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Re: off topic: backup software

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On Sat, 17 May 2003 0:38:19 -0400, gh9000@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>I use Ghost to make a giant image backup of my hardrive.  I am
>looking for a backup program that...

If you want to dedicate a drive for a bootable clone of your working 
drive, try Casper... http://www.fssdev.com/products/casperxp/

The name is unfortunate but it does what Ghost claims to do, it 
creates a bootable copy of your working drive without Symantec's 
restrictions and bugs.  On my modestly quick box it copies a bit over 
a gig a minute.  For the first time in my life I'm able to keep a 
useful backup, including the detestable registry.  Disk crash?  Hit 
the big red button, flip a switch in the BIOS and you're up and 
running.  Casper is for W2K and XP.  They have another program for 
the DOS based systems that I haven't tried but Casper is utterly 
perfect and at $35, the price is right.

Have fun.
