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Re: CIS Ugly Duckly Fooey!

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> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >
> > By the way. The dartboard idea is a much lower probability than a good
> > time day, even with 3 days. Why?
> >
> > 1) How many should you throw for each separate market each week? If
> > there is only one or two true turns in a market in a month, and you
> > throw 4 or 5, you are really chasing ghosts.
> >
> > 2) Should you throw one in each week, or double up 2 and 2 and leave two
> > weeks with none?
> >
> > You will end up with a much lower hit/miss ratio using such an idea as
> > darts. But, its your money. :)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Walt said:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Well, let's consider the descriprtion of your time day trading
> method here. First we will pick our TD (dart 1) then we will use
> the various sup/res levels generated by the TTC (dart2, dart3 dart4)
> along with eyeballing the "bias" (dart 5).................
> They sound awfully similar. Lets get back to basics here. TELL ME
> about a winning trade you had. Walk me through the steps that you
> used, and how you have designed those steps into a rule based system
> that will allow you to be profitable in the long run. With that as
> a starting point, I will be able to evaluate how valid your system
> is. :)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


You realize, Walt, that making such statements as the above, you place
your system or method in the same light. Since your TREX chart showed
clearly that you are UNABLE to discern PRICE and TIME in advance, but
have to wait AFTER the fact (this is evident by the fact that PRICE and
TIME has already PASSED your entry points), it would seem that you have
much experience in dart throwing. :)

So, while I've been forthcoming with how I define my entry and exit
parameters, care to share with us yours with this TREX idea? 

How do you determine when it is time to enter or exit?

You state you figure for PRICE and TIME as well. Care to define what you
consider valid TIME? Valid PRICE?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >
> > The so-called 3 day window, or +/- one day allowance is more for
> > allowing a trader to be ready just in case. When you have sup/res and
> > the time day, plus the bias going in your direction, you are really
> > isolating ONE DAY ONLY. Only one day will fit this bill, not all three.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Give me a concrete example please
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

RR: You really ought to start reading my posts more, Walt. I feel like
I'm having to repeat myself since I've provided tons of examples over
the past year. But, since you said 'please'. :)

1.) We start with an Fdate, a forecasted day into the future where the
market is expected to provide a short term turn in direction. It can
also pinpoint the continuation of a current strong move in the current
direction given that the current trend has experienced a 'pause'. This
may either be a very quick rally in a downtrend to resistance, or it may
'plateau', form a ledge.

2.) We use TTC to solve PRICE. By using the FDate date, we enter that
into the calcs and retrieve our prices. We will be most interested just
in those prices that either converge (two or more formations point to
the same price), or those that are in the vicinity of current price as
we near the Fdate. We keep those ready come the arrival of our
prospective entry day (Fdate day).

3) We determine the Bias of the market. I've provided a simplified way
to do this. By using simple swing chart techniques, anyone can quickly
and easily do this.

4) That is all we need to know. Now, when do we trade? Don't be so quick
to delete my posts. I just posted this a few days ago. Instead of
writing it all over again here, go read it at

We can trade in various levels.

1) VERY SAFE - This requires that you meet ALL 3 criterial of
FDATE|PRICE|BIAS (very short term)

2) NORMAL - FDATE|PRICE|BIAS (Using a 2-day swing chart)


As you go down the list, you increase risk, but end up with many more
trading opportunities.

All the material is at my website. I weary on this subject to have to
type it all over again.

Now, where can we go to find YOUR concrete example?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >
> > The point is, we isolate to the DAY. Yet, when forecasted AHEAD of time,
> > we may be a DAY off.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Walt said:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> semi-right is semi-dead
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

There you go again, as if you can isolate to the very day. Why do you go
in circles like this? Either you CAN (which your chart showed you
cannot), or you CANNOT (which is likely unless again you have the Holy
Grail on your desk and did not have it with you when you did those
trades on that TREX chart.)

Come on Walt, let's not dilly-dally with this. Instead of throwing your
darts all over the place as well as at those of us with a very good,
valid, working method, why not come out and show us that you can
forecast in LESS than one day off, since you call that 'semi-dead'.

Even GANN did not have the accuracy to nail EVERY SINGLE turn on the
nose. And you are saying you CAN? Are you really better than GANN?

If you can do better than GANN and ELLIOT (who was even less accurate),
then PLEASE, provide us with some CONCRETE example.

Thank you for your time.


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