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Data Feeds

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Hello All,

I can declare that I now the absolute fastest data feed in the world
for TS. I have a custom Global sub Server that is hooked up directly
to the exchanges. Yes each exchange feeds my TS directly. No not a
data vendor feeding TS - The exchanges themselves feeding each of
their symbols directly into TS.

I will compliment IB who serves as a proxy data vendor for allowing
the data they collect to be hooked into other applications.  However
they like a data vendor are standing between you and the exchanges.

Many think as I did also that it's the Internet which has latency - it
does very, very little. It's the data vendors themselves who are
buffering the data and so on - It's not an Internet problem it's a
data vendor problem.

The other thing is I am directly configured to the exchanges via fixed
IP unlike eSignal and other net data vendors.

eSignal wishes you to use CM*.esignal.Com as the address yet that
request has to go thru a dns server which adds even more to the
latency of their feed. I will give you a pointer here, configure to go
direct by pointing to one of the servers direct like

Still even with this they are slow, they have to parse and culminate
all the data from different exchanges and sen it to you.  Even
satellite can not possibly compete with a good net connection. I
recently moved to into a neighborhood which has fiber optic to the
curb just because I take my trading that seriously.

I am not saying you can make money with slow feeds nor am I an
advocate of everyone doing what I have done. I have reasons I won't go
into right now for all this. But if you talk about fast feed net can
not be beat. Do this - check the route times of my newly located
server on the 15 floor of the CME building. It should return about 40
ms time if you have a good net connection. My trip time from here is
20 ms. is the router address, no there is nothing
there to see with a web browser, this address is to be used with
software like VisualRoute or PingPlotter etc.

So 40 ms between me and the exchange data - what beats that?  I tell
you 5 ms to my machines in the CME building.  It takes that 35 ms to
get to Texas.  TradeStation securities nor IB or anyone I know of can
match real direct exchange data to TS.

Best regards,
 Mark                            mailto:markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx