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Strange formatting on posts

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It seems we're gaining an understanding about these strange message
formats people are seeing.  What I think is happening is that when
someone posts to the list, they get a rogue copy of their post
reflected from another recipient, another list subscriber, when
that subscriber receives it from the list server.  The rogue copy
is apparently sent to the name in the email's "From:" line, which
explains why it only goes to the author of the post.  The poster
should be getting two copies, one normal copy straight from the
list server, and the second, rogue copy with some nonsense in
the Subject: line, and generally that same nonsense as an extra
first line of the email body.

Of course, the poster shouldn't be getting that rogue copy at all,
but someone seems to have a misconfigured mail server, and that's
what we need to track down.

I need help tracking this problem.  On every email, there are
header lines that you don't normally see, but they're there
nontheless.  These are often called "full headers" or something
like that.  In particular, I need the header lines that start
with "Received:" and that show the routing of the email.

If you post to the list, and get one of these strange copies
of your post back, I'd really appreciate it if you could forward
the full header, with those Received: lines, to me.  Best to send
them directly to me: jimo@xxxxxxxxxx, to ensure that they don't
confuse the list server at omega-list-request.

If any of you that have already suffered this problem can get
me those full headers that would also help.

