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Re: REALTRADERS digest 705

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On Sun, 22 Feb 1998 16:04:23 PST, Earl Adamy wrote:

> I'm wondering if the unusual price pattern is telling us that supply/demand
>are closely balanced and that rather than seeing an intermediate top, with
>retracement to 1000-1010 level, we're in for a sideways correction before
>moving on higher. Any opinions?

Hiya Earl:

I don't see any immediate decline in the stock market here but if it holds up until the 5th to 10th of 
March my time/wave work would suggest we go back to an intraday low around 7503.  March 31st or 
thereabouts figures from a Spiral Calendar viewpoint as a potentially interesting low.  That would be 
then the end of Intermediate Wave 4 in the DJIA which started on 8/7/97 and setup a blowoff in the 
second quarter as Intermediate 5 of Primary 5 of what I hope isn't Cycle 5 comes shooting out of the 
box.  I'm looking for a DJIA print of 9800 in mid-July to finish the beast.

The 9800 reasoning goes as follows:

1) The bull market from 1942 to 1966 gained 987% (a pure fibonacci number) before the bear market 
began that eventually bottomed in 1974.  The gain from 1974 to 1998 would be 1597%, 1.618 times the 
length of the 1942-66 bull, at 9800.

2) The Elliott Wave count would have the move from the 10/10/90 low as an extended fifth.  The start 
of the bull market, in a wave sense, was 1982.  In extended fifths the length of the fifth wave is 1.618 
times the length of waves 1 through 3 added to the low of 4.  When these events happen over a long 
period of time, it is necessary to use percentage gain of 1 through 3 added to the low of 4.  Using 
percentage gain methodology, the high of 5 figures to be around 9800.

3) If the next low and end of Intermediate 4 is at 7503, where the fibonacci 14.6% retracement of 
Intermediate 3 lies (you know me and fib retracements <g>), then Primary Wave 5 will be interpreted as 
having an extended Intermediate 3rd wave.  That generally means that Intermediate Waves 1 and 5 will 
tend toward equality in length.  Intermediate Wave 1 traveled 30.8%.  If Intermediate Wave 5 starts at 
7503 intraday on the DJIA and travels 30.8% it will peak at, there you go again, 9800....

So, let's enjoy the party while it lasts.  If this all works out extended fifths have another side to them - 
double retracement.  The market retraces all the way back to the point where the fifth started before 
turning around and making a new high.  That means 2358 at the minimum and maybe 1711 in the next 
bear.  Oh well, maybe I'll come out west and live in the mountains with you.<g>