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Re: Walt's Coffee. 1 CREAM 1 Sugar

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RJ Ratchford wrote:
> Clyde Lee wrote:
> >
> > Since we are brewing up a stew, I
> Aren't we a gathering of abstract techniques. We have Walt here with his
> TREX rabbit program, Clyde with his 'learn to Swing' program, me with
> my 'on a blind' Fdate program, Norman with his 'War of the Worlds'
> program, and a myriad of others.
> Put them on canvas and we'd have some colors!
> What would happen if all of us got together, formed a consortium like
> Lotus and Microsoft, and came up with the ..."TINWICS" Program? Would
> it take the markets by storm? Would the mystique of the 'Turtles' fade
> into the sunset as we four march down the hallways of glory, dressed to
> kill, Walt walking his duck behind us as we enter the TINWICS board room to
> be greeted by cameras flashing and the applause of adoring fans world
> over?
> Naw.

Naw is right!  :)  The 4 of you would probably be the first 'up against
the wall' when the Revolution came! 
(It's called jealousy.)

> Each program has its strengths and its weaknesses. We each capitalize
> on whatever those strengths are, and try to deal with the weaknesses
> using other techniques.
Seriously though, I've been wanting to ask a question of Walt and Rick
for some time now..... I primarily trade the grains. Since I've never
seen this subject mentioned by either, my question is simply this...
Even if your analysis techniques TELL you very directly to either
'buy/sell' at a particular time, do you take into consideration any
fundamentals such as a pending crop report before you make the trade?  I
can't count the number of times this year that a fundamental influence
such as a weather 'scare' or a crop report has flipped the markets
upside down.  (Technicals be dammed.) Do you at least take into
consideration fundamentals before a trade is made?  Or do you simply
avoid the trade if there is a strong potential of something such as a 
crop report influencing the trade for the day; even if FDATES etc.
suggest - 'go for it'?  And if you do incorporate fundamentals, where do
you primarily get your daily fundamental news?  When I trade, I always
have FWN running at the same time as the real time quote feed.  (FWN has
saved my butt more than once.)

Thanks for your time!

Ryan Garrett

PS: Walt, I'm REALLY sorry, but this HAS to be asked.... what's your
duck's name?