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Concern for Newbies

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

Hello  Everyone

           These comments are addressed mainly for folks on the list who are
fairly new to trading.  Lately there have been a lot of extremely basic
questions.  I don't personally have a problem with it as the list is a good
source of information.  My concern is that some of the questions indicate a
fundamental lack of knowledge.  Given that trading, be it daytrading, position
trading, stocks futures or whatever, is an undertaking that takes as much
knowledge, and learning as any other profession.  No one can do it for you.
It takes time, hard work and also experience from the school of hard knocks.
My concern in seeing these questions, is are the people asking them doing the
digging to learn for themselves  Easy it isn't, but it is essential to success
in trading of any kind.

         I don't write this with the intent of being critical, but hopefully
to make new comers to trading, realize they are embarking on what can be a
most rewarding venture, but one that only comes with time, and lots of hard
