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Re: TS2k eating CPU

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I see the same thing.  I have 512 RAM and dual 850 processors.  I
would add another 512 RAM but my memory is ECC Registered high dollar
stuff so for the $450 it would cost for RAM I think I will buy another
computer.  My machine doesn't lock often but I don't optimize a system
with a couple of triple Xaverages in it right when the market opens
either.  I don't open 90 days of tick data at the open either.  If you
have a gig or more of RAM you can turn off the paging and solve this
problem, I understand, but I figure it will just come back when the
market doubles in size again.  I think I will just get a very fast
processor and at least a gig of fast RAM to run TS2ki.  I would try
running TS2ki on just one processor but I recently I saw both
processors peaked at 100% for the first time ever.  Lots of fellows
say TS2ki and Windows doesn't really use both processors but something
has been for the last four years.  Maybe I will get two machines and
run the GS on one and charting on the other and the internet etc. on
the old machine.


Thursday, April 24, 2003, 1:39:30 PM, you wrote:

GF> I have a dedicated system to run TS2k on my realtime data feed.  
GF> It's not all that fast, but I don't care; it's fast enough to run 
GF> the charts & systems.

GF> I have another system that I use for everything else:  email, web 
GF> browsers, spreadsheets, editors -- and my "research" TS2k.  This 
GF> is where I do my system testing & development.

GF> I'm running Win2k Pro.  Apparently it's not great at allocating 
GF> CPU resources.  If I kick off a long optimization in TS, other 
GF> applications can become slow or totally unavailable.  Sometimes 
GF> the whole system will come grinding to a halt, so that I can't 
GF> even click on the Start button or switch to other processes, 
GF> while TS merrily cranks away.  Once the optimization finishes, 
GF> everything wakes up.

GF> The ts32.exe process is the one eating up all the CPU.  I've 
GF> tried lowering the priority on that process, which helps, but it 
GF> can still get locked up.  This morning, after lowering ts32.exe's 
GF> priority, everything locked up again.  Fortunately I already had 
GF> the Task Manager running, so I set ts32's priority to "Low" (the 
GF> lowest setting) and the priority on explorer.exe, IEXPLORE.EXE, 
GF> and a few others to "High."  It was still locked up until I gave 
GF> up and went to lunch; by the time I came back it had loosened up 
GF> and I was able to run other apps.

GF> This seems pretty klunky.  You would think Win2k could do a 
GF> better job of scheduling processes.  Has anyone come up with a 
GF> good solution for it?

GF> (This is the main reason I would consider getting a dual-CPU 
GF> system, BTW -- let TS eat one CPU, and leave the other one for 
GF> me!)

GF> Gary

Best regards,
  Jimmy Snowden                          mailto:@aledobb.com