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Re: [RT] Re: President Bush

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Thank You Ralph... I have nothing else to add.........  .. Any of you who
are up late if you missed Hard Ball.. this eve.  it's worth seeing.... I
think they are right on about the  positive spin on what this WTC/Pentagon
tradegy has done...  unified U.S.A. and New Yorkers are saying HI to
strangers and  opening up to each other.... We just have to remember there
is always a Silver Lining.......... RIGHT NORMAN...... Mr. Silver...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ralph Volpe" <rjv@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [RT] Re: President Bush

> Me: you're a lengthy writer but you make no sense. Let me critique most of
> your points.
> As for you voting for whomever you think will be the best person for the
> office at the time, why don't you concede that you'll vote for whomever
> media brainwashes you to vote for, which is usually a Democrat. You also
> criticized Bush's speech when nearly everyone praised both the substance
> its careful delivery, but I guess YOU know better.
> As for use of "I" and "we," the President was careful and smart enough to
> "I" when he was doing something; such as constructing a new cabinet
> and "we" when all American were involved in getting a job done. The use of
> "I" is not to brag but to assume responsibility. As for "we," some
> will be called on to go to Afgan to clean house and those of us who stay
> behind will have to do whatever we do best to ensure the strength of our
> economy.
> One major confusion you're also having is local terrorism vs global
> terrorism. What's going on in Israel and Ireland is local  terrorism. What
> and the Europeans are experiencing is global  terrorism. When the new Bush
> administration attempted to put the lid on Israel, the hope was to contain
> this barbarism and give the new administration time to develop workable
> solutions. As we have seen, it is now too late for that -- the pit bull is
> longer fensed in. Terrorism has successfully gone global and now threatens
> all freedom loving people.
> Let me also educate you on some history. Reagan did fight terrorism even
> thought the gang of Dems in Congress did everything they could to stop
> Don't you remember the Cuban zealots who were setting up terrorist cells
> over South America? Don't you remember the Sandinista guerrillas? Reagan
> South American free and should largely get credit for the collapse of the
> USSR. As for Bush senior, he was only in for four years, but don't you
> remember the Iraq war? My, what a short memory you have? That was a  major
> intervention to curtail an overt terrorist nation. Do you remember how the
> Dems in Congress first fought Bush senior and refused to vote in support
> intervention? Do you remember how he had to get world opinion to twist the
> Dems arms in Congress to finally get approval to do what was needed? I'm
> sorry to say, you don't have your facts straight on these issues.
> As for taking action now in light of the WTC destruction, it has nothing
> do with patriotism, as you have said. To the point, it has everything to
> with protecting freedom, free trade, and to secure our safety. These are
> essential factors to improve the plight of people worldwide, which is not
> what these fanatics have in mind. As for invading Afgan and bombing it to
> hell -- I don't think so. Have you seen the videos of the Afgan people?
> are really primitive and destitute. Let me provide an analogy of our
> as I see it. If there's a criminal in the getto, do we bomb the hell out
of a
> getto to get him? No! We just go in with some force and take him out!
> all!
> On a final note, it isn't Bush's plan to go after every terrorist. You
> listen to his wording. He said he would go after those terrorists with
> ambitions. If they can be taken out, then the local thugs my atrophy
> international support -- as we can all hope.
> Ralph
> Me wrote:
> > Dorothy,
> >
> > I did watch the analysis and listen to the discussions, in fact the
> > TV has been on steady for that last 2 weeks jumping among various
> > channels.  I have also monitored and posted on a number of forums.  I
> > am neither a Republican nor a Democrat.  I vote for the whom ever I
> > feel is the best person for the job at that point in time and yes, I
> > did vote for Bush.  IMO, Gore was the bigger fool and Bush the lesser
> > of the two evils by a very small margin
> >
> > 1. I was not attacking Bush personally, I was critiquing his speech
> > delivery.  His speech writers wrote and he said what people wanted to
> > hear, which was the purpose of the speech.  I wasn't saying that Bush
> > wasn't emotional (in his own way), just that he isn't a good speaker
> > and doesn't show emotion well.  His delivery was monotoned and
> > whether he is or not, he came across as the arrogant American
> > stereotype.  I would have liked him to raise his voice, take off his
> > shoe and bang it on the podium, show some facial expression, show
> > something other than just that thin lipped smile/grin he has.  Given
> > that he is President, Bush would do well to get some instruction in
> > the art of public speaking.
> >
> > 2.  Again, I find it interesting how Bush used "I" and you use "we".
> > Did you ever hear that old Lone Ranger joke where they get attacked
> > by a band of Indians?  The Lone Ranger says "looks like we are in
> > trouble Tonto".  Tonto's reply "what you mean we Lone Ranger?".
