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Re: TS2k eating CPU

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Hello Gary,

The only thing you can do, short of re-writing TS2k's insulting cpu-hosing code,
is to get yourself a dual processor system.  Luckily, for some
reason, TS2k is unable to hog more than 50% of each processor,
allowing you to access/run other programs on your Windows 2000 system.

I think this single issue is the cause of many unexpected application errors that
frequently occurred with TS2k under Windows 98 and NT.  However, Windows 2000/xp are quite stable
when an application selfishly slams the processor against the wall.
But while the system stays intact, the computer, no matter how powerful it
is, can't do much else until TS lets go of the processor.

Someone should do a task manager comparison between TS2000,TS6-7 on
their single-processor system.  If the guys at TRAD still haven't yet
resolved this basic programming etiquette, then they're all still a bunch of boneheads.

Thursday, April 24, 2003, 11:39:30 AM, you wrote:

GF> I have a dedicated system to run TS2k on my realtime data feed.  
GF> It's not all that fast, but I don't care; it's fast enough to run 
GF> the charts & systems.

GF> I have another system that I use for everything else:  email, web 
GF> browsers, spreadsheets, editors -- and my "research" TS2k.  This 
GF> is where I do my system testing & development.

GF> I'm running Win2k Pro.  Apparently it's not great at allocating 
GF> CPU resources.  If I kick off a long optimization in TS, other 
GF> applications can become slow or totally unavailable.  Sometimes 
GF> the whole system will come grinding to a halt, so that I can't 
GF> even click on the Start button or switch to other processes, 
GF> while TS merrily cranks away.  Once the optimization finishes, 
GF> everything wakes up.

GF> The ts32.exe process is the one eating up all the CPU.  I've 
GF> tried lowering the priority on that process, which helps, but it 
GF> can still get locked up.  This morning, after lowering ts32.exe's 
GF> priority, everything locked up again.  Fortunately I already had 
GF> the Task Manager running, so I set ts32's priority to "Low" (the 
GF> lowest setting) and the priority on explorer.exe, IEXPLORE.EXE, 
GF> and a few others to "High."  It was still locked up until I gave 
GF> up and went to lunch; by the time I came back it had loosened up 
GF> and I was able to run other apps.

GF> This seems pretty klunky.  You would think Win2k could do a 
GF> better job of scheduling processes.  Has anyone come up with a 
GF> good solution for it?

GF> (This is the main reason I would consider getting a dual-CPU 
GF> system, BTW -- let TS eat one CPU, and leave the other one for 
GF> me!)

GF> Gary