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<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>This is a first time message for me but I have 
been reading realtraders e-mail for several weeks now.&nbsp; I have a brokerage 
account with schwab and have tried investing in stocks with moderate 
success.&nbsp; I'm am fascinated with the possibility of trading for a living 
and would like the guidance of some of you &quot;experts&quot; out there to 
point me in the right direction.&nbsp; I have seen talk of Robert Miner's book 
Dynamic Trading and have studied MacMillin's books on options.&nbsp; The few 
trades I have tried with the OEX have been miserable!&nbsp; I would be most 
appreciative of anyone who would show me some basics.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Reuben</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>angler@xxxxxxxx</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
</x-html>From ???@??? Mon Jan 19 16:51:32 1998
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Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 18:03:40 -0500
Reply-To: jvc689@xxxxxxx
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From: John Cappello <jvc689@xxxxxxx>
To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  Re: Mechanical Trading
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Dear Ron,                                                                     I think it can be done with$50,000.I first traded the 7 commodity basket with $35,000 per basket.Inow trade with $60,000 per basket for added safety. Ialso know abroker who owns the system and he trades 10 baskets @ 50,000 per.                                                                                        Mechanically yours,                                                         John

------------------ Reply Separator --------------------
Originally From: "RON JONES" <ronjones@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Mechanical Trading
Date: 01/19/98 10:23am

Thanx very much for taking the time to share your hard won
experience re: mechanical systems..

In your opinion, would it be fool hardy to trade your 16.5m system
with a net equity of $50,000 in a trading account?
Ron Jones

> From: John Cappello <jvc689@xxxxxxx>
> To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: Mechanical Trading
> Date: Sunday, January 18, 1998 9:39 PM
> Dear Lynn,                                                               
     I evaluate a system with a simple outlook:                            
        1.Every system is pre sumed to work unless I prove it can not.     
historical testing at 2 times margin is acceptable with 100% annual gain at
a minimum and less than 33% drawdown, I look at real time data.            
                                        3.In the case of the $16,500
system,I looked at actual statements of several millionaires.If they can do
it so can anyone.                                                          
                       4.In April 1997 I decided to risk $70,000 to trade 2
times abasket of 7 commodities.By June of 1997 it became $140, 000.        
           5.As my confidence increased I added additional capital.My
account is currently about $$600,000 or up 80% in 9 months.  If and when I
do get the dreaded !
> !
> drawdown it will be out of profits unlike the one I had Aug. to Oct.     
                                                  6.The other lesser priced
systems I bought have merit and I do not regret buying any of them.After
all they are agood tax deduction.                                          
                                7.I initally risked 20% of my capital in
this endeavor until I hit acomfort zone.                                   
    I know there are others who have done better or worse and my only
purpose is to share what I have learned and learn from others.             
                                      Mechanically yours,                  
> ------------------ Reply Separator --------------------
> Originally From: MR LYNN G <MRLYNNG@xxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: Mechanical Trading
> Date: 01/18/98 09:35pm
> In a message dated 98-01-18 08:11:28 EST, jvc689@xxxxxxx writes:
> << The purpose of my post is to start a thread whereby those of you who
> a mechanical system will share your results as I have previously shared
> and am willing todo so again. >>
> **************************
> John:
> I don't know of any mechanical systems that are profitable unless you
have a
> large trading account so I cannot help you in this area. ( If anyone has
> I would certainly like to know about it.)  However, I am interested in
> method of evaluating a mechanical system.  What do you look for and how
do you
> ascertain what is valid and what is hype.  I would never pay $16,500 for
> system based on the trash that is offered for as little as $1000 but
> in the $3000-10,000 range.
> What prompted you to pay $16,500 and how many sytems like this did not
> out?  Thanks and Good Trading.
> Lynn