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Re: [RT] Validity of orbital element

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None of these formulae are necessary. There are several very accurate Astro
programs and ephemerides available that are based on the NASA JPL
calculations. Ok, now that we know where the planets are, let's cut to the
chase. Are you going to post tests for correlations with plantary cycles to
the markets?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Research Dept." <research@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 10:48 PM
Subject: [RT] Validity of orbital element

> Hello Real Traders? ,
> I  humbly submit the  following  argument against  planetary influence
> upon the earths financial markets. I  can only comment upon the earths
> because I have not yet been privileged enough to trade other planetary
> bodies    markets.   In  1979  while employed by a Black Box Project I
> took  the liberty to use the equipment assigned to me to do some after
> hours   research.   Unlike others that might ask you to blindly follow
> my  opinion.   I am providing my research and calculations which prove
> that   the   dynamics   of  outer space are such that it is impossible
> anything here could possibly influence or have any predictive value as
> far  as the markets are concerned.
> Below is a description of how to compute the positions for the Sun and
> Moon  and  the major planets, as well as for comets and minor planets,
> from a set of orbital elements.
> The  algorithms  have  been simplified as much as possible while still
> keeping a fairly good accuracy. The accuracy of the computed positions
> is  a  fraction  of  an  arc minute for the Sun and the inner planets,
> about  one  arc  minute for the outer planets, and 1-2 arc minutes for
> the  Moon.  If  we  limit  our accuracy demands to this level, one can
> simplify  further  by  e.g. ignoring the difference between mean, true
> and apparent positions.
> The  positions  computed below are for the 'equinox of the day', which
> is  suitable  for  computing  rise/set times, but not for plotting the
> position  on  a  star map drawn for a fixed epoch. In the latter case,
> correction  for  precession  must  be  applied,  which  is most simply
> performed as a rotation along the ecliptic.
> 1. Introduction
> The  text  below  describes how to compute the positions in the sky of
> the  Sun, Moon and the major planets out to Neptune. The algorithm for
> Pluto  is  taken from a fourier fit to Pluto's position as computed by
> numerical  integration  at JPL. Positions of other celestial bodies as
> well  (i.e.  comets  and  asteroids)  can  also  be computed, if their
> orbital elements are available.
> These  formulae  may  seem  complicated,  but  I  believe  this is the
> simplest  method  to  compute planetary positions with the fairly good
> accuracy   of  about  one  arc  minute  (=1/60  degree).  Any  further
> simplifications  will  yield lower accuracy, but of course that may be
> ok, depending on the application.
> 2. A few words about accuracy
> The  accuracy  requirements are modest: a final position with an error
> of  no  more than 1-2 arc minutes (one arc minute = 1/60 degree). This
> accuracy  is  in one respect quite optimal: it is the highest accuracy
> one can strive for, while still being able to do many simplifications.
> The simplifications made here are:
> 1: Nutation and aberration are both ignored.
> 2: Planetary aberration (i.e. light travel time) is ignored.
> 3:  The difference between Terrestial Time/Ephemeris Time (TT/ET), and
> Universal Time (UT) is ignored.
> 4: Precession is computed in a simplified way, by a simple addition to
> the ecliptic longitude.
> 5:  Higher-order  terms in the planetary orbital elements are ignored.
> This  will  give  an additional error of up to 2 arc min in 1000 years
> from now. For the Moon, the error will be larger: 7 arc min 1000 years
> from  now.  This  error  will  grow as the square of the time from the
> present.
> 6:   Most   planetary   perturbations  are  ignored.  Only  the  major
> perturbation  terms  for  the  Moon,  Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, are
> included.  If  still lower accuracy is acceptable, these perturbations
> can be ignored as well.
> 7:  The  largest  Uranus-Neptune  perturbation is accounted for in the
> orbital  elements of these planets. Therefore, the orbital elements of
> Uranus  and  Neptune are less accurate, especially in the distant past
> and  future.  The  elements for these planets should therefore only be
> used for at most a few centuries into the past and the future.
> 3. The time scale
> The  time scale in these formulae are counted in days. Hours, minutes,
> seconds  are  expressed  as fractions of a day. Day 0.0 occurs at 2000
> Jan  0.0 UT (or 1999 Dec 31, 0:00 UT). This "day number" d is computed
> as follows (y=year, m=month, D=date, UT=UT in hours+decimals):
> d = 367*y - 7 * ( y + (m+9)/12 ) / 4 + 275*m/9 + D - 730530
> Note  that  ALL divisions here should be INTEGER divisions. In Pascal,
> use  "div"  instead  of  "/",  in MS-Basic, use "\" instead of "/". In
> Fortran,  C  and  C++  "/"  can  be used if both y and m are integers.
> Finally, include the time of the day, by adding:
> d = d + UT/24.0 (this is a floating-point division)
> 4. The orbital elements
> The primary orbital elements are here denoted as:
> N = longitude of the ascending node
> i = inclination to the ecliptic (plane of the Earth's orbit)
> w = argument of perihelion
> a = semi-major axis, or mean distance from Sun
> e = eccentricity (0=circle, 0-1=ellipse, 1=parabola)
> M = mean anomaly (0 at perihelion; increases uniformly with time)
> Related orbital elements are:
> w1 = N + w = longitude of perihelion
> L = M + w1 = mean longitude
> q = a*(1-e) = perihelion distance
> Q = a*(1+e) = aphelion distance
> P = a ^ 1.5 = orbital period (years if a is in AU, astronomical units)
> T = Epoch_of_M - (M(deg)/360_deg) / P = time of perihelion
> v = true anomaly (angle between position and perihelion)
> E = eccentric anomaly
> One Astronomical Unit (AU) is the Earth's mean distance to the Sun, or
> 149.6  million km. When closest to the Sun, a planet is in perihelion,
> and  when most distant from the Sun it's in aphelion. For the Moon, an
> artificial  satellite,  or any other body orbiting the Earth, one says
> perigee  and  apogee  instead,  for the points in orbit least and most
> distant from Earth.
