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Re: Data Feeds

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I get about 80 ms with my cable connection to your
using ping plotter. It seems to slow down when it gets outside my cable
company onto sprintlink.net which I assume is a sprint backbone. I am very
interested to hear if you have done any comparisions with say esignal and
your direct method such that you can let us know what kind of delay we are

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Brown" <markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 1:52 PM
Subject: Data Feeds

> Hello All,
> I can declare that I now the absolute fastest data feed in the world
> for TS. I have a custom Global sub Server that is hooked up directly
> to the exchanges. Yes each exchange feeds my TS directly. No not a
> data vendor feeding TS - The exchanges themselves feeding each of
> their symbols directly into TS.
> I will compliment IB who serves as a proxy data vendor for allowing
> the data they collect to be hooked into other applications.  However
> they like a data vendor are standing between you and the exchanges.
> Many think as I did also that it's the Internet which has latency - it
> does very, very little. It's the data vendors themselves who are
> buffering the data and so on - It's not an Internet problem it's a
> data vendor problem.
> The other thing is I am directly configured to the exchanges via fixed
> IP unlike eSignal and other net data vendors.
> eSignal wishes you to use CM*.esignal.Com as the address yet that
> request has to go thru a dns server which adds even more to the
> latency of their feed. I will give you a pointer here, configure to go
> direct by pointing to one of the servers direct like
> Still even with this they are slow, they have to parse and culminate
> all the data from different exchanges and sen it to you.  Even
> satellite can not possibly compete with a good net connection. I
> recently moved to into a neighborhood which has fiber optic to the
> curb just because I take my trading that seriously.
> I am not saying you can make money with slow feeds nor am I an
> advocate of everyone doing what I have done. I have reasons I won't go
> into right now for all this. But if you talk about fast feed net can
> not be beat. Do this - check the route times of my newly located
> server on the 15 floor of the CME building. It should return about 40
> ms time if you have a good net connection. My trip time from here is
> 20 ms. is the router address, no there is nothing
> there to see with a web browser, this address is to be used with
> software like VisualRoute or PingPlotter etc.
> So 40 ms between me and the exchange data - what beats that?  I tell
> you 5 ms to my machines in the CME building.  It takes that 35 ms to
> get to Texas.  TradeStation securities nor IB or anyone I know of can
> match real direct exchange data to TS.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Mark                            mailto:markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx