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Re: Trading is Never Boring!

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nwinski wrote:
> John Chamberlin wrote:
> >
> > Realtraders,There was a few e-mails circulating
> > around the forum last week with regard to trading
> > being boring.
> NW: I agree that you have to master your own human nature but thinking
> of the market as a battlegroud is not likely to do this. 



I agree with most of what you said, with the exception of this 
statement. :)

There is nothing inherently wrong with viewing the markets as a
battleground, only in the way we trade that perception.

To view yourself as taking an acitve role in the battle, is not good
psychologically. If your mind deems itself to be in an environment
which it perceives as being threatening to its existence, it will
produce all sorts of nasty side effects, like increased production of
adrenaline, and natural pain killers ( Flight or Fight response), all
of which decrease a traders ability to function rationally, and often
profitably! :)

One CAN view the market as a battleground, as long as one realizes that
they must be an objective observer. For myself, I make no attempts to
forecast the outcome of the battle, or choose sides. I simply wait
until one side has a dominant advantage, then I let a trade hang out
with them for a while. :)

Very objective, and about as stress free as trading ever gets. 

Walt Downs
CIS Trading