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Re: Friday's T-Bond LDB

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I would be interested in opinions regarding the LDB data, and more
specifically; the participant %'s.  Is there too much noise in the CTI
1,2,3,4 data to be of any use, or is it just a matter of research and
observation to be able to derive clues.  The LDB data has always been
overlooked and somewhat obscure to most, but would logically  seem to be
helpful.  Also, does anyone use the intra-day releases.


Chris Lober
> You probably saw my follow-on post to Bob's...
> It will be the most instructive and beneficial for you to learn what 
> is behind the scenes by doing your own analysis. Here's some 
> questions to consider:
> What really is the "street" and why might they have directional bias. 
> What bias might they have had before that got them to where they 
> are now? 
> Are the "street's" actions a confirmation or a condemnation 
> of where they were before?  
> Most important of all, can you assure yourself that the action of  
> the "street" is a reliable predictor of price direction?  Hmmmm?
> On a more basic note, if open interest made the change that it did, 
> and price action moved as it did, what can you conclude overall?
> Believe me, I am _helping_ you, not avoiding your question.
> And don't forget: some of the biggest players who make up the 
> financial instruments crowd  may want to act exactly the opposite of 
> a bond "holder". Also, there are transactions that can be done 
> with trading vehicles in many futures markets that may look like 
> "buying" when the true net effect is to short the market or bet on 
> limited upside. And the same in the other direction.
> Makes it all very easy, doesn't it?
> Cliff