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[RT] FYI: After The Wild Ride

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APRIL 16, 2001 


After the Wild Ride  
Investors have lost $4.6 trillion in the tech debacle--and a lot more 
than money went with it 
For a while, becoming fabulously wealthy practically overnight seemed 
to be about as easy as waking up in the morning and getting out of 
bed. That's the way it was for Jon Simmons of Fontana, Calif., who 
turned a measly $4,500 into $2.2 million in just 13 months by 
investing in Internet and other tech stocks. When he hit the $1 
million mark early last year, he quit his job as a computer 
programmer and concentrated on trading. Two months later, when his 
stocks had more than doubled, the 31-year-old began to fantasize 
about buying his dream home--just as soon as he doubled his money 
again. He never got the chance. Within days, the tech stock bubble 
burst and, after paying his taxes on earlier gains, Simmons was left 
with just $100,000. His wild rise and sudden fall left him dazed. 
Often, he had to remind himself: "It was just money."

Maybe for him. But many investors have lost a lot more than paper 
profits during this long and seemingly bottomless slide. A year after 
the peak of the Internet-driven stock frenzy, what one psychologist 
calls "the fear-greed roller coaster" has drained bank accounts, 
delayed retirements, pulled marriages apart--and worse. A New York 
couple, who suffered enormous losses through day trading, entered 
into a murder-suicide pact last fall. George Schavran, 70, shot 42-
year-old Catherine Fischer and the couple's German shepherd, Graf, on 
a desolate Long Island beach. He survived his suicide attempt and now 
faces a murder charge.

Only now is the full extent of the damage to personal finances and 
people's lives becoming clear. Since the market's peak, $4.6 trillion 
of investor wealth has vanished. In just one year, the number of 
millionaires plummeted more than 10%, from 7.1 million to 6.3 
million, according to the Spectrem Group, a Chicago-based 
consultancy. If that wasn't enough, many people are being forced to 
pay taxes on capital gains they no longer have. They sold stocks near 
the peak and reinvested in others as the market was sliding to new 

The rapid swing between instant wealth and financial worry produced 
emotional whiplash. The thrill of counting out Nasdaq profits has 
been replaced with bitter hours of fear and self-blame. For 
some, "It's almost like dealing with death," says James Gottfurcht, a 
psychologist and president of Psychology of Money Consultants in Los 
Angeles. Investors are grieving--passing through stages of denial, 
anger, and depression. The sad reality, psychologists say, is that 
the pain of losing money is far stronger than the pleasure of making 
it. "I feel absolutely devastated by my lack of good financial 
judgment," says Roy DuBrow, owner of a Seattle limousine company, who 
lost about $700,000 in paper gains on tech stocks.

Uncertainty principle. People need to learn to cope with such 
feelings or they could end up compounding their problems. "If you 
don't deal with these things, you begin to act out," says Kathleen 
Gurney, CEO of the Financial Psychology Corp. in Sonoma, 
Calif. "People start to do irrational things," she says, like buying 
an expensive car they can't afford in an attempt to blunt the 
emotional pain. Seeking help from therapists and financial advisers 
can keep things from getting worse.

The hurt isn't limited to individuals. A sharp drop in consumer 
confidence has contributed to the steep downturn in the economy, and 
seems likely to affect investing for months, maybe years, to come. 
Without a belief that stocks will achieve even pre-frenzy returns, 
investors won't likely place bets that could help produce those 
returns for everybody. Instead of a virtuous circle, the pattern of 
positive reinforcement is broken--replaced by fear, uncertainty, and 
mounting financial losses. "My fear is that you'll see people pull 
out of the market and never invest again," says Gurney.

The allure of Wall Street was hard to resist--and practically 
everybody who could scrape together a handful of savings gave stocks 
a try. By the end of 1999, nearly 80 million Americans owned stock, 
compared with 42.4 million in 1983, according to the Investment 
Company Institute. Getting rich quick was no longer just the stuff of 
Super Lotto dreams. Thanks to tech stocks and the seemingly limitless 
promise of the Internet, it looked like the old rules had been 
suspended and any schmo could become wealthy. Indeed, Spectrem says, 
there were 3 million more American millionaires in 1999 than in 1995.

The ride was dizzying--both up and down. Take DuBrow, the limousine 
company owner. At one point, DuBrow, 62, was nearly a millionaire, 
having watched his $100,000-plus bet on Net and tech stocks skyrocket 
800%. He became addicted to the market. He started talking to his 
broker five times a day and became glued to CNBC. For a while, his 
obsession made him feel great. "I began to feel like a guru," he 
says. He would talk excitedly to friends about his latest successes. 
On his best day, he was up more than $45,000. "I felt like I was 
almost at the cutting edge," he says.

