do is 
display the *%*(*& data.  I have an ascii > file on my HDthat 
gets generated every night that has the MCO > itself.  I'll import 
that for display.  Go to ascii import wizard,  > Hmmm skip 
the first three lines, then just read the date and close > data oneach 
line...piece of cake....> > Whoa, 1500 errors, look 
around...damn, the importer wont read the > negative values in 
MCO.> > OK, no Yahoo data available,  can't get AB to 
import my data...time > to send a note to TJ....> > Hours 
pass.............> > Get response back from TJ, thank you very 
much.   Hmmmm either he > does not understand the problem or 
else I don't understand his > response....probably the latter.> 
> He says I should have used the "foreign" function....what the hell 
is > that????> > Dig into AFL reference, says 
"foreign" is used to display data from a > second data series in 
addition to the data currently being > displayed.    
Well crap, that doesn't help.....I can't get the ^&3^%> (* data 
into AB to start with.....> > Lets see, what else did TJ 
say....something about an e-mail....I > check my regular and alias 
e-mail boxes.....nothing> > Mutter, mutter, mumble.....> 
> All I want to do is import a couple a data files into AB and geton 
> with my life.this is ridiculous......> > Go for walk to 
think this thing over.....conclusion....TJ may have a > betteridea 
on how to do things but this stinks.   How on earth is an 
> ordinary computer literate but non programmer supposed to make this 
> stuff work to do the most basic of tasks.  The simple taskshave 
to > be....uh, shall we say....simple????> > I still 
don't have the adv/dec data in the program and I am beginning > to 
understand why about every third request for help relates to just > 
getting some data into the program.> > Comparisons: gettingdata 
into Metastock is fairly easy because most > data vendors convert 
to MS format.  ASCII into MS is a little tricky, > but the 
help files are pretty good. > Tradestation/Supercharts is a no brainer 
for the user.  They read MS > format, ascii, even my odd 
FastTrack FNU files directly....no > importing needed.  AB isa 
real pain in its present state of > development if the user has to 
import data.> > TJ....keep up the good work, but  HELPyour 
users out in this area.> > And I still don't have adv/dec data 
in AB.....mutter, mutter, > mumble....I did say it was a wasted 
afternoon.> > TraderYour use of Yahoo! 
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