> To  describe  the  position  in  the  orbit, we use three angles: Mean
> Anomaly,  True  Anomaly, and Eccentric Anomaly. They are all zero when
> the planet is in perihelion:
> Mean  Anomaly  (M):  This  angle increases uniformly over time, by 360
> degrees  per  orbital  period.  It's  zero  at perihelion. It's easily
> computed from the orbital period and the time since last perihelion.
> True  Anomaly (v): This is the actual angle between the planet and the
> perihelion,  as  seen from the central body (in this case the Sun). It
> increases   non-uniformly   with   time,   changing  most  rapidly  at
> perihelion.
> Eccentric  Anomaly  (E):  This  is an auxiliary angle used in Kepler's
> Equation,  when  computing  the True Anomaly from the Mean Anomaly and
> the orbital eccentricity.
> Note  that  for  a circular orbit (eccentricity=0), these three angles
> are all equal to each other.
> Another  quantity  we will need is ecl, the obliquity of the ecliptic,
> i.e.  the  "tilt"  of  the Earth's axis of rotation (currently ca 23.4
> degrees  and  slowly decreasing). First, compute the "d" of the moment
> of interest (section 3). Then, compute the obliquity of the ecliptic:
> ecl = 23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * d
> Now  compute  the  orbital  elements of the planet of interest. If you
> want the position of the Sun or the Moon, you only need to compute the
> orbital  elements for the Sun or the Moon. If you want the position of
> any  other  planet,  you  must  compute  the orbital elements for that
> planet and for the Sun (of course the orbital elements for the Sun are
> really  the  orbital elements for the Earth; however it's customary to
> here  pretend  that the Sun orbits the Earth). This is necessary to be
> able to compute the geocentric position of the planet.
> Please  note  that a, the semi-major axis, is given in Earth radii for
> the Moon, but in Astronomical Units for the Sun and all the planets.
> When  computing M (and, for the Moon, when computing N and w as well),
> one  will quite often get a result that is larger than 360 degrees, or
> negative  (all  angles are here computed in degrees). If negative, add
> 360  degrees  until positive. If larger than 360 degrees, subtract 360
> degrees  until  the value is less than 360 degrees. Note that, in most
> programming languages, one must then multiply these angles with pi/180
> to convert them to radians, before taking the sine or cosine of them.
> Orbital elements of the Sun:
> N = 0.0
> i = 0.0
> w = 282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d
> a = 1.000000 (AU)
> e = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * d
> M = 356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d
> Orbital elements of the Moon:
> N = 125.1228 - 0.0529538083 * d
> i = 5.1454
> w = 318.0634 + 0.1643573223 * d
> a = 60.2666 (Earth radii)
> e = 0.054900
> M = 115.3654 + 13.0649929509 * d
> Orbital elements of Mercury:
> N = 48.3313 + 3.24587E-5 * d
> i = 7.0047 + 5.00E-8 * d
> w = 29.1241 + 1.01444E-5 * d
> a = 0.387098 (AU)
> e = 0.205635 + 5.59E-10 * d
> M = 168.6562 + 4.0923344368 * d
> Orbital elements of Venus:
> N = 76.6799 + 2.46590E-5 * d
> i = 3.3946 + 2.75E-8 * d
> w = 54.8910 + 1.38374E-5 * d
> a = 0.723330 (AU)
> e = 0.006773 - 1.302E-9 * d
> M = 48.0052 + 1.6021302244 * d
> Orbital elements of Mars:
> N = 49.5574 + 2.11081E-5 * d
> i = 1.8497 - 1.78E-8 * d
> w = 286.5016 + 2.92961E-5 * d
> a = 1.523688 (AU)
> e = 0.093405 + 2.516E-9 * d
> M = 18.6021 + 0.5240207766 * d
> Orbital elements of Jupiter:
> N = 100.4542 + 2.76854E-5 * d
> i = 1.3030 - 1.557E-7 * d
> w = 273.8777 + 1.64505E-5 * d
> a = 5.20256 (AU)
> e = 0.048498 + 4.469E-9 * d
> M = 19.8950 + 0.0830853001 * d
> Orbital elements of Saturn:
> N = 113.6634 + 2.38980E-5 * d
> i = 2.4886 - 1.081E-7 * d
> w = 339.3939 + 2.97661E-5 * d
> a = 9.55475 (AU)
> e = 0.055546 - 9.499E-9 * d
> M = 316.9670 + 0.0334442282 * d
> Orbital elements of Uranus:
> N = 74.0005 + 1.3978E-5 * d
> i = 0.7733 + 1.9E-8 * d
> w = 96.6612 + 3.0565E-5 * d
> a = 19.18171 - 1.55E-8 * d (AU)
> e = 0.047318 + 7.45E-9 * d
> M = 142.5905 + 0.011725806 * d
> Orbital elements of Neptune:
> N = 131.7806 + 3.0173E-5 * d
> i = 1.7700 - 2.55E-7 * d
> w = 272.8461 - 6.027E-6 * d
> a = 30.05826 + 3.313E-8 * d (AU)
> e = 0.008606 + 2.15E-9 * d
> M = 260.2471 + 0.005995147 * d
> Please  note  than the orbital elements of Uranus and Neptune as given
> here   are   somewhat  less  accurate.  They  include  a  long  period
> perturbation   between   Uranus   and   Neptune.  The  period  of  the
> perturbation is about 4200 years. Therefore, these elements should not
> be expected to give results within the stated accuracy for more than a
> few centuries in the past and into the future.