When the market declined, his confidence evaporated. For the first 
time in his six-year marriage, he hurt his wife, Anita, grabbing her 
arms and shaking her briefly when he lost his temper. Normally, she 
says, "He's such a gentle person. It scared me half to death to see 
him change that much." Sounding despondent in early March, DuBrow 
talked about going cold turkey and selling everything. Just days 
later, his mood had swung to the other extreme. He was convinced that 
the market had hit bottom and could only go up from there--and he was 
buying again.

The meltdown market was especially jarring for people who worked for 
dot-coms. Often they were hit by a double whammy: trying to deal with 
the shock of instant wealth, and then, just as they were preparing 
for their new life, watching their money vanish. One 28-year-old 
Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO ) exec who had spent two years searching for the 
perfect mansion not only bought his $2.5 million house but also paid 
his taxes with margin loans, says Pat Ingraham, a Century 21 real 
estate agent in Saratoga, Calif. When Yahoo's stock began to 
collapse, the man was forced to sell the house before he moved in.

Some tech workers are winding up with huge tax bills and little money 
to pay them. Fran Maier, 38, former senior vice-president of 
marketing at women.com (WOMN ), in San Mateo, Calif., exercised more 
than 60,000 stock options when they were worth $6 a share, up from 
her grant price of 80 cents a share. Maier had to pay taxes on the 
gain in 1999, even though she hadn't sold her shares. In fact, she 
was barred by law from selling them for six months, but by that time 
they were sinking. To get enough money to pay her taxes, she had to 
sell shares at $3 each and take a second mortgage on her home. "It 
feels awfully bad to pay taxes on gains you never saw," she says.

Such financial ups and downs take a heavy toll on families. When 
Maier's son was asked by his fifth-grade teacher to write an essay 
about what he'd do with $1 million, he wrote that he'd give some 
money to his mother so she could pay her taxes. It gets worse. A 
California woman who asked to go only by her first name, Mary, says 
sudden wealth ruined both her marriage and her financial dreams. Her 
family's assets had skyrocketed by $25 million overnight when her 
husband's tech company was bought by another one with a high-flying 
stock price and he received a large grant of shares. Three months 
later, Mary was shocked when her husband took her out to lunch and 
announced he wanted a divorce. She believes he saw his newfound 
wealth as the opportunity to lead the life of a rich playboy. While 
the marriage fell apart, the stock price did too, tumbling from a 
high of $250 to $53 a share before she sold.

Compounded mistakes. Even people who took relatively small risks are 
paying the consequences, being forced to postpone their retirements 
or purchases of homes. Arthur Rubin, 53, of Ashland, Mass., 
transferred $50,000 of his assets into the QQQ Nasdaq 100 tracking 
stock in early 2000, buying in when the stock was $107. "When it 
started going down, I got excited," he says, seeing it as an 
opportunity to buy more. He bought more stock when shares were in the 
90s, and then in the 80s, then stopped his buying spree as the stock 
continued to sink to $53. Now, he says, his dreams of early 
retirement must be delayed.

It may seem a little late, but many stunned investors are now seeking 
help from financial planners. The profession has watched demand 
increase by as much as 40% over last year. Gary Schatsky, chairman of 
the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, recalls the 
man who came into his office looking for advice--his hand shaking 
uncontrollably. The 29-year-old had lost 60% of his $1 million 
inheritance in just two weeks, Schatsky said. He had relied on a 
broker who convinced him to place all of his money in technology 

Some people who have hit bottom are seeking help for depression, 
anxiety, and self-esteem problems. Psychologists teach them to cope 
with what has happened to them, and to do a better job of sizing up 
their ability to take risks in the future. Gottfurcht says frazzled 
investors could have saved themselves a lot of heartache if they had 
kept a careful watch over their emotions when times were good. 
Idealization, for instance, can cause a person to put a company or 
stock market guru on a pedestal. Denial can lead to a person refusing 
to believe that the market has changed course, despite strong 
evidence to the contrary.

To protect people from falling into what he calls psychological money 
traps, he suggests investors write down their financial goals for a 
stock when they purchase it. With a written record of their original 
intentions, they may be less likely to get drunk on greed and stay 
with a stock too long. And he urges people to find a friend to play 
devil's advocate concerning their stock picks. That can help guard 
against irrational optimism.

In spite of all the horror stories--some investors cling stubbornly 
to their dreams of Net-stock riches. Ron Peloquin, 42, of Windsor, 
Conn., bought shares of Internet holding company CMGI (CMGI ) for 
$3.50 in 1998 and watched the stock climb to $330 in two years, 
turning $70,000 into $1.1 million. He held onto most of his shares, 
even though the price has slid below $3. In fact, now that it's so 
low, he has started buying CMGI again. Although he quit his job as a 
computer programmer when he became a paper millionaire, he recently 
returned to work--so he can afford to buy stock. Like many true 
believers, he's convinced that most people have overreacted. Now, 
he's patiently waiting for the market to rekindle its love affair 
with technology, and when it does, he'll be there to reap the 
rewards. That scenario seems highly unlikely, at least in the short 
term. But, if Peloquin's right, get ready for another bruising ride. 

By Rochelle Sharpe

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