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Re: Re: Looking for retail day traders...

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H'mm, as a Brit I would find another way of saying gonads.

I 've been  trading for more years than I care to admit. Some as a member of
the management team of a v. large commodity trader and now trade happily on
my own account. In fact there are very few things I would rather do. Like
others on this list I'm still learning. Presumably, because I quite like
Tradestion and get a lot out of the Omega list I'm still a beginner -
correct? I learn a lot from other guys views of writing systems, other
options etc I certainly don't agree with 'em all.

I have found a number of new contacts who act as a mutual support. I'm
anxious to know if there is a list where wannabees like me move on to.

I should say I havn't found it yet.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Neal Hughes" <neal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <Sethw2@xxxxxxx>; <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Looking for retail day traders...

> Seth,
> You are searching in the wrong place..
> This list is primarily frequented by beginners. This is partly because
> TradeStation marketing is targeted to beginners.
> I've seen many experienced and successful traders abandon the
> list due to negative posts (criticism) from traders who have so
> much to learn.
> Most successful traders either have enough of their own capital, or are
> already trading someone else's money. So the best way to
> find other traders like you would be to go to the other firms where
> those traders work.
> Success for me is partly defined by not joining the rat-race in
> rush-hour every day, and not being responsible to someone else
> for my performance. I gave up going to work every day many
> years ago.
> It's bad enough having to support the welfare system through
> taxes. I wouldn't enjoy sharing my profits with a boss.
> Thanks for the info,
> -Neal.
> At 05:57 PM 7/19/2001 -0400, Sethw2@xxxxxxx wrote:
> >First, let me say that I am sorry for my post...Apparently I pissed off a

> >lot of people, which was not my intention. John Sweeny was looking for
> >"retail stock day traders." I was trying to find the same thing a few
> >weeks ago and found none. There was one or two futures traders that
> >to work out of their home, but other than that there was mostly
> >
> >I had no idea I could piss off so many people trying to do a good deed. I
> >let the Omega-list people know there was a firm I work for, which I like
> >working for, which has trading capital available. Apparently, that is
> >kind of criminal act. I have never seen so much whining and sarcasm in my
> >
> >A lot of the private and public gripes I received I feel need a
> >
> >Q: One thing I heard a lot of was "If you are so successful, why do you
> >need outside capital, blah, blah, blah."
> >
> >A: I personally would not want to risk my own capital if someone is
> >willing to put it up for me. If I want to buy 1000 XYZ personally, I can
> >buy 2000 at the firm and not worry about a coup in Russia, earthquake in
> >LA, or terrorist in NY or whatever horrible scenario that could ruin your
> >day, week, month etc. Once I get paid out, it is mine. It goes into fixed
> >income, and I start over with a zero P&L and grind out another profit,
> >if something horrible happens, I am not on the hook.
> >
> >------
> >
> >Q: "Why work for someone else. Working for someone else is terrible,
> >blah, blah..."
> >
> >A: At my firm, the experienced traders are given a pretty free reign(sp?)
> >to trade the way they trade without interference. My firm supplies me
> >capital, a great office, quote machines, phones, & secretary. I just come
> >in and do my thing. If I don't want to work, I don't have to. I
> >make my own hours and can take off days, weeks, months, whatever. If I
> >want to go to NY or CA or FL or wherever there is an office, they will
> >it up. I think it is a great thing.
> >
> >Q: "I don't want to commute. I want to trade out of my home, blah, blah,
> >blah..."
> >
> >A: I don't think it personally good for me. I sit around in a bathrobe,
> >shower after lunch, and am generally not so productive. Some people have
> >very good reasons they can't go to an office, but in general, it is just
> >lazy not to go to an office if it will give you access to more capital &
> >better chance to make money.
> >
> >Q: "Are you for real? I think you are full of shit. Have God give me a
> >reference, blah, blah, blah."
> >
> >A: Yes, I am for real.  I am an institutional trader. I have been trading
> >7+ years without a losing year. Before that I was a clerk on the PHLX
> >options exchange for three. Traded for a hedge fund, a large investement
> >bank which was bought out by Goldman Sachs last year, and finally for
> >fine broker dealer I currently work for. My firm is for real. They
> >plenty of capital.
> >
> >-----
> >
> >I am simply a trader letting others know about an opportunity. If you
> >want to bitch about it have fun. There are some very bright and helpful
> >people on this list, and I thought showing them a source of capital was
> >doing them a favor. The rest of you whining wannabe's can piss and moan
> >all you want, and I will continue taking money from you on a weekly
> >
> >Finally, I make a living trading options and futures & if I had to day
> >trade equities for a living, I would be living in a cardboard box by the
> >side of the road. That is why I responded to Sweeny's post looking for
> >stock guys. My firm is mostly momentum stock guys (who I would guess are
> >getting toasted lately) but there is a small percentage of experienced
> >guys who trade options and futures.
> >
> >
> >Good luck trading,
> >
> >Seth
> >
> >P.S. If there are any experienced traders still interested, my firm is
> >always looking...Just e-mail me and I will put you in touch with one of
> >the managers.
> >
> >P.P.S. The rest of you stop whining so much. You sound like my wife.