> 5. The position of the Sun
> The  position  of  the  Sun  is computed just like the position of any
> other  planet, but since the Sun always is moving in the ecliptic, and
> since   the   eccentricity   of  the  orbit  is  quite  small,  a  few
> simplifications  can  be  made. Therefore, a separate presentation for
> the Sun is given.
> Of  course,  we're  here really computing the position of the Earth in
> its  orbit  around  the  Sun,  but since we're viewing the sky from an
> Earth-centered  perspective,  we'll  pretend  that the Sun is in orbit
> around the Earth instead.
> First,  compute  the  eccentric  anomaly E from the mean anomaly M and
> from the eccentricity e (E and M in degrees):
> E = M + e*(180/pi) * sin(M) * ( 1.0 + e * cos(M) )
> or (if E and M are expressed in radians):
> E = M + e * sin(M) * ( 1.0 + e * cos(M) )
> Note  that the formulae for computing E are not exact; however they're
> accurate enough here.
> Then compute the Sun's distance r and its true anomaly v from:
> xv = r * cos(v) = cos(E) - e
> yv = r * sin(v) = sqrt(1.0 - e*e) * sin(E)
> v = atan2( yv, xv )
> r = sqrt( xv*xv + yv*yv )
> (note that the r computed here is later used as rs)
> atan2()  is  a  function  that  converts an x,y coordinate pair to the
> correct  angle  in  all  four  quadrants. It is available as a library
> function  in  Fortran, C and C++. In other languages, one has to write
> one's own atan2() function. It's not that difficult:
> atan2( y, x ) = atan(y/x) if x positive
> atan2( y, x ) = atan(y/x) +- 180 degrees if x negative
> atan2( y, x ) = sign(y) * 90 degrees if x zero
> See  these  links  for some code in Basic or Pascal. Fortran and C/C++
> already has atan2() as a standard library function.
> Now, compute the Sun's true longitude:
> lonsun = v + w
> Convert lonsun,r to ecliptic rectangular geocentric coordinates xs,ys:
> xs = r * cos(lonsun)
> ys = r * sin(lonsun)
> (since the Sun always is in the ecliptic plane, zs is of course zero).
> xs,ys is the Sun's position in a coordinate system in the plane of the
> ecliptic.  To  convert  this  to  equatorial,  rectangular, geocentric
> coordinates, compute:
> xe = xs
> ye = ys * cos(ecl)
> ze = ys * sin(ecl)
> Finally, compute the Sun's Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (Dec):
> RA = atan2( ye, xe )
> Dec = atan2( ze, sqrt(xe*xe+ye*ye) )
> 6. The position of the Moon and of the planets
> First, compute the eccentric anomaly, E, from M, the mean anomaly, and
> e,  the  eccentricity.  As  a  first  approximation,  do  (E  and M in
> degrees):
> E = M + e*(180/pi) * sin(M) * ( 1.0 + e * cos(M) )
> or, if E and M are in radians:
> E = M + e * sin(M) * ( 1.0 + e * cos(M) )
> If   e,   the   eccentricity,  is  less  than  about  0.05-0.06,  this
> approximation is sufficiently accurate. If the eccentricity is larger,
> set E0=E and then use this iteration formula (E and M in degrees):
> E1 = E0 - ( E0 - e*(180/pi) * sin(E0) - M ) / ( 1 - e * cos(E0) )
> or (E and M in radians):
> E1 = E0 - ( E0 - e * sin(E0) - M ) / ( 1 - e * cos(E0) )
> For  each  new  iteration, replace E0 with E1. Iterate until E0 and E1
> are  sufficiently  close  together  (about  0.001  degrees). For comet
> orbits with eccentricites close to one, a difference of less than 1E-4
> or 1E-5 degrees should be required.
> If this iteration formula won't converge, the eccentricity is probably
> too  close  to  one.  Then  you  should  instead  use the formulae for
> near-parabolic or parabolic orbits.
> Now compute the planet's distance and true anomaly:
> xv = r * cos(v) = a * ( cos(E) - e )
> yv = r * sin(v) = a * ( sqrt(1.0 - e*e) * sin(E) )
> v = atan2( yv, xv )
> r = sqrt( xv*xv + yv*yv )
> 7. The position in space
> Compute the planet's position in 3-dimensional space:
> xh = r * ( cos(N) * cos(v+w) - sin(N) * sin(v+w) * cos(i) )
> yh = r * ( sin(N) * cos(v+w) + cos(N) * sin(v+w) * cos(i) )
> zh = r * ( sin(v+w) * sin(i) )
> For  the Moon, this is the geocentric (Earth-centered) position in the
> ecliptic  coordinate system. For the planets, this is the heliocentric
> (Sun-centered)  position,  also  in the ecliptic coordinate system. If
> one  wishes, one can compute the ecliptic longitude and latitude (this
> must  be  done  if  one wishes to correct for perturbations, or if one
> wants to precess the position to a standard epoch):
> lonecl = atan2( yh, xh )
> latecl = atan2( zh, sqrt(xh*xh+yh*yh) )
> As  a  check  one can compute sqrt(xh*xh+yh*yh+zh*zh), which of course
> should equal r (except for small round-off errors).