> > Perhaps he knows that although most everyone in the world is
> > horrified by this attack and the loss of human life, not everyone
> > agrees with the direction that he wants to take.  But to many,
> > voicing that concern suddenly makes one unpatriotic, a liberal patsy
> > and/or other choice names.  But that right to speak freely and to
> > disagree is one of the cornerstones of this country.  It is NOT
> > unpatriotic to disagree with the policy or directions that this
> > country and it's leadership takes at any time.  Period.
> >
> > There are always many agendas that come into play to make up the big
> > picture.  With the current state of the economy, a war could help
> > boost the economy right now.  It could also take people's attention
> > away from the economy.  Given some of the lies, subterfuge and
> > falling away from a number of campaign promises that Bush has
> > committed in his limited history so far, one might  wonder about
> > ulterior motives.  Or you can just be a blind "patriot" and accept
> > everything your told at face value.  There seems to be a lot of
> > people who have suddenly come out of the woodwork, waving flags,
> > spewing BS but having little or no knowledge of politics, government
> > or world affairs.  Some of these people are even guilty of attacking
> > and killing people merely because they look Middle Eastern.  Yes, we
> > have our own terrorist, racist, anti-Semitic problems also.  Perhaps
> > we should put more into solving those also?
> >
> > 3. I fully support ridding the world of terrorism.  But there are
> > different ways to approach this task and in fact, it may not be
> > something that anyone can do, even the almighty USA, despite whatever
> > rhetoric is thrown at the issue.  I just don't think we are going to
> > succeed at that task by invading or bombing Afghanistan.  Why weren't
> > we waging this war years ago?  And don't bring up Clinton's policies
> > because we could have been trying to stop terrorism during Reagan or
> > GHB's terms.  It's interesting how the Bush team and much of the
> > world was applying pressure to stop Israel from going after and
> > killing the terrorists afflicting their country.
> >
> > But now that our own homeland has suffered a terrorist incident, it's
> > suddenly all right to mobilize the armed forces, possibly restrict
> > civil liberties in the name of this war while chasing down and
> > killing terrorists, isn't it?  Suddenly, "the sleeping giant" has
> > woken and is now going to solve this major problem that has been
> > vexing the rest of the world for too many years?  Forgive me for
> > being just a bit skeptical.  Hell, we couldn't even stop the
> > terrorists from entering and leaving this country whenever they
> > wanted, from getting on airplane after airplane until they decided to
> > drive into a building with one.
> >
> > 4. Regardless of how people and countries feel in the heat of this
> > moment, there is a strong likelihood that significant military action
> > in the Mideast could destabilize the area.  We may wind up with no
> > oil and fighting one billion Muslims.  Past history shows that
> > coalitions change over time and initial support and anger by people
> > in the USA will whittle away as time marches on and the casualties
> > come home with no appreciable progress in the crusade.  This is
> > reality.  It's not going to be any different now, any more than the
> > new economy was.  You can't change human nature.
> >
> > We failed in Iraq (Hussein is still in power and the people are still
> > under his oppressed rule), we failed in Vietnam, losing many lives
> > there, spent much money and creating great divisiveness in this
> > county for many years.  I hear Bush and others talking about a "long"
> > war just like 'nam.  I hear people talking about hand-to-hand combat
> > as if it's some video game, which it is most assuredly not.  Didn't
> > we learn anything at all from our past experiences in 'nam or those
> > of the British and Russia in Afghanistan?    We can't use cruise
> > missiles or aerial bombing for there's little left to bomb in
> > Afghanistan!  The country is covered with mines from the Russian
> > war.  The only way we can take out Afghanistan is to neutron bomb it,
> > something that hopefully, even Bush won't do.
> >
> > You know by now that the Afghans stopped the Russians who threw
> > everything they had against them for 10 long years.  There is a comic
> > running on the editorial page of the  local paper here (SF Chronicle)
> > that is very apropos.  It's got a picture of a stone, another stone,
> > a bigger stone, a little stone, one stone on top of another finally a
> > stone in a cross hairs.  The caption is labeled "Searching for
> > targets in Afghanistan" with a side caption of "Just find the one
> > he's under".  We've had a $5 million price on Bin Laden's head for
> > years.  No one has yet to collect and we haven't been able to find
> > him on our own.
> >
> > Finally, are we going to go after the IRA and other terrorist groups
> > also?  The Brits haven't been very successful at clearing up that
> > situation.  Or is this just going to apply to Muslim terrorists,
> > specifically those hanging out in Afghanistan now?
> >
> > No one really knows how this war will be waged, not even the
> > government.  Or perhaps this is all rhetoric and after an appropriate
> > period of mourning, nothing at all will happen.  But
> > blind "patriotism" like so many are calling for these days will only
> > lead us to places we don't want to go.  This is not 1941.  It's not
> > the same country nor the same world.  I'll end this with two quotes
> > which I hope make some sense.
> >
> > "When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary
> > dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow."
> > -Anais Nin, The Diaries of Anaïs Nin
> >
> > "I love America more than any other country in this world, and,
> > exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her
> > perpetually."
> > -James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son
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