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Re: Re: Looking for retail day traders...

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Why dont you tell us who your firm is and ill think about it after i 
have done a little checking ...

Its ProTrader I assume?

Last time I was in their LA office I needed a week to get over the 
"smell of fear" in there. I saw ONE guy making money and he was 
so crazy and screaming I couldnt think straight.

The Office in Texas is much better i hear, but the guys who 
"manage" the traders are a little hard edged and dont have much 
time for taking care of traders, allthough the trader support is 
supposed to be good.

I also heard that they do not let you trade any leveraged account 
for a long time. First you trade securities. You seen where they are 
at these days? I trade SP. I dont want to trade securities right now 

Why dont you e-mail ME your trading record or an Accountant 
statement.  if it checks out Ill get in touch.

The other thing you are missing is that trading with other peoples 
money is very different psychologically.  I personally know directors 
at major firms that can make big money on the house account but 
cant cut it when it comes to trading their own money. I hear this 

When you finally branch out and trade your own money, you're 
gonna find out about this very big difference. Do you want to do that 
now or when you're 60?

As for all the pissing and moaning, you aint heard nothin! 
Get a thicker skin and just be glad you dont work for omega 
he he  :)

On 19 Jul 2001, at 17:57, Sethw2@xxxxxxx wrote:

> First, let me say that I am sorry for my post...Apparently I pissed off a lot of people, which was not my intention. John Sweeny was looking for "retail stock day traders." I was trying to find the same thing a few weeks ago and found none. There was one or two futures traders that wanted to 
work out of their home, but other than that there was mostly beginners.
> I had no idea I could piss off so many people trying to do a good deed. I let the Omega-list people know there was a firm I work for, which I like working for, which has trading capital available. Apparently, that is some kind of criminal act. I have never seen so much whining and sarcasm in my 
> A lot of the private and public gripes I received I feel need a response...
> Q: One thing I heard a lot of was "If you are so successful, why do you need outside capital, blah, blah, blah."
> A: I personally would not want to risk my own capital if someone is willing to put it up for me. If I want to buy 1000 XYZ personally, I can buy 2000 at the firm and not worry about a coup in Russia, earthquake in LA, or terrorist in NY or whatever horrible scenario that could ruin your day, 
week, month etc. Once I get paid out, it is mine. It goes into fixed income, and I start over with a zero P&L and grind out another profit, but if something horrible happens, I am not on the hook.
> ------
> Q: "Why work for someone else. Working for someone else is terrible, blah, blah, blah..."
> A: At my firm, the experienced traders are given a pretty free reign(sp?) to trade the way they t
rade without interference. My firm supplies me capital, a great office, quote machines, phones, & s
ecretary. I just come in and do my thing. If I don't want to work, I don't have to. I completely ma
ke my own hours and can take off days, weeks, months, whatever. If I want to go to NY or CA or FL o
r wherever there is an office, they will set it up. I think it is a great thing.
> Q: "I don't want to commute. I want to trade out of my home, blah, blah, blah..."
> A: I don't think it personally good for me. I sit around in a bathrobe, shower after lunch, and a
m generally not so productive. Some people have very good reasons they can't go to an office, but i
n general, it is just lazy not to go to an office if it will give you access to more capital & a be
tter chance to make money.
> Q: "Are you for real? I think you are full of shit. Have God give me a reference, blah, blah, bla
> A: Yes, I am for real.  I am an institutional trader. I have been trading 7+ years without a losi
ng year. Before that I was a clerk on the PHLX options exchange for three. Traded for a hedge fund,
 a large investement bank which was bought out by Goldman Sachs last year, and finally for this fin
e broker dealer I currently work for. My firm is for real. They provide plenty of capital.
> -----
> I am simply a trader letting others know about an opportunity. If you guys want to bitch about it
 have fun. There are some very bright and helpful people on this list, and I thought showing them a
 source of capital was doing them a favor. The rest of you whining wannabe's can piss and moan all 
you want, and I will continue taking money from you on a weekly basis.
> Finally, I make a living trading options and futures & if I had to day trade equities for a livin
g, I would be living in a cardboard box by the side of the road. That is why I responded to Sweeny'
s post looking for stock guys. My firm is mostly momentum stock guys (who I would guess are getting
 toasted lately) but there is a small percentage of experienced guys who trade options and futures.

> Good luck trading,
> Seth
> P.S. If there are any experienced traders still interested, my firm is always looking...Just e-ma
il me and I will put you in touch with one of the managers.
> P.P.S. The rest of you stop whining so much. You sound like my wife.