> 8. Precession
> If  one  wishes  to  compute  the  planet's position for some standard
> epoch,  such as 1950.0 or 2000.0 (e.g. to be able to plot the position
> on  a  star  atlas), one must add the correction below to lonecl. If a
> planet's  and  not  the Moon's position is computed, one must also add
> the  same correction to lonsun, the Sun's longitude. The desired Epoch
> is expressed as the year, possibly with a fraction.
> lon_corr = 3.82394E-5 * ( 365.2422 * ( Epoch - 2000.0 ) - d )
> If  one  wishes  the position for today's epoch (useful when computing
> rising/setting times and the like), no corrections need to be done.
> 9. Perturbations of the Moon
> If  the  position  of  the  Moon  is computed, and one wishes a better
> accuracy than about 2 degrees, the most important perturbations has to
> be  taken  into  account. If one wishes 2 arc minute accuracy, all the
> following  terms  should be accounted for. If less accuracy is needed,
> some of the smaller terms can be omitted.
> First compute:
> Ms, Mm Mean Anomaly of the Sun and the Moon
> Nm Longitude of the Moon's node
> ws, wm Argument of perihelion for the Sun and the Moon
> Ls = Ms + ws Mean Longitude of the Sun (Ns=0)
> Lm = Mm + wm + Nm Mean longitude of the Moon
> D = Lm - Ls Mean elongation of the Moon
> F = Lm - Nm Argument of latitude for the Moon
> Add these terms to the Moon's longitude (degrees):
> -1.274 * sin(Mm - 2*D) (the Evection)
> +0.658 * sin(2*D) (the Variation)
> -0.186 * sin(Ms) (the Yearly Equation)
> -0.059 * sin(2*Mm - 2*D)
> -0.057 * sin(Mm - 2*D + Ms)
> +0.053 * sin(Mm + 2*D)
> +0.046 * sin(2*D - Ms)
> +0.041 * sin(Mm - Ms)
> -0.035 * sin(D) (the Parallactic Equation)
> -0.031 * sin(Mm + Ms)
> -0.015 * sin(2*F - 2*D)
> +0.011 * sin(Mm - 4*D)
> Add these terms to the Moon's latitude (degrees):
> -0.173 * sin(F - 2*D)
> -0.055 * sin(Mm - F - 2*D)
> -0.046 * sin(Mm + F - 2*D)
> +0.033 * sin(F + 2*D)
> +0.017 * sin(2*Mm + F)
> Add these terms to the Moon's distance (Earth radii):
> -0.58 * cos(Mm - 2*D)
> -0.46 * cos(2*D)
> All perturbation terms that are smaller than 0.01 degrees in longitude
> or  latitude  and  smaller  than 0.1 Earth radii in distance have been
> omitted  here. A few of the largest perturbation terms even have their
> own  names!  The  Evection  (the  largest perturbation) was discovered
> already  by  Ptolemy a few thousand years ago (the Evection was one of
> Ptolemy's  epicycles). The Variation and the Yearly Equation were both
> discovered by Tycho Brahe in the 16'th century.
> The   computations   can   be   simplified  by  omitting  the  smaller
> perturbation  terms.  The  error introduced by this seldom exceeds the
> sum  of  the  amplitudes of the 4-5 largest omitted terms. If one only
> computes  the  three  largest  perturbation terms in longitude and the
> largest  term  in  latitude, the error in longitude will rarley exceed
> 0.25 degrees, and in latitude 0.15 degrees.
> 10. Perturbations of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus
> The  only  planets  having  perturbations larger than 0.01 degrees are
> Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. First compute:
> Mj Mean anomaly of Jupiter
> Ms Mean anomaly of Saturn
> Mu Mean anomaly of Uranus (needed for Uranus only)
> Perturbations for Jupiter. Add these terms to the longitude:
> -0.332 * sin(2*Mj - 5*Ms - 67.6 degrees)
> -0.056 * sin(2*Mj - 2*Ms + 21 degrees)
> +0.042 * sin(3*Mj - 5*Ms + 21 degrees)
> -0.036 * sin(Mj - 2*Ms)
> +0.022 * cos(Mj - Ms)
> +0.023 * sin(2*Mj - 3*Ms + 52 degrees)
> -0.016 * sin(Mj - 5*Ms - 69 degrees)
> Perturbations for Saturn. Add these terms to the longitude:
> +0.812 * sin(2*Mj - 5*Ms - 67.6 degrees)
> -0.229 * cos(2*Mj - 4*Ms - 2 degrees)
> +0.119 * sin(Mj - 2*Ms - 3 degrees)
> +0.046 * sin(2*Mj - 6*Ms - 69 degrees)
> +0.014 * sin(Mj - 3*Ms + 32 degrees)
> For Saturn: also add these terms to the latitude:
> -0.020 * cos(2*Mj - 4*Ms - 2 degrees)
> +0.018 * sin(2*Mj - 6*Ms - 49 degrees)
> Perturbations for Uranus: Add these terms to the longitude:
> +0.040 * sin(Ms - 2*Mu + 6 degrees)
> +0.035 * sin(Ms - 3*Mu + 33 degrees)
> -0.015 * sin(Mj - Mu + 20 degrees)
> The  "great  Jupiter-Saturn term" is the largest perturbation for both
> Jupiter  and  Saturn.  Its  period  is 918 years, and its amplitude is
> 0.332  degrees for Jupiter and 0.812 degrees for Saturn. These is also
> a  "great  Saturn-Uranus  term",  period  560  years,  amplitude 0.035
> degrees  for  Uranus, less than 0.01 degrees for Saturn (and therefore
> omitted).  The  other  perturbations  have  periods between 14 and 100
> years.  One should also mention the "great Uranus-Neptune term", which
> has a period of 4220 years and an amplitude of about one degree. It is
> not  included  here, instead it is included in the orbital elements of
> Uranus and Neptune.
