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evaluate trades at specific times

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Good Evening Omegalist,

I am looking to evaluate data/make trades at specific times during
the day.  I am looking to apply it against symbols that trade 24
hours/day (ES, NQ).  I have tried coding in Easylanguage but have run up
against a wall.  Here are my needs along with the code so far.

1. Must run on 1 min chart, but evaluate OHLC at specific times of day,
approximating a 60 min chart of varying times.  Specific times are as
30, 130, 230, 330, 430, 530, 630, 705, 820, 920, 1020, 1120, 1220,
1320, 1400, 1530, 1630, 1730, 1830, 1930, 2030, 2130, 2230, 2330.  I'll 
call these "synthetic hourly bars".

I'm having trouble with getting all these times with the code I've 
provided below, but I think I can get past that myself with a little 
more thought.

This is the hard part - for me...

2.  Store (in an array?) the Open and Close of each bar "synthetic 
hourly bar" above for reference against the previous O & C "synthetic 
hourly bar".

3.  Build the High & Low based on the 1 min bars between the "synthetic 
hourly bars" for reference against the previous H & L "synthetic hourly 

All I am trying to do is run an hourly system on a 1min bar chart so I 
can autoexecute my stop loss order within 1 min of my order so I'm not 
exposing myself to adverse market moves.

{ *******************************************************************

	Signal      : _TradeBar
	Last Edit   : 06/09/2004

	Provided By : Mike Marcott
		    : portions by Bob Fulks


Inputs: TStart(0700), TLast(1400), OTime(0820), Interval(60),
DFirst(1040513), EVSTart(30), EVStart2(1530);

Variables: TNext(TStart), TradeOK(FALSE), EvalOK(False), EVNext(EVStart);

Array: MyArray [120, 4] (0); {Not implemented yet in code below}

if Date <> Date[1] then begin    {New day initialization}
    TNext = TStart;		 {Reset TNext to first bar time}
    EVNext = EVStart;	         {Reset EVNext to first eval time}
end; {if Date <> Date[1] }

if (Time >= (TStart + Barinterval) and Time <= (OTime - barinterval)) then
	TNext = OTime ;
if (Time >= (TStart + Barinterval) and Time <= (OTime - barinterval)) then
	EVNext = OTime ;

If (Time >= (TLast + Barinterval) and Time <= (EVStart2 - Barinterval)) then
	EVNext = EVStart2;

TradeOK = (Time = TNext or Time = TLast or Time = OTime) and Date >=
DFirst ;
EvalOK= (Time = EVStart or Time = EvStart2 or Time = EVNext or Time =
TStart or Time = TLast) and Date >= DFirst;

if TradeOK then	 {Find time of next trading bar}
	TNext = MinutesToTime(TimeToMinutes(TNext) + Interval);	
if EvalOK then	 {Find time of next evaluation bar}
	EVNext = MinutesToTime(TimeToMinutes(EVNext) + Interval);

if Time >= TStart and Time <= TLast and TradeOK then begin
	Print(Date:8:0, Time:5:0, TNext:5:0, " TradeOK=",TradeOK);
end; {if Time >= TStart }

Print(Date:8:0, Time:5:0, EVNext:5:0, " EValOK=" ,EValOK);

If TradeOK then Value1 = 1 else value1 = -1;
If EvalOK then Value2 = 1 else Value2 = -1;

Plot1(value1, "Plot1");
Plot2(Value2, "Plot2");

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,
