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Re: Re[2]: Off-Topic: Netscape Question

PureBytes Links

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>Not likely. Defeating these new 'features' is becoming more difficult.
>if you are a 'techie', try Proxomitron (free) at:
>http://proxomitron.cjb.net/  It's probably the best tool to deal with
>the new complexities.

And if you're not a techie, try WebWasher (also free) at

It disables pop-ups, filters ads, filters known 'bad' cookies, filters
web bugs, disables certain nasty javascripts, and everything's quite

 ,|___    Alex Matulich -- alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// +__>   Director of Research and Development
//  \ 
//___)    Unicorn Research Corporation -- http://unicorn.us.com