> For  Mercury,  Venus  and  Mars  we  can ignore all perturbations. For
> Neptune  the  only significant perturbation is already included in the
> orbital  elements,  as  mentioned  above,  and  therefore  no  further
> perturbation terms need to be accounted for.
> 11. Geocentric (Earth-centered) coordinates
> Now we have computed the heliocentric (Sun-centered) coordinate of the
> planet, and we have included the most important perturbations. We want
> to  compute the geocentric (Earth-centerd) position. We should convert
> the perturbed lonecl, latecl, r to (perturbed) xh, yh, zh:
> xh = r * cos(lonecl) * cos(latecl)
> yh = r * sin(lonecl) * cos(latecl)
> zh = r * sin(latecl)
> If  we  are  computing  the  Moon's  position,  this  is  already  the
> geocentric  position,  and  thus  we  simply  set xg=xh, yg=yh, zg=zh.
> Otherwise  we must also compute the Sun's position: convert lonsun, rs
> (where rs is the r computed here) to xs, ys:
> xs = rs * cos(lonsun)
> ys = rs * sin(lonsun)
> (Of  course,  any  correction for precession should be added to lonecl
> and lonsun before converting to xh,yh,zh and xs,ys).
> Now convert from heliocentric to geocentric position:
> xg = xh + xs
> yg = yh + ys
> zg = zh
> We  now  have  the  planet's  geocentric  (Earth centered) position in
> rectangular, ecliptic coordinates.
> 12. Equatorial coordinates
> Let's  convert  our  rectangular, ecliptic coordinates to rectangular,
> equatorial  coordinates: simply rotate the y-z-plane by ecl, the angle
> of the obliquity of the ecliptic:
> xe = xg
> ye = yg * cos(ecl) - zg * sin(ecl)
> ze = yg * sin(ecl) + zg * cos(ecl)
> Finally,  compute  the  planet's  Right Ascension (RA) and Declination
> (Dec):
> RA = atan2( ye, xe )
> Dec = atan2( ze, sqrt(xe*xe+ye*ye) )
> Compute the geocentric distance:
> rg = sqrt(xg*xg+yg*yg+zg*zg) = sqrt(xe*xe+ye*ye+ze*ze)
> 13. The Moon's topocentric position
> The  Moon's position, as computed earlier, is geocentric, i.e. as seen
> by  an  imaginary  observer at the center of the Earth. Real observers
> dwell  on  the  surface  of  the  Earth,  though,  and they will see a
> different  position  -  the  topocentric  position.  This position can
> differ  by  more  than  one  degree  from  the geocentric position. To
> compute  the  topocentric  positions,  we must add a correction to the
> geocentric position.
> Let's  start  by computing the Moon's parallax, i.e. the apparent size
> of the (equatorial) radius of the Earth, as seen from the Moon:
> mpar = asin( 1/r )
> where  r is the Moon's distance in Earth radii. It's simplest to apply
> the  correction  in  horizontal  coordinates  (azimuth  and altitude):
> within  our  accuracy aim of 1-2 arc minutes, no correction need to be
> applied  to  the  azimuth.  One  need  only  apply a correction to the
> altitude above the horizon:
> alt_topoc = alt_geoc - mpar * cos(alt_geoc)
> Sometimes  one  need  to  correct for topocentric position directly in
> equatorial coordinates though, e.g. if one wants to draw on a star map
> how  the  Moon  passes  in  front  of  the Pleiades, as seen from some
> specific  location.  Then  we need to know the Moon's geocentric Right
> Ascension  and  Declination (RA, Decl), the Local Sidereal Time (LST),
> and our latitude (lat).
