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RE: [RT] free stuff from Prechter

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subscribe to his letter and although I agree w/ you that on his biggest long 
term prediction he has been wrong for 10 or more yrs and IMHO continues to be 
wrong about calling the top of a cycle that started in the 1700's his short term 
(1 week to 6 months) is as accurate if not more so then most of the mkt letter 
writers. His system is also very black and white and therefore I can make the 
same anylisis as him and agree or disagree based on something concrete. I often 
do disagree w/ him but it is also easy to see when he or I  am wrong 
because of strong trigger points or levels in the system. He also points out 
items that I often have missed.

  <FONT face=Tahoma 
  size=2>-----Original Message-----From: DPritch901@xxxxxxx 
  [mailto:DPritch901@xxxxxxx]Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 2:41 
  AMTo: realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 
  MedianLine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: [RT] free stuff from 
  Prechter<FONT color=#8080ff 
  face="Arial Narrow" lang=0 size=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF">ok  is ti worth 
  the time   he is always  wrong   fade 
  him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To 
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