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Re: Faking a Limit Order on Current Bar

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>Alex wrote:
>> I thought there was this "update every tick" feature in TS, 

Gary wrote:
>There is.  But it works for INDICATORS, not for systems.

Ah.  OK.

.[regarding using tick charts and maintaining internal data for interval

>It's not that bad.  It's a lot easier with the functions 
>available in TS2k and later -- e.g. you don't have to do your own 
>StdDev calculation.  You can just store data points (1-minute 
>closes or whatever) in an array and call the array-based SD 
>functions.  Averages are simple.  You're an experienced 
>programmer, so you'd have no problem with the arrays &etc.

Yes, I can do it.  I just wanted to avoid it.

One other thing I can do, since one of the indicators I'm using for
a trade/no-trade filter is pretty smooth, is to predict what that
indicator will be on the next bar, and if the prediction has an
acceptable value, place a limit order.  Any false entries will be
"nearly correct" because the indicator will be nearly what I predict
in all cases.  There may still be some missed trades, but not as
many as before.

>Wait.  You're saying that for e.g. minute 10:12, you're looking 
>at the High and Low of the 10:12 bar to determine the limit 
>orders in effect for that same 10:12 bar??

No.  For the minute of 10:12, say I'm looking for a sell signal.
I'm waiting for the price to be above a certain level (it may
already be above this level before the bar opens, in which case a
limit order was placed previously and there's no problem).  If,
within the bar, the price does exceed this level, then I place a
limit order to sell at a certain other level, which might be higher
or lower.  If lower, then it's just a market order to sell at the
current price.  If higher, then it's a limit order, which should be
good for the current minute and the next.

>That seems very unstable.  The H/L of your "virtual" 1min bar can 
>change continuously until the close of the bar.  Do you expect 
>your limit order prices to change continuously throughout the 

No.  I'm not using the high or low of the bar, just whatever the
current price is during that minute.

The problem arises this way:  I have calculations that identify
sequences of bars valid for a trade.  I have an indicator that
invalidates an otherwise valid bar if the indicator is too small.  I
have another indicator that determines the limit order price.  Now,
if the FIRST valid trading bar in a sequence hits the limit price,
the order won't get filled until the next bar.  It's not a problem
if subsequent valid bars hit the limit price, because limit orders
would have been placed previously.

>If so, then doing it on a 1tick chart is about the only way you 
>COULD do it.  You'd be recalculating your limit orders on every 
>tick that made a new H or L within the bar.  I'd be fairly 
>surprised if something like that really worked and was robust, 
>but I've been surprised before.

Like I said, I want to avoid it.  I'll try it with projecting
indicator values into the future, first.

.[about resolution]
>Obviously that can slow things down.  A lot, in some cases.  E.g. 
>if you run a system on daily bars, but tell it to execute stops 
>at tick resolution, you're doing a LOT more work.  Chances are TS 
>didn't actually hang, but just hung up in a veerrry long 

Well, the Task Manager did say "program is not responding."

Thanks.  Your reply, and me composing a reply back, helped me get my
thoughts in order.

  ,|___    Alex Matulich -- alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 // +__>   Director of Research and Development
 //  \ 
 // __)    Unicorn Research Corporation -- http://unicorn.us.com