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GEN: Full Moon indicator (EL code)

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Traders, find below an Easy Language implementaiton of a calculation
that approximates the phase of the moon, and an associated indicator
and system.  This calculation isn't as accurate as the method used
by the authors of the TAS&C article, but has the advantages of being
simple and implemented completely in EL.

The Moonphase indicator is useful for giving a visual cue as to
where the market is in the current lunar cycle, and might be combined
with other indicators such as momemtum, or RSI to produce a useful

Have fun with the code, and if you find any problems, or have
suggestions for improvement, I'd like to hear from you.  If
you want to avoid the cut/paste exercise, pick up the
EL archive at ftp://www.intrepid.com/pub/gary/MOON.ELA

howl on,

   - Gary

  Function Moondays returns the number of days since a new moon.
  The values returned range between 0 and 29.
  (0 = new, and 15 is a full moon to +/- 2 day accuracy.)
  Author: Gary Funck, gary@xxxxxxxxxxxx, 7/15/97
  No restrictions on use/copying. No warranties, expressed/implied.

  This code uses an approximation described in the the "Astro FAQ";
  summarized below:

  Subject: C.11  How do I calculate the phase of the moon?
  Author: Bill Jefferys <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  John Horton Conway (the Princeton mathematician who is responsible for
  "the Game of Life") wrote a book with Guy and Berlekamp, _Winning
  Ways_, that describes in Volume 2 a number of useful calendrical
  rules.  One of these is an easy "in your head" algorithm for
  calculating the phase of the Moon, good to a day or better depending
  on whether you use his refinements or not.
  In the 20th century, calculate the remainder upon dividing the
  last two digits of the year by 19; if greater than 9, subtract
  19 from this to get a number between -9 and 9. 
  Multiply the result by 11 and reduce modulo 30 to obtain a
  number between -29 and +29.
  Add the day of the month and the number of the month (except
  for Jan and Feb use 3 and 4 for the month number instead of
  1 and 2).
  Subtract 4.
  Reduce modulo 30 to get a number between 0 and 29. This is
  the age of the Moon.
  Example: What was the phase of the Moon on D-Day (June 6,
  Answer: 44/19=2 remainder 6.
  6*11=66, reduce modulo 30 to get 6.
  Add 6+6 to this and subtract 4: 6+6+6-4=14; the Moon was (nearly)
  full. I understand that the planners of D-day did care about the phase
  of the Moon, either because of illumination or because of tides. I
  think that Don Olsen recently discussed this in _Sky and Telescope_
  (within the past several years).
  In the 21st century use -8.3 days instead of -4 for the last number.
  Conway also gives refinements for the leap year cycle and also
  for the slight variations in the lengths of months; what I have
  given should be good to +/- a day or so.
inputs: dt(numericsimple);
variables: x1(0), x2(0), x3(0), x4(0);
    x1 = mod(year(dt), 19);
    if x1 > 9 then x1 = x1 - 19;
    x2 = mod(x1 * 11, 30);
    x3 = month(dt);
    if month(dt) < 3 then x3 = x3 + 2;
    x4 = x2 + dayofmonth(dt) + x3 - 4;
    Moondays = mod(x4, 30);

  Indicator Moonphase, returns a value between 0..100, that
  indicates (approximately) the fullness of the moon, where
  0 is a new moon, and 100 is a full moon.  This indicator
  calls the Moondays function, and is accurate to +/- 2 days.
  Accepts an input, offset, which should be in the range -14..14.
  Generally, you will not need to change the offset value, unless
  for example, you want the display to agree with the offset
  value used by Moontrade.

  Author: Gary Funck, gary@xxxxxxxxxxxx, 7/15/97
  No restrictions on use/copying. No warranties, expressed/implied,

input: offset(0);
variables:  dt(0), phase(0), mday(0);
    dt = juliantodate(datetojulian(date) + offset);
    mday = Moondays(dt); 
    phase = 100*( mday / 15);
    if phase > 100 then phase = 200 - phase;
    plot1(phase, "moon phase");

  System Moontrade - buy the new moon, and sell the full moon.

  Accepts an input, offset,  which should be in the range -14..14.
  If the offset is +1, then the system buys at the open of the
  day of a new moon and sells at the open on the day of the full moon.

  Try optimizing the 'offset' (using a range -14..14 in steps
  of 1), or changing the system to only buy the new moon and
  go flat on the full moon, when trading decidedly bullish
  equity indexes.

  Author: Gary Funck, gary@xxxxxxxxxxxx, 7/15/97
  No restrictions on use/copying. No warranties, expressed/implied,

input: offset(0);
variables: dt(0), dtnxt(0), mday(0), mdaynxt(0);
variables: new_moon(true), full_moon(false);
    dt = juliantodate(datetojulian(date) + offset);
    dtnxt = juliantodate(datetojulian(date Tomorrow) + offset); 
    mday = Moondays(dt);
    mdaynxt = Moondays(dtnxt);
    new_moon = mdaynxt < mday;
    full_moon = mdaynxt >= 15 and mday < 15;
    if new_moon then buy at market;
    if full_moon then sell at market;

                             -- end --

| Gary Funck,  Intrepid Technology, gary@xxxxxxxxxxxx, (415) 964-8135