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Sv: GEN:Astrology

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> Hi Y'all,
> >The whole point of Astrology being relevant has nothing to do with
> >physical phenomena! The point is that there may be a behvioral effect,
> >much like the basis for any form of technical analysis. That is all that
> >is needed. I am not saying it works or that it is relevant because I
> >have never studied it, but the point is that if it works, it works
> >because of the human psyche and nothing else.
> I have a water garden and raise goldfish. The goldfish always spawn
> during the Full Moon -- whether they can actually SEE the Full Moon
> has nothing to do with their activity.
> The funny thing is this. That is EXACTLY the same time of the
> month that my husband is most interested in "spawning".
> The fish are definitely NOT affected by the human psyche.
> More later,
> Bonnie Lee Hill

Interesting Bonnie,

I have a similar experience,

Before I started buying Supertraders Alamanac the times when my wife and I
had fight or had "Seroius Talks" seemed to be random and nobody could
figure out why they really happend. It just seem like the events came at
certain times, more or less regularly.

After I had been using Super Trader's Almanac and noticed the Major
Astroday's and Astroweeks as well as Pesavento Points, I noticed a pattern.
When we exchanged "Serious" arguments it was ALWAYS on these Astrodays etc.
So don't tell me about energy and emotions flying aroundat Aspect Time.
Since that discovery about 50-60% of our clashes have been avoided. We know
when these days are coming up that it's time to be careful. and when the
time has passed the arguments didn't seem so important anymore - strange
isn't it? 
Sometimes you can't avoid them - there is nothing you can do - but they are
easier to get out of because you know it was TIME and you don't have to
take things so personal. The ENERGY has to work it's way.

Same thing with market's when you see excentric behaviour or trend change
it's almost always when we have a cluster of planetary aspects. Althoug
clusters of aspects does not always cause excentric behaviour in markets
-or in my family.

