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Re: GEN: Day Trading

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links


		does the same thing   

Put in the base symbol and click "Options - All"

and you get all options available for that symbol.


Ronald McEwan wrote:
> Russ wrote:
> In one of your posts you wrote about the "20 day implied volatility from
> S&P
> Comstock Option Chain Screen".  I don't know what the S&P Comstock Option
> Chain Screen is.  I have TradeStation and Excel.  Can you tell me where I
> can
> get or compute the "20 day implied volatility"?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I was working at a day trading firm that used S&P Comstock as its quote
> vendor.The  S&P Comstock service enabled you to pull up a screen called
> the option chain. This was a page that would list all options on the
> symbol that you entered. It also contained a Black-Scholes option pricing
> component that among other things automatically calculated the 20 day
> implied volatility. Most commercial quote systems now provide this
> information. Unfortunately these systems are to expensive for home use. I
> have not checked out any of the web based quote services for this data.
> It probably is available now on the internet somewhere.  PC Quote used to
> provide it on their commercial systems. Also AT Financial supplied this.
> Good Luck
> Ron McEwan

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