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Re: Successful Commodity traders

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At 08:04 AM 3/3/98 EST, Peter 2150 wrote:
>In a message dated 98-03-03 03:20:41 EST, fba60286@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
>> Just another thought from me.
>>    If someone DOES manage to find a system that works. Shouldn't it benefit
>>  him more to keep quiet and trade rather than announce it to the world. His
>>  account will increase, some people will know. But that's just it. The ego
>>  need not be fed any more than that.
>Don't think it would matter much, especially if the contract were liquid,
>the S&P.  IF he told 1000 people, I'd bet only 100 would believe him and
>only 10 to 20 could do what he is.  Thats the human nature equation part of


Normally, charity is not the reason people offer their systems.	

Just as in the market for stock options, corn futures, crude oil
futures, Deutsche Mark futures, index futures, options on any of
the above, you have a result.  Profit?  Maybe yes, maybe no.

So also, in the publishing of your system or prognostications, you
can make a profit.  Maybe yes, maybe no.

And if the offered information is sheer genius stuff which could
make you millions, it doesn't necessarily hurt you to disclose it to
the "great unwashed."  The ordinary "potato-eaters" won't use it to the same 
advantage.  You and a very select few will use it and benefit.

But it is still a mystery to me why so many people are selling systems
and services for profit instead of just using the same for private 
profit.  Ego satisfaction from the public recognition that book and
system/software sales gives you must be majorly big.
