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Re: off topic: backup software

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I would prefer/recommand a RAID-system.

With an additionl PCI-card to wghich you connect two harddisk, you'll have you 
harddisk mirrored and if one HD crashes the card (and your pc) is just 
running normal on the other HD.

Now you have time to purchase a new HD, replace the crashed one and the 
RAID-card will mirror everything to the new one. Now - again - you pc is 
running on 2 HD as if they were one.

Please have a cloeser look at for example:
General Information

Some FAQ:

c't (www.heise.de) is one of the best computer magazine's of Germany. They had 
an arrtikle about RAID in their no. 1 of 2003.

There they checked some PCI cards. A recommanadtion for a good card (fast) at 
a cheap price (Euro 32.-) were the Speedway133 of Z-Cyber (www.z-cyber.net).

This card can do RAID 0 (fast) and RAID 1 (save) and RAID 10 (a combination of 
RAID 1 +0, but you need more than 2 harddrive).

This card is working under Win98 and under WinXP (for later update).

Other good cards are:
RocketRaid 133 (www.highpoint-tech.com) Euro 49.-
orFasttrack100tx2 (www.promise.com) Euro 99.-

On Saturday 17 May 2003 22:45, Brad Rylander wrote:
> On Sat, 17 May 2003 0:38:19 -0400, gh9000@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >I use Ghost to make a giant image backup of my hardrive.  I am
> >looking for a backup program that...
> If you want to dedicate a drive for a bootable clone of your working
> drive, try Casper... http://www.fssdev.com/products/casperxp/
> The name is unfortunate but it does what Ghost claims to do, it
> creates a bootable copy of your working drive without Symantec's
> restrictions and bugs.  On my modestly quick box it copies a bit over
> a gig a minute.  For the first time in my life I'm able to keep a
> useful backup, including the detestable registry.  Disk crash?  Hit
> the big red button, flip a switch in the BIOS and you're up and
> running.  Casper is for W2K and XP.  They have another program for
> the DOS based systems that I haven't tried but Casper is utterly
> perfect and at $35, the price is right.
> Have fun.