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(summary) TS2000i time zone odd-ness

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Thanks to all who replied.  Only Gary's suggestion (at the end) seemed
to work.  You all taught me things about TS I didn't know, so thanks.

>From: Jimmy Snowden <jhsnowden@xxxxxxx>
>Does the TS clock on the bottom right of the workspace show GMT-7?  I
>have to change mine for daylight savings time but right now I'm CST
>and GMT -5

No, it shows just GMT.  Going to File / Desktop Options and changing the
offset to -420 minutes made it say GMT-7, but the scale on the chart
didn't change.  Neither for -480 minutes (GMT-8).  I even shut down and
re-started TS.

>From: Carl <i1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Not sure if this will help but-- In TS click File,then Desktop
>Options,you should be able to set it up correctly for your zone under
>the 'General icon.

I didn't see that it did anything except change the display in the
lower right corner to GMT-7.

>From: "Eduardo J Motta" <motta@xxxxxxxxxx>
>I'm in Brazil
>one hour ahead of NY
>I have my computer time set to NY
>My session time is set to Local time, and my ES starts trading at 09:30 NY
>If I set my GS to Exchange Traded time it will start trading at 08:30.
>Seem like an obvious question, but have you tried to change from
>Local to Exchance or vice versa ?

I did this in GlobalServer (Edit Symbol Root / Sessions) and switched
between local, exchange, and GMT, and re-started TS each time, but
nothing happened.  My day session still starts at 7:30.

>From: "ChasW" <cwwaring@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>file /desktop options/time

I hadn't known that option was there, but as you can see above, it
didn't have any effect.  Do you notice an effect when you change it?

>From: "Gary Fritz" <fritz@xxxxxxxx>
>that's very odd.  I don't like TS2k's timezone definition; it 
>only lets you chart in "local" or "exchange" time.  "Exchange" 
>time is bad if you want to do something like Mark Brown's Oddball 
>system, which uses symbols from CST (SP) and EST (ADV).  "Local" 
>is bad if you don't want to use your local time, like if you want 
>to see everything in EST and you're in PST.  TS4 let you specify 
>the offset from GMT, but TS2k doesn't let you do that.
>But if your PC ("local" time) is on PDT, and you're charting 
>exchanges in CDT or EDT, I have no idea why you would be charting 
>in MDT.

It's one hour off, so maybe it has to do with daylight savings?

>Does this happen on all exchanges, or just one?  How have you set 
>up the chart, to Local or Exchange time?  What timezone is the 
>exchange in?

I only use one exchange, displaying ES data (that's all I have data
for).  The exchange seems to be in Central time, two hours from me.

>Try editing the exchange data (GS, Tools -> Edit Exchange List -> 
>Edit the exchange -> Edit Daylight Savings) and see if the 
>exchange's DST info is set up right.

Now THAT did something.  Chicago Mercantile Exchange was set to -360
minutes.  I set it to -420 and that changed my chart by an hour in
the wrong direction.  Setting it to -300 changed it to the correct


>Also verify that TS's GMT display (lower right corner) is right.

I can use File / Desktop options to put any offset I want in it,
and all that happens is the GMT display changes, but not the chart.
Right now it just says "2:58 (GMT)" which is correct for GMT.
