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Fwd: Re[2]: GEN - Looking for mentors (you have plenty)

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From: GGray1155 <GGray1155@xxxxxxx>
Return-path: <GGray1155@xxxxxxx>
To: jeffrey.triganza@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re[2]: GEN - Looking for mentors   (you have plenty)
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 20:56:20 EST
Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com)
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

In a message dated 98-01-14 01:00:54 EST, you write:

<< Gary:
 Sorry but I disagree with you and I hope I will never be that way.  Nor do I 
 feel that it is a requirement to be a good trader.
 Lynn >>

It has nothing to do with being a good trader...  You can be an awesome
trader. That doesn't mean your bottom line will be acceptable. This can get
very convoluted.  Karma and all that sort of stuff.

If I might pull from what someone reading on this forum is/was thinking.
(please admit it if you feel so inclined) (I am no Edgar Cayce, but I am
Specifically:  "Yeah Right , and I suppose George Soros would keep someone's
wallet if he found it on the ground".  (possibly someone,male, late forties,
in the
midwest, around 11:00pm cst???  1/13/98)

This is an interesting notion that some of you who are frustrated because you
have such good intuition, yet can't seem to build wealth trading.

ie.,  George Soros, et al  are major league philanthropists. It is what I call
the Robin Hood syndrome. If you have an intention to give a great deal of what
you make from "speculative activities", you will likely increase your net

Prove it...   Make a written commitment to give x% of your next trade to
YOU consider worthwhile (unattached to you: not your kid's college education,
or a vacation fund).  When you are successful make the payment immediately,
before you make another trade. Watch what happens.....

Try it in another arena. I used to do this weekly for years. Never occured to
me what was occuring until recently. (this was 20 years ago. I don't play
cards anymore).

I used to meet with a crew of guys weekly for the friendy poker game. I always
brought lots of snacks and drinks (as did the the guy who mainly hosted the

Never failed. The host and I always came out ahead week after week. Some of
the others thought we were cheating or something (really got pissed, they

Go figure..

Peace be with you and good trading.

BTW  some trades are no brainers that are there for the taking.  Soybeans WILL
test their old highs between June and Sept. of this year because of EL Niño.

The SnP's will have more volatility (trade both sides, don't try to be a hero
and pick a top or bottom ™) near the upcomming eclipse than they did in
Aug/Oct combined.

I betcha !   ô¿ô