> Our   astronomical  latitude  (lat)  must  first  be  converted  to  a
> geocentric latitude (gclat), and distance from the center of the Earth
> (rho)  in  Earth  equatorial  radii.  If  we  only want an approximate
> topocentric  position,  it's  simplest  to pretend that the Earth is a
> perfect sphere, and simply set:
> gclat = lat, rho = 1.0
> However,  if we do wish to account for the flattening of the Earth, we
> instead compute:
> gclat = lat - 0.1924_deg * sin(2*lat)
> rho = 0.99883 + 0.00167 * cos(2*lat)
> Next we compute the Moon's geocentric Hour Angle (HA):
> HA = LST - RA
> where LST is our Local Sidereal Time, computed as:
> LST = GMST0 + UT + LON/15
> where  UT  is  the  Universal  Time  in  hours,  LON is the observer's
> geographical longitude (east longitude positive, west negative). GMST0
> is  the  Greenwich  Mean  Sidereal  Time  at 0h UT, and is most easily
> computed  by adding, or subtracting, 180 degrees to Ls, the Sun's mean
> longitude,  and  then  converting from degrees to hours by duvuding by
> 15:
> GMST0 = ( Ls + 180_deg ) / 15
> We also need an auxiliary angle, g:
> g = atan( tan(gclat) / cos(HA) )
> Now  we're  ready  to  convert  the  geocentric  Right  Ascention  and
> Declination (RA, Decl) to their topocentric values (topRA, topDecl):
> topRA = RA - mpar * rho * cos(gclat) * sin(HA) / cos(Decl)
> topDecl = Decl - mpar * rho * sin(gclat) * sin(g - Decl) / sin(g)
> (Note  that  if  decl is exactly 90 deg, cos(Decl) becomes zero and we
> get  a  division by zero when computing topRA, but that formula breaks
> down  very  close  to  the  celestial  poles  anyway. Also if gclat is
> precisely zero, g becomes zero too, and we get a division by zero when
> computing topDecl. In that case, replace the formula for topDecl with
> topDecl = Decl - mpar * rho * sin(-Decl) * cos(HA)
> which  is valid for gclat equal to zero; it can also be used for gclat
> extremely close to zero).
> This correction to topocentric position can also be applied to the Sun
> and  the  planets. But since they're much farther away, the correction
> becomes  much smaller. It's largest for Venus at inferior conjunction,
> when  Venus'  parallax  is somewhat larger than 32 arc seconds. Within
> our  aim  of  obtaining  a final accuracy of 1-2 arc minutes, it might
> barely  be  justified to correct to topocentric position when Venus is
> close  to  inferior  conjunction,  and  perhaps also when Mars is at a
> favourable  opposition.  But  in  all  other cases this correction can
> safely be ignored within our accuracy aim. We only need to worry about
> the Moon in this case.
> If you want to compute topocentric coordinates for the planets anyway,
> you  do  it  the  same  way  as  for the Moon, with one exception: the
> parallax of the planet (ppar) is computed from this formula:
> ppar = (8.794/3600)_deg / r
> where  r is the distance of the planet from the Earth, in astronomical
> units.
> 14. The position of Pluto
> No  analytical  theory has ever been constructed for the planet Pluto.
> Our  most accurate representation of the motion of this planet is from
> numerical  integrations.  Yet, a "curve fit" may be performed to these
> numerical  integrations,  and  the  result will be the formulae below,
> valid  from  ca  1800  to ca 2100. Compute d, our day number, as usual
> (section 3). Then compute these angles:
> S = 50.03 + 0.033459652 * d
> P = 238.95 + 0.003968789 * d
> Next   compute   the  heliocentric  ecliptic  longitude  and  latitude
> (degrees), and distance (a.u.):
> lonecl = 238.9508 + 0.00400703 * d
> - 19.799 * sin(P) + 19.848 * cos(P)
> + 0.897 * sin(2*P) - 4.956 * cos(2*P)
> + 0.610 * sin(3*P) + 1.211 * cos(3*P)
> - 0.341 * sin(4*P) - 0.190 * cos(4*P)
> + 0.128 * sin(5*P) - 0.034 * cos(5*P)
> - 0.038 * sin(6*P) + 0.031 * cos(6*P)
> + 0.020 * sin(S-P) - 0.010 * cos(S-P)
> latecl = -3.9082
> - 5.453 * sin(P) - 14.975 * cos(P)
> + 3.527 * sin(2*P) + 1.673 * cos(2*P)
> - 1.051 * sin(3*P) + 0.328 * cos(3*P)
> + 0.179 * sin(4*P) - 0.292 * cos(4*P)
> + 0.019 * sin(5*P) + 0.100 * cos(5*P)
> - 0.031 * sin(6*P) - 0.026 * cos(6*P)
> + 0.011 * cos(S-P)
> r = 40.72
> + 6.68 * sin(P) + 6.90 * cos(P)
> - 1.18 * sin(2*P) - 0.03 * cos(2*P)
> + 0.15 * sin(3*P) - 0.14 * cos(3*P)
> Now  we know the heliocentric distance and ecliptic longitude/latitude
> for  Pluto.  To convert to geocentric coordinates, do as for the other
> planets.
> 15. The elongation and physical ephemerides of the planets
> When we finally have completed our computation of the heliocentric and
> geocentric coordinates of the planets, it could also be interesting to
> know  what the planet will look like. How large will it appear? What's
> its  phase  and  magnitude  (brightness)?  These computations are much
> simpler than the computations of the positions.
> Let's start by computing the apparent diameter of the planet:
> d = d0 / R
> R  is the planet's geocentric distance in astronomical units, and d is
> the  planet's  apparent diameter at a distance of 1 astronomical unit.
> d0  is of course different for each planet. The values below are given
> in  seconds  of  arc. Some planets have different equatorial and polar
> diameters:
> Mercury 6.74"
> Venus 16.92"
> Earth 17.59" equ 17.53" pol
> Mars 9.36" equ 9.28" pol
> Jupiter 196.94" equ 185.08" pol
> Saturn 165.6" equ 150.8" pol
> Uranus 65.8" equ 62.1" pol
> Neptune 62.2" equ 60.9" pol
> The  Sun's  apparent  diameter at 1 astronomical unit is 1919.26". The
> Moon's apparent diameter is:
> d = 1873.7" * 60 / r
> where r is the Moon's distance in Earth radii.
> Two  other  quantities  we'd  like to know are the phase angle and the
> elongation.
