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Re: WitchHunts: This Is A Long Post. If you are pressed for time, Delete This Post!

  • To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: WitchHunts: This Is A Long Post. If you are pressed for time, Delete This Post!
  • From: "MR Associates International" <mrasoc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 07:21:49 -0400 (EDT)

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I fully agree with James! Great description of the soul of RT ...

 I was myself upset yesterday for Gary's boot out of the RT forum.  So he
probably wears sandals, speaks differently than us (I lived in Hawaii for
four years and I know where he's coming from ..) and doesn't use GET, or NP
... let;s face it, he's not like us..  so we got rid of him ... based on
personal reasons, not market actions and analysis (although the "in crowd"
tried hard to smear him with lack of analytical insight...) ... may God
forgive us...

Mike R

-----Original Message-----
From: James Knox <knox1@xxxxxxx>
To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, September 03, 1998 1:30 AM
Subject: WitchHunts: This Is A Long Post. If you are pressed for time,
Delete This Post!

>John, Eddie, The In-Group, and the rest of us,
>I have been a member of this forum for over a year.  Rarely have I ever
>posted anything to the forum.  I've been through MurryMath, the
>Ratchford follies, and many other longstanding unpleasant grudges.
>Having observed much of this, I can honestly say I have learned very
>little about trading from the forum itself.  Occassionally I do get a
>gem or directions to a useful website, but for the most part I've
>absorbed how to survive the membership:  What to say, how to say it,
>What not to say, and Who not to cross.  None of this is useful in
>trading of course, but very necessary to being a member here.
>The fact that someone gets removed is not the issue.  The fact that
>members can form a successful witchhunt is a little unsettling.  We had
>our own version of Nosterdomus.  He called it his way.  He explained it
>his way, and the fact remains, it happened the way he said it would
>happen.  No one was being forced to read his comments or trade his
>style.  Personally I did not care whether he was right or wrong, it
>wasn't my money on the line.  It appears however that it outraged, the
>In-Crowd.  Why?  I just don't get it.
>Let me say this.  I personally don't have the SuperDuper Encore 3000,
>complete with charts from the Ice Age during the first Global Warming
>period prior to the fall of Atlantis.  Some people do.  I don't get
>whatever it is they are talking about - not ever - maybe it's me, maybe
>it isn't.  I also don't get the complex formulas ....
>[10 squared divided by the y-axis + Todays High - Todays Low etc.etc.]
>and yet we have formulas for everything.  But, I've heard it over and
>over again, you can't pick Tops or Bottoms. The Market is always right.
>No system works all the time.  These things go in cycles ... yet forum
>members go on and on, with great conviction about "what is going on in
>the market."  Does anyone ever get removed for this - I can't recall
>any.  We get a blast about Moving Averages - in depth - then finally
>someone will say, "but you can't trade 'em cause they are all lagging
>indicators."  So, we get a guy who says "hold up a piece of paper to
>your computer screen and observe the uptrend is broken" -or- the
>infamous "BirdsBeak" theory.  What's the difference between "BirdsBeaks"
>and 1-2-3 Tops & Bottoms, or Predidential Cycles, or Planetary
>Influences?  The question is, how do we trade these "thoughts" of ours?
>Unless someone is willing to step up and tell us all exactly what works,
>I don't think they should be able to screen out what doesn't work.
>Ya Know Guys .... if I came into this forum and politely introduced
>myself as just returning from a research trip where I correlated the
>mating season of the African Spider with the DJIA Index, I would not get
>"run."  I guarantee it.  I could say that my studies revealed
>interesting comparisons on the 3rd week of every Month beginning with
>the Letter "J."  At this point a discussion would ensue about the months
>of January, June, and July.  I could throw in the fact that when Mercury
>goes Retrograde I had a 100% accuracy level between the Afican Spiders
>mating habits & the DJIA Index.  Could anybody disprove me?  No, because
>we'd all talk about it, but nobody would start raising African Spiders.
>As long as I properly labeled the topic "Futures: Afican Spiders," I
>would  meet our forum guidelines.  NoBody on this forum would trade the
>African Spider method and that would be that.  So don't trade the
>BirdsBeak, but don't censor it, please!
>There are a lot of people on this forum.  There are silent participants
>and there are vocal participants.  We can't learn to trade, or how not
>to trade with personal agendas intact. "Yes" is the open road, and "No"
>is the path that ends all.  A forum needs to express itself, without the
>threat of reprisals (the boot).  Was the man selling anything? - No.
>Did anyone here buy anything? - no.  Did anyone get burned? - no.
>Did "some" people take issue to his manner - Yes ..... What is all that
>about?  So you disagree - Delete the Subject Matter - end of story!
>Why do we continue to do this?  We are not all at the same level.  What
>bores you, might be of interest to someone else.  A final comment to the
>policemen of our group .... you can't save anyone from themselves.  We
>are all going to get our knees scraped and our knuckles bloodied.  It
>happened to you guys, it's happening to us, and that is just the way it
>appears the learning curve establishes itself.
>If I've offended anyone reading this, then you are personalizing the
>intent of this post.  I have not quoted anyone, or singled anyone out.
>There is a group consciousness to this forum.  It's not yours, it's not
>mine, it's not even John's or Eddie's.  It is a Group Consciousness.
>If it were not for John & Eddie there'd be no RT Group, and if it were
>not for "all of us" there be no RT Group for John & Eddie.  Could we
>please examine the possibility, of a little more tolerance to different
>points of view, and manners of expression?
>Have A Good Week,