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Re: Time required for success.(update)

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I thought I'd send this little update along for anyone interested in this
thread. I also thought it only fair to say it like it is for myself. One
reply I received said about 3 years to come ahead and another 4 to reach a
level of consistency. Still another respondent said 10 years. I have read
another traders story and it was upwards of 15 years for him. Personally
I'm not as highly or wildly successful as I originally envisioned yet but
I'd say about 6 to 7 years for myself. I'm sure it's highly variable but I
was thinking about an average because I don't think anyone conceptualizes
the amount of time and effort needed to become successful in trading. How
you are introduced to the business and ones background may have an impact.
Along with whether you go bust or not. One reply said that the education
never stops and I agree that the educational process must be ongoing.
Something I just read said that it’s silly to think that you are going to
trade to become rich, although that can happen its like any other business
venture, in the end a few will be rich the rest will gain wisdom if they’re

I just got Richards excellent post.

Best Regards,


> From: BrentinUtahsDixie <brente@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Gen: Amount ot time required for success.
> Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 2:08 AM
> RT’s
> We all know about the small percent of successful traders(approx. 10%).
> What I am thinking about is the average amount of time that this group of
> traders spent studying, training, and trading before they became
> successful. I don’t know of any official answer. Does anyone know, care
> guess or want to give an educated guess?
> Brent