> The  phase  angle  tells us the phase: if it's zero the planet appears
> "full",  if it's 90 degrees it appears "half", and if it's 180 degrees
> it appears "new". Only the Moon and the inferior planets (i.e. Mercury
> and Venus) can have phase angles exceeding about 50 degrees.
> The elongation is the apparent angular distance of the planet from the
> Sun.  If  the  elongation is smaller than ca 20 degrees, the planet is
> hard  to  observe, and if it's smaller than ca 10 degrees it's usually
> not possible to observe the planet.
> To  compute  phase  angle  and elongation we need to know the planet's
> heliocentric distance, r, its geocentric distance, R, and the distance
> to  the  Sun,  s.  Now  we  can  compute  the phase angle, FV, and the
> elongation, elong:
> elong = acos( ( s*s + R*R - r*r ) / (2*s*R) )
> FV = acos( ( r*r + R*R - s*s ) / (2*r*R) )
> When we know the phase angle, we can easily compute the phase:
> phase = ( 1 + cos(FV) ) / 2 = hav(180_deg - FV)
> hav(FV)  is  the  "haversine"  of the phase angle. The "haversine" (or
> "half  versine")  is  an  old and now obsolete trigonometric function;
> it's defined as:
> hav(x) = ( 1 - cos(x) ) / 2 = sin^2 (x/2)
> As  usual  we  must  use a different procedure for the Moon. Since the
> Moon is so close to the Earth, the procedure above would introduce too
> big errors. Instead we use the Moon's ecliptic longitude and latitude,
> mlon  and  mlat,  and  the  Sun's ecliptic longitude, mlon, to compute
> first the elongation, then the phase angle, of the Moon:
> elong = acos( cos(slon - mlon) * cos(mlat) )
> FV = 180_deg - elong
> Finally  we'll  compute  the magnitude (or brightness) of the planets.
> Here  we need to use a formula that's different for each planet. FV is
> the  phase  angle  (in  degrees),  r  is  the  heliocentric  and R the
> geocentric distance (both in AU):
> Mercury: -0.36 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.027 * FV + 2.2E-13 * FV**6
> Venus: -4.34 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.013 * FV + 4.2E-7 * FV**3
> Mars: -1.51 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.016 * FV
> Jupiter: -9.25 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.014 * FV
> Saturn: -9.0 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.044 * FV + ring_magn
> Uranus: -7.15 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.001 * FV
> Neptune: -6.90 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.001 * FV
> Moon: +0.23 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.026 * FV + 4.0E-9 * FV**4
> **  is  the power operator, thus FV**6 is the phase angle (in degrees)
> raised  to the sixth power. If FV is 150 degrees then FV**6 becomes ca
> 1.14E+13, which is a quite large number.
> For  the  Moon,  we  also  need  the  heliocentric  distance,  r,  and
> geocentric  distance, R, in AU (astronomical units). Here r can be set
> equal  to  the  Sun's geocentric distance in AU. The Moon's geocentric
> distance,  R,  previously computed i Earth radii, must be converted to
> AU's  -  we  do  this by multiplying by sin(17.59"/2) = 1/23450. Or we
> could  modify  the magnitude formula for the Moon so it uses r in AU's
> and R in Earth radii:
> Moon: -21.62 + 5*log10(r*R) + 0.026 * FV + 4.0E-9 * FV**4
> Saturn  needs  special treatment due to its rings: when Saturn's rings
> are  "open"  then  Saturn  will appear much brighter than when we view
> Saturn's rings edgewise. We'll compute ring_mang like this:
> ring_magn = -2.6 * sin(abs(B)) + 1.2 * (sin(B))**2
> Here  B  is  the tilt of Saturn's rings which we also need to compute.
> Then we start with Saturn's geocentric ecliptic longitude and latitude
> (los,  las) which we've already computed. We also need the tilt of the
> rings  to  the  ecliptic, ir, and the "ascending node" of the plane of
> the rings, Nr:
> ir = 28.06_deg
> Nr = 169.51_deg + 3.82E-5_deg * d
> Here  d is our "day number" which we've used so many times before. Now
> let's compute the tilt of the rings:
> B = asin( sin(las) * cos(ir) - cos(las) * sin(ir) * sin(los-Nr) )
> This concludes our computation of the magnitudes of the planets.
> 16. Positions of asteroids
> For  asteroids,  the orbital elements are often given as: N,i,w,a,e,M,
> where  N,i,w are valid for a specific epoch (nowadays usually 2000.0).
> In  our  simplified computational scheme, the only significant changes
> with  the  epoch  occurs  in  N.  To convert N_Epoch to the N (today's
> epoch) we want to use, simply add a correction for precession:
> N = N_Epoch + 0.013967 * ( 2000.0 - Epoch ) + 3.82394E-5 * d
> where  Epoch  is  expressed  as  a year with fractions, e.g. 1950.0 or
> 2000.0
> Most  often M, the mean anomaly, is given for another day than the day
> we  want  to compute the asteroid's position for. If the daily motion,
> n,  is  given,  simply add n * (time difference in days) to M. If n is
> not given, but the period P (in days) is given, then n = 360.0/P. If P
> is not given, it can be computed from:
> P = 365.2568984 * a**1.5 (days) = 1.00004024 * a**1.5 (years)
> ** is the power-of operator. a**1.5 is the same as sqrt(a*a*a).
> When all orbital elements has been computed, proceed as with the other
> planets (section 6).
> 17. Position of comets.
