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Re: GEN: TradeStation OK with non-Pentium chipsets?

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Hiya Troutman:

Though I have no personal experience of such, the proggie lit sez TS will
work on a 486 DX2/66MHZ.

Does that mean Cyrix, AMD, etc?....I dunno.

If  I were in your shoes, I'd do tape backups of both  the original 'puter
and the laptop. Then I'd copy the tape of the original machine onto the
laptop. Move the "keylock", and then see if it all loads. If your OS is Win
'95 then you might have to reboot a few times to let '95 find and reset all
the new system hooks and widgets. You may even have to re-install Win'95
over the existing system tracks.

Tip! Copy all the Win95 system/Installation Cabs from the CD onto the laptop
and your desktop. It takes about 35 Meg but it makes re-installation and
reconfiguring Win'95 alot easier than having to keep looking for the old
Win'95 CD. Some laptops actually come with Win'95 Cabs located in a
sub-directory like "C:\windows\options\cabs\"

If you're runnning Win 3.11 then you're in for alot of work. I'm a computer
"techie" by trade, and alot of my clients are "financials" and often-times
they have several generations of "Windows" on their different offices. The
trouble with Win 3.11 is that almost everything has to be "hard coded".
Simply copying the tape accross from one machine to another might work on a
desktop to desktop "air change" but will miss alot of the the system hooks
on the laptop.

Tony Parker

Troutman, Defender of Sticks wrote:

> Hiya,
> It's time to add a laptop to the e-conflagration I've got here.  I'm
> planning to duplicate my current PC operating environment on the
> laptop, and as I was comparing prices today, I had a thought...
> ...yes, that was my only one for today...
> "Say!  I wonder if TradeStation has trouble when it runs on Cyrix or
> MediaWhatever or somebody else's chips besides Intel."  Anybody running
> TS on a non-Pentium?  Is it working?  Thanks for your help,
> Sticks
> --
> Troutman, Defender of Sticks   (aka)   Jonathan Matte, President
> troutman@xxxxxxxxxxxx                  Defender Capital Management, Inc.
>                                        Introducing Broker
> http://www.teleport.com/~troutman
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