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Re: FUT:S&P Premium

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See chapter 11 Program Trading With Options by Jon Najarian in "Options
Trading Strategies That Work" by Eng.

At 07:15 PM 7/22/97 -0700, Donald Thompson wrote:
>TOM142@xxxxxxx wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you all very much for explaining this subject to me. I learned a lot
>> from all your posts. Some of you mentioned the site "programtrader.com". I
>> looked through there and everything looks very impressive although their
>> service is quite expensive. 
>I think it would be worth your while, IF YOU, know what you are doing,
>and are strong enough with experience and skills to weed out the
>improbable.  The service when I subscribed to it, give a view of the
>market in probable outcomes based on the current pattern, continuing
>this way or that.  To me this is where I learned that past history ain't
>neccessarily prelude to a certain outcome.. The service also provides,
>based on past patterns, when turning points are likely to occure..  When
>they are right it is helpful.  But when the market decides its not going
>to trade according to the "program", the scenarios are just dead off the
>mark.  If you have little experience in day trading and this is a
>service for day traders... put your money else where.
>You can call them during the day for hand holding and getting an
>opinion... Talk to them and see just what they will provide, and find
>out what you need to guage the SnP, to trade.