> For  comets  having elliptical orbits, M is usually not given. Instead
> T,  the  time  of  perihelion,  is  given. At perihelion M is zero. To
> compute  M for any other moment, first compute the "day number" d of T
> (section  3),  let's  call this dT. Then compute the "day number" d of
> the  moment  for which you want to compute a position, let's call this
> d. Then M, the mean anomaly, is computed like:
> M = 360.0 * (d-dT)/P (degrees)
> where  P  is  given in days, and d-dT of course is the time since last
> perihelion, also in days.
> Also,  a,  the  semi-major  axis, is usually not given. Instead q, the
> perihelion distance, is given. a can easily be computed from q and e:
> a = q / (1.0 - e)
> Then proceed as with an asteroid (section 16).
> 18. Parabolic orbits
> If the comet has a parabolic orbit, a different method has to be used.
> Then  the  orbital  period  of  the comet is infinite, and M (the mean
> anomaly)  is  always  zero.  The eccentricity, e, is always exactly 1.
> Since  the  semi-major  axis, a, is infinite, we must instead directly
> use  the  perihelion  distance,  q.  To  compute a parabolic orbit, we
> proceed like this:
> Compute  the  "day  number",  d, for T, the moment of perihelion, call
> this  dT. Compute d for the moment we want to compute a position, call
> it  d  (section  3).  The  constant  k  is  the Gaussian gravitational
> constant: k = 0.01720209895 exactly!
> Then compute:
> H = (d-dT) * (k/sqrt(2)) / q**1.5
> where q**1.5 is the same as sqrt(q*q*q). Also compute:
> h = 1.5 * H
> g = sqrt( 1.0 + h*h )
> s = cbrt( g + h ) - cbrt( g - h )
> cbrt() is the cube root function: cbrt(x) = x**(1.0/3.0). The formulae
> has  been  devised  so  that  both  g+h  and  g-h always are positive.
> Therefore  one can here safely compute cbrt(x) as exp(log(x)/3.0) . In
> general, cbrt(-x) = -cbrt(x) and of course cbrt(0) = 0.
> Instead  of  trying  to compute some eccentric anomaly, we compute the
> true anomaly and the heliocentric distance directly:
> v = 2.0 * atan(s)
> r = q * ( 1.0 + s*s )
> When  we  know  the true anomaly and the heliocentric distance, we can
> proceed by computing the position in space (section 7).
> 19. Near-parabolic orbits.
> The  most  common  case for a newly discovered comet is that the orbit
> isn't  an  exact  parabola,  but  very nearly so. It's eccentricity is
> slightly  below,  or slightly above, one. The algorithm presented here
> can  be  used  for  eccentricities between about 0.98 and 1.02. If the
> eccentricity  is  smaller  than  0.98 the elliptic algorithm (Kepler's
> equation/etc)   should   be  used  instead.  No  known  comet  has  an
> eccentricity exceeding 1.02.
> As  for  the  purely  parabolic  orbit, we start by computing the time
> since  perihelion  in  days,  d-dT, and the perihelion distance, q. We
> also  need to know the eccentricity, e. The constant k is the Gaussian
> gravitational constant: k = 0.01720209895 exactly!
> Then we can proceed as:
> a = 0.75 * (d-dT) * k * sqrt( (1 + e) / (q*q*q) )
> b = sqrt( 1 + a*a )
> W = cbrt(b + a) - cbrt(b - a)
> c = 1 + 1/(W*W)
> f = (1 - e) / (1 + e)
> g = f / (c*c)
> a1 = (2/3) + (2/5) * W*W
> a2 = (7/5) + (33/35) * W*W + (37/175) * W**4
> a3 = W*W * ( 432/175) + (956/1125) * W*W + (84/1575) * W**4 )
> w = W * ( 1 + g * c * ( a1 + a2*g + a3*g*g ) )
> v = 2 * atan(w)
> r = q * ( 1 + w*w ) / ( 1 + w*w * f )
> This  algorithm  yields  the  true  anomaly,  v,  and the heliocentric
> distance,  r,  for  a nearly-parabolic orbit. Note that this algorithm
> will  fail  very  far  from  the  perihelion;  however the accuracy is
> sufficient for all comets closer than Pluto.
> 20. Rise and set times.
> (this subject has received a document of its own)
> 21. Validity of orbital elements.
> Due  to  perturbations from mainly the giant planets, like Jupiter and
> Saturn,  the  orbital  elements  of  celestial  bodies  are constantly
> changing.  The  orbital  elements  for  the  Sun,  Moon  and the major
> planets,  as  given  here,  are valid for a long time period. However,
> orbital elements given for a comet or an asteroid are valid only for a
> limited  time.  How  long  they are valid is hard to say generally. It
> depends  on  many  factors,  such  as  the  accuracy you need, and the
> magnitude  of  the perturbations the comet or asteroid is subjected to
> from,  say,  Jupiter.  A  comet might travel in roughly the same orbit
> several  orbital  periods, experiencing only slight perturbations, but
> suddenly it might pass very close to Jupiter and get its orbit changed
> drastically.  To  compute  this in a reliable way is quite complicated
> and  completely out of scope for this description. As a rule of thumb,
> though,  one  can  assume  that  an  asteroid, if one uses the orbital
> elements for a specific epoch, one or a few revolutions away from that
> moment  will have an error in its computed position of at least one or
> a  few arc minutes, and possibly more. The errors will accumulate with
> time.
> PS I especially hope you paid attention to the Mars calculations.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Research                          mailto:research@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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