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Re: A joke & TS alternatives

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At 5/19/2003 02:42 AM, you wrote:


Could you explain what exactly the "very high end scaling feature" is
and what it does?


Volker Knapp
Wealth-Lab Inc.

I would rather not at this time. Discussion of this level of detail about 
PowerST currently still requires nondisclosure agreement, including not 
discussing features with vendors of other software packages. Since I 
believe you are associated with another software package.... :-)

Volker, you may not want to push this one. The last software this customer 
tried the scaling with before inquiring about PowerST was Wealthlab, and my 
understanding is that he was not able to succeed in the testing he wanted 
using Wealthlab. And it wasn't just this scaling feature. There were other 
portfolio level features that Wealthlab was lacking, and I believe at least 
one other feature not related to portfolio money management.

Now, this is all second hand. I have never looked at WealthLab myself, and 
I really didn't question this person in great detail about his Wealthlab 
experience. I was more interested in understanding what he needed and 
solving his needs in PowerST.

I just glanced back to the earliest emails with this person, and this was 
his first email after viewing the full PowerST product description:

Wow... I am awestruck.

The only thing I can say is that if multiple entries/pyramiding were
already available someone would need to pinch me to let me know I'm not

By the way, to the other post that asked what I mean by "scaling". The 
above quote explains. I am talking about adding additional contracts or 
shares to an existing trade. In other words, as he says above, multiple 
entries / pyramiding. Furthermore, when you are using a money management 
position sizing strategy to determine the position size of the original 
trade, the logical extension is the ability to also use the position sizing 
strategy to determine the position size of the scale ups. So, it isn't just 
buy one contract then buy a another contract. It is buy what you can afford 
to risk given the constraints of the money management strategy. Then buy 
more contracts later in the trade if your initial risk has declined so that 
you can now afford more contracts and still be within the constraints of 
the money management strategy. There is more to what we are doing than 
this, but this is the basis of what I am talking about with the high end 
scaling strategy.

My previous post was just an update. It was not a product announcement. But 
I like to flap my jaws once in a while just like everyone else on the list, 
and I was responding to a mention of my product. The article I was replying 
to seemed to be indirectly expressing interest in what was happening with 
PowerST, so I responded.

As it says on the http://www.powertesting.com web site, if someone has an 
interest in possibly becoming an early adopter of PowerST, they can email 
me privately. I am not able to take on large quantities of new customers 
right now because features are still being filled in and I have this 
commitment to add this scaling feature for someone who already made a 
financial deposit.

If anyone wants to talk further, I am always happy to chat via private 
email with anyone who might want to become a customer given the current 
status as described on the PowerST web site.

Bob Bolotin
President, RDB Computing, Inc.
Developer of "PowerST: The Power System Tester"