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MKT: sentiment - more bulls

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                 10 / 25 / 98


Below are the results of our weekly "Guess the Dow" sentiment survey. The
survey was taken from 10/19 through 10/25 on our web site. 

Number of participants: 455

30 day outlook:

40% bullish,  27% last week
42% bearish,  58% last week
17% neutral,  16% last week

(percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding)

Median guess for the DJIA closing value on Friday, 10/30: 8501 (it was 7859
last week). More complete sentiment data is available at
<http://www.lowrisk.com/sentiment.htm> .

The DJIA has closed up in six of the last seven weeks, gaining more than
800 points in that time. Yet the sentiment data has remained overwhelmingly
bearish. That bearishness finally moderated in this weeks data. The bearish
reading dropped from 58% to 42%, our lowest bearish reading since July
19th. The bulls picked up 13% to 40%, their highest showing since 7/19.
Given the recent rally, this is to be expected. The thing we find
interesting, however, is that everyone finally started jumping back to the
bullish camp in a week when the the DJIA was only up 36 points.

To try this week's contest, stop by: http://www.lowrisk.com/guess.htm
More sentiment data is at: http://www.lowrisk.com/sentiment.htm

best regards,
Jeff Walker

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