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Re: Successful Commodity traders

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I've done some research on this. 
I've found the following reasons for people to sell their

1. The author is a lousy trader, and needs to make money somehow.
   I remember buying a lengthy data base from a guy years ago. 
   Back when such things were still hard to come by.
   After a long conversion, I asked why he would sell his data when he
   be keeping it a secret to keep his edge on the rest of us. 
   He admitted it was because he had never been able to make any money
   ("Never found the answers" was how he put it).
   Problem with these guys is that once they get away from trading,
   systems/products become progressively less useful to those of us
   trying to trade them. At the same time their corporate sales volume
   to continue to expand, so you find them pulling a 'Bernstein'. 
   Mass marketing,etc.. Shame, hate to see it happen.

2. The author is a decent trader, and has a decent system, product, etc. 
   but is a lousy personal money manager.
   You would be amazed at how often overspending, poor budgeting skills,
   are the key factor.
   I was just talking to a guy the other day who markets a system (for
next to
   nothing) which I know for a fact is functional. 
   I also know for a fact that he trades it and makes good money at it.
Why sell??
   Divorces, boats, race horses, big houses, high overhead, etc.. 
   (It was the race horses that knocked me off my chair! 
    He owns them!    Talk about buying the cow!) 
   Some guys just can't ever make enough money!

3. The guy can trade and has a decent system, but just can't take the
   Problem with these guys is the same as with one (above).
   Once they get away from trading, their systems/products become
   less useful to those of us still trying to trade them. 
   At the same time their corporate sales volume needs
   to continue to expand, so you find them pulling a 'Bernstein'. 
   Mass marketing,etc.. Shame, hate to see it happen.

4. Some folks just get a 'feel good' from helping others. Maybe it's
part ego,
   good samaritan, part of their learning process, etc. 
   Why am I taking time out to write this??? 
   Can't possibly profit from it and I'm loosing time writing it.
   One problem that can develop with this type is that they usually only
let out       just enough to get you started using their technique. 
   First time you get into trouble they are gone on vacation, or gone

5. And last, the guys a good salesman but a lousy developer or trader or
   These are the characters you really have to watch out for. 
   They are also the most prevalent. 

What's your best bet??? Design your own. 
Take whatever you can glean from what you hear and read and figure it
out yourself.
 Loose some cash in the markets until you get it right.
It's the only way to get confidence and then discipline.

Just my opinion. I've been wrong before.

Ray H.

> >> Just another thought from me.
> >>    If someone DOES manage to find a system that works. Shouldn't it benefit
> >>  him more to keep quiet and trade rather than announce it to the world. His
> >>  account will increase, some people will know. But that's just it. The ego
> >>  need not be fed any more than that.
> >>
> >