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Hi Charles,
A couple of years ago I was going through the same
thing daytrading the QQQs.
I can tell you from my trading experience as well as
from my technical computer
literacy experience a couple of things.
Stick to platforms that offer the type of executions
you need but are available in Standalone
Java-based, Web-based....etc.. no matter who
programmed them in my experience over the years have
been more prone to sudden and unexpected errors. 
When it comes to daytrading, I'm sure you'll agree
that there is already enormous risk
involved. You needn't add to it by using a piece of
software that does just that...
A charting/execution platform like Tradestation
although cumbersome in many ways is also very stable
when run on good quality computer hardware. No serious
problem here after 3.5yrs. of usage. A connection
failure here and there, but other than that nothing to
speak of..
One other observation that I'd share with you, is that
after 1.5yrs. of daytrading the QQQs, 
doing the math, reviewing the trades, looking at point
for point movement in relation to hard
dollars extracted from market on a trade by trade
basis, I came to this conclusion:
Daytrade the Nq e-mini Futures contracts. The tax
treatment alone should be enough of an
incentive. If that is not enough, just consider the
liquidity. The QQQs last I traded them were
so thinly traded at inside market prices that it added
so much extra "fight" to the already difficult battle
of extracting change out of the market.
Again just one trader's experience and observations.
all the best,
mike ball

Charles Meyer <chaze@xxxxxxxx> wrote:Group-

A newbie question here please. I'm trying to get a
jumpstart daytrading the
QQQs. Not being very computer literate;
and loving KISS methods; might someone suggest the
easiest, simplest, and
most user friendly order execution platform?
Please; can someone suggest a good start for me?

Here's my current evolution on this trail:

* IBs Workers Trade Station is not user friendly, (3rd
part add-on called
TSlim+ is said to circumvent the cumbersome WTS)
* CyberTrader: They referred me to SchwabTrader for
their purportedly easy
to use browser based system. Supposedly
the same order routing as CyberTrader. As most of you
know; CT also has the
browser based system; and a stand alone
version to download and use on your own computer.
* TradeStation Securities (mostly for the
sophisticated and advanced
trader/computer literate type of individual)

Please correct any mis-perceptions or mis-information
on my part.

Thanks for any jumpstart help anyone